I've noticed that there's seems to be this unwritten convention that when posting a file to a server to call the file in the request "qqfile". Googling away I can't seem to find any explination as to why "qqfile" was chosen.
Is there some reason rooted in history as to why this name is used?
Because one of the popular AJAX file uploading components uses the namespace qq and parameter qqfile. Prefixing file with the namespace was probably to avoid clashes with other parameters in a form. I don't know why author prefered qq as the namespace for his component though, because it resembles neither file upload nor his website, valums.com. He could have wanted something that is short like $ that doesn't conflict with existing popular libraries.
The DocUtils include directive allows the inclusion of arbitrary text into an RST document. The problem is that the implementation restricts the specified files to be in the same document as is the location of the included file. This makes the use of includes for external files that may be used in many documents difficult. The standard DocUtils solution is to use something called Standard Definition Files. Unfortunately, these require anyone using this facility to have the DocUtils source code involved which will affect every end-user who needs this facility. Needing source code is not an acceptable solution for people who are not programmers and are only trying to use Docutils, possibly in an environment such as Sphinx. Is there any other work-around for this situation?
Use literalinclude directive using .. to navigate up and around the filesystem. For example:
.. literalinclude:: ../../external-to-project-directory/src/somefile.py
Will include somefile.py as literal code into your documentation.
If you want to parse the code as rst, then use include instead.
Is there a way to tell the sbt-onejar SBT plugin to produce a JAR in such way that the .class files of my project are in "expanded" form and not under lib/myproject.jar?
Alternatively, is it possible to tell sbt-onejar to produce a JAR that, when it's loaded, it actually unpacks/expands the nested JARs into a temporary folder and loads them from there, so that things like getResource(...) return paths to physical files as opposed to jar:file:... URLs?
Alternativel, I'd also happy with any vanilla OneJar solutions that help me produce a fat JAR wherein my own .class files would be directly under the fat JAR as opposed to under lib/myproject.jar.
I'm asking because Jetty does not seem to be able to load JSP files from inside of nested JAR files. There does seem to be a workaround by using a custom resource loader (see http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/jetty-users/msg01174.html for a report of the same problem and the workaround) but I don't seem to be able to get my servlets to actually use the overridden getResource method provided in the workaround.
After having read sbt-onejar's source code:
packageOptions in oneJar ++=
new java.util.jar.Attributes.Name("One-Jar-Expand") -> "some-file.txt"))
However, I've realized using OneJar with Jetty is quite a problematic beast due to how Jetty loads JSP files—doesn't seem to work with nested JARs—so I'm looking into alternatives now.
EDIT: I've found https://github.com/xerial/sbt-pack and it seems to achieve the same effect as OneJar with the difference of being standard and thus free of problems, much faster, more customizable, and allows defining of convenient custom program entry points.
i have this tree structure:
where the applications are using some modules.
now, I'd like to put some resources inside a module (like a very colorfull icons inside a widget used by several applications) but.. something gets wrong.
inside the module CMakeLists.txt if I use only:
qt4_add_resources (${MODULE_NAME}_RHEADERS ${${MODULE_NAME}_RCS})
no qrc_colors.cxx are created anywhere. so I've tried to add:
but.. I get this weird error:
CMake Error at repo/modules/ColorModule/CMakeLists.txt:51 (ADD_EXECUTABLE):
add_executable cannot create target "ColorModule" because another
target with the same name already exists. The existing target is a static
library created in source directory
"repo/modules/ColorModule". See documentation for
policy CMP0002 for more details.
(I've changed the path of the error of course)
so.. don't know what to think because i'm new both to cmake and qt..
what can i try?
if I add the ${MODULE_NAME}_RHEADERS and ${MODULE_NAME}_RCS in the add_library command the qrc_colors.cxx is created BUT it is in repository/modules/module1/built and not copied in the application built directory...
There is at least two errors in your code.
1) It is usually not necessary to use ${MODULE_NAME} everywhere like that, just "MODULE_NAME". You can see that the difference is the raw string vs. variable. It is usually recommended to avoid double variable value dereference if possible.
2) More importantly, you seem to be setting ${MODULE_NAME} in more than one executable place, which is "ColorModule" according to the error output. You should have individual executable names for different binaries.
Also, the resource file focus is a bit of red herring in here. There are several other issues with your project.
You can cmake files as CmakeLists.txt instead of CMakeLists.txt which inherently causes issues on case sensitive systes as my Linux box.
You use Findfoo.cmake, and find_package(foo) for that matter, rather than the usual FindFoo.cmake convention alongside find_package(Foo).
Your FindFoo.cmake is quite odd, and you should probably be rewritten.
Most importantly, you should use config files rather than find modules.
Documentation and examples can be found at these places:
When you would like use a find module, you need to have that at hand already. That will tell you what to look for, where things are, or if they are not anywhere where necessary. It is not something that you should write. You should just reuse existing ones for those projects that are not using cmake, and hence the find modules are added separately.
It is a bit like putting the treasure map just next to the treasure. Do you understand the irony? :) Once you find the map, you would automatically have the treasure as well. i.e. you would not look for it anymore.
I have a rather big library with a significant set of APIs that I need to expose. In fact, I'd like to expose the whole thing. There is a lot of namespacing going on, like:
Basically, what I would like to do is make sure that the user can access that whole namespace. I have had a whole bunch of trouble with this, and I'm totally new to closure, so I thought I'd ask for some input.
First, I need closurebuilder.py to send the full list of files to the closure compiler. This doesn't seem supported: --namespace Foo does not include Foo.Bar. --input only allows a single file, not a directory. Nor can I simply send my list of files to the closure compiler directly, because my code is also requiring things like "goog.assers", so I do need the resolver.
In fact, the only solution I can see is having a FooLibrary.ExposeAPI JS file that #require's everything. Surely that can't be right?
This is my main issue.
However, later the closure compiler, with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS on, will optimize all these names away. Now I can fix that by adding "#export" all over the place, which I am not happy about, but should work. I suppose it would also be valid to use an extern here. Or I could simply disable advanced optimizations.
What I can't do, apparently, is say "export FooLibrary.*". Wouldn't that make sense?
Finally, for working in source mode, I need to do goog.require() for every namespace I am using. This is merely an inconvenience, though I am mentioning because it sort of related to my trouble above. I would prefer to be able to do:
in order to pull all the child namespaces as well; thus, recreating with a single command the environment that I have when I am using the compiled version of my library.
I feel like I am possibly misunderstanding some things, or how Closure is supposed to be used. I'd be interested in looking at other Closure-based libraries to see how they solve this.
You are discovering that Closure-compiler is built more for the end consumer and not as much for the library author.
If you are exporting basically everything, then you would be better off with SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS. I would still highly encourage you to maintain compatibility of your library with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS so that users can compile the library source with their project.
First, I need closurebuilder.py to send the full list of files to the closure compiler. ...
In fact, the only solution I can see is having a FooLibrary.ExposeAPI JS file that #require's everything. Surely that can't be right?
You would need to specify an --root of your source folder and specify the namespaces of the leaf nodes of your file dependency tree. You may have better luck with the now deprecated CalcDeps.py script. I still use it for some projects.
What I can't do, apparently, is say "export FooLibrary.*". Wouldn't that make sense?
You can't do that because it only makes sense based on the final usage. You as the library writer wish to export everything, but perhaps a consumer of your library wishes to include the source (uncompiled) version and have more dead code elimination. Library authors are stuck in a kind of middle ground between SIMPLE and ADVANCED optimization levels.
What I have done for this case is maintain a separate exports file for my namespace that exports everything. When compiling a standalone version of my library for distribution, the exports file is included in the compilation. However I can still include the library source (without the exports) into a project and get full dead code elimination. The work/payoff balance of this though must be weighed against just using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS for the standalone library.
My GeolocationMarker library has an example of this strategy.
I have an application that is multilingual. I'm using the out-of-the-box .Net features for this. Each language has its own file in the App_GlobalResources (see iamge below)
In the code behind what is better?
GetGlobalResourceObject("LocalizedText", "ErrorOccured")
The 2nd one uses less code and it's type safe, it will return an error during compile time and not run time.
alt text http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/5562/langl.gif
These are the advantages of each approach:
Advantages of GetGlobalResourceObject (and GetLocalResourceObject):
You can specify a particular culture instead of using the CurrentCulture.
You can use a late-bound expression (i.e. a string) to decide which resource to load. This is useful if you can't know ahead of time which resource you will need to load.
It works with any resource provider type. For example, it works not only with the built-in default RESX-based provider but it'll work the same against a database-based provider.
Advantages of strongly-typed RESX types:
You get compile-time errors if you access a resource that doesn't exist.
You get Intellisense while working on the project.
So, as with many "which is best" questions, the answer is: It depends! Choose the one that has advantages that will benefit your particular scenarios the most.
So use the second one, if you know up-front what the resource file and key will be.
The GetGlobalResourceObject() method is useful if you don't know what the resource file or (more likely) the key will be at compile time.