Only one instance of a ScriptManager can be added to the page Dotnetnuke 6.2 Error - dotnetnuke-6

Hi all I am developing a portal in dotnetnuke 6.2. I am developing custom modules for the project.I am using ajax controls in ascx files for the module development.but when running the application it shows Only one instance of a ScriptManager can be added to the page error.But no where i am using script manager in the project.I searched the on the web.No exact solution is available.Your help is highly appreciated.

If you open the Default.aspx.cs page on the root of your DotNetNuke website you can see:
var scriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);
if (scriptManager == null)
scriptManager = new ScriptManager();
Page.Form.Controls.AddAt(0, scriptManager);
The ScriptManager is on the main page of DotNetNuke...


Use Ajax ToolKitScriptManager along with ScriptManager

I have a page test.aspx which is inheriting master page.The master page has script manager addeded to it.I am trying to add the rating control availabel in the ajax control toolkit.
So i need to add the line <Ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"/>
But since the script manager is already availabel in master page i cannot add this line to my test page.And if i dont add it will not function.
What should i do?
Is there difference between script manager and toolkitscriptmanager.
How to use both simultaneously?
You can replace the scriptManager in the master page with <Ajax:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"/> .This will certainly solve your problem.
First of all: if you use ASP.NET 3.5 and controls from AJAX Control Tookit then you must use the ToolkitScriptManager, rather than the ASP.NET ScriptManager. This limitation according to the fact that toolkit script manager adds updated Ajax scripts and without that most of the controls from Ajax Control toolkit library will not work.
If you using ASP.NET 4.0 (4.5) than you have choice to use ScriptManager or ToolkitScriptManager.
Basically the main feature of the ToolkitScriptManager is that it can combine js resource added to page using ScriptReference collection. These js files should be embedded to assembly and for this Assembly ScriptCombine assembly attribute should be added. The main problem here is that you can't control how scripts are combined and after you will try to combine your own scripts you can have a lot of problems (I had experience using this feature and as a result we rejected combining of our scripts using this approach).
The main point here is that currently standard script manager has ability to combine scripts using composite script collection.

site.Master file does not esist

Probably a silly question, being new to development, I am following tutorials and find references to a site.Master file in many of the tutorials I have come across. Is this something that is autogenerated or must I create this file myself? I have access to vs2010 and 2012 and I don't see a site.Master file in any of my projects that i have started. There is however a _layout.cshtml file. I only ask as in every tutorial that mentions this file, doe not mention creating it, just that the file exists.
Here is the deal.
You are probably reading tutorials about MVC or MVC 2 where the view engine is aspx and master pages still are used as a template.
Since MVC 3 a new engine is introduced: Razor. Also this _Layout.cshtml page takes the role of Site.master (master page). With Visual Studio 2010/2012 if you select an MVC project it defaults to Razor syntax and includes _Layout.cshtml as a Shared View.
You can still follow these 'old' tutorials, but mind this difference and act accordingly when recreating the steps.
It could be auto generated if the template you created your project from included a master file. Look in the Solution Explorer (If the solution Explorer isn't visible, hit View -> Solution Explorer) and see if you have a file in your site that ends in the extension ".Master". If not, right click your project in the Solution Explorer then click Add New Item. On the left select your language (Visual Basic or C#) then in the right select Master Page. Give it a name at the bottom such as site.Master. Then click Add. You'll have a master page.
After that, you'll probably want to hook up your other pages to use the new master page. But I'll leave that to your tutorials.
ASP.NET Master Pages:
site.master files are usually auto-generated for you when you make a new default ASP.NET website in Visual Studio. Depending on where are in your project, you may need to create one yourself, if Master Pages is the route you want to take. They aren't mandatory, they just make things easier IMO.
MVC has no concept of a masterpage, and site.Master doesn't exist. If you find a reference to site.Master on a tutorial you are using 'regular' ASP.NET (or, as I like to call it, if I'm trying to be polite 'old-fashioned' ASP.NET), not ASP.NET MVC
Yes , It is auto-generated when you create a new ASP Website Project in VS

force reload of aspx page from silverlight xaml

I've a Silverlight application that is called from a asp .net project. I have a link in the silverlight project that brings the user back to the project. I do not want this to happen in a new window.
At the moment, it returns me to the cached page. I want to force a reload of it.
Currently onclick event of the link invokes the following code:
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("http://ipaddress/menu.aspx"));
Any suggestions on how I could enforce menu.aspx to reload when called?
I found a solution..
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("http://ipaddress/menu.aspx?"));
This results in the page being reloaded....
Try using:
It should work if your .aspx target page you wish to reload is the current page.

View Engines for Web Matrix Web Pages

Microsoft has a new website editing tool: WebMatrix. WebMatrix uses the new Web Pages engine in which Razor is the view engine; Razor is also the new view engine for MVC3. I am attempting to find out if it is possible to register and use a different view engine in Web Pages (like you can in MVC).
Does anyone know if it is possible to add or replace the view engine in Web Pages? If so has anyone documented this? Examples?
I'm hoping to try this myself a bit later, but for now I'll just share my current thoughts:
In WebPages, Razor works by registering a BuildProvider with the ASP.NET build pipe for .cshtml and .vbhtml.
WebPages, in turn, registers the .cshtml .vbhtml extensions to its handler.
When a webPages page is requested, System.Web.WebPages.WebPageHttpHandler passes the path to the build pipe, where the extensions are matched with the registered Razor Provider, which renders the page and passes back a WebPage object, which handler passes to IIS and is served up.
You'll see all this if you use a reflection tool. Both of these are achieved in the PreApplicationStartCode.Start() of the corresponding assembly.
Razor hooking its build provider:
public static void Start()
if (!_startWasCalled)
_startWasCalled = true;
BuildProvider.RegisterBuildProvider(".cshtml", typeof(RazorBuildProvider));
BuildProvider.RegisterBuildProvider(".vbhtml", typeof(RazorBuildProvider));
WebPages hooking the WebPageHandler
public static void Start()
if (!_startWasCalled)
_startWasCalled = true;
PageParser.EnableLongStringsAsResources = false;
ScopeStorage.CurrentProvider = new AspNetRequestScopeStorageProvider();
To override we'd need to create and register a separate BuildProvider with the ASP.NET pipe to render our pages. System.Web.WebPages provides a WebPageHttpHandler.RegisterExtension() method which in theory you can hook a different BuildProvider to which will get the WebPage request instead of Razor.
Several blogs mention the RegisterExtension method, but there is also an open connect bug report showing it doesn't work 100%. It may be more appropriate to just override everything and hook our buildprovider to the pipe (not using the method).
Web.config provides a construct to register buildProviders, so I'll prob try that.
<add extension=".cshtml" type="CustomStuff.CustomBuildProvider"/>
The challenge is that most of the view engines out there use ViewEngines.Register(), a concept that webPages does not appear to have. So we'd have to wrap those view engines in a BuildProvider and/or create a BuildProvider that can successfully invoke IViewEngine
Again, just sharing my thinking. I'll try to register Spark or something later if I find some time.
You can't "register" view engines in Web Pages in the same way as MVC. You just mix and match file types. There's nothing to stop you adding .aspx files to your Web Pages site. Web Pages is much more akin to a Web Site project in VS.

Add web part to sharepoint page in aspx markup

I have an aspx page that get copied in the layouts directory of a Project Server instalation. The aspx is a web part page that has a web part zone. How can I add a web part in the markup of the page, within the web part zone?
You can use the SPLimitedWebPart manager to add an instance of a web part at runtime. I do this on our MySites to control adding, deleting and moving web parts that the organization requires. You can put the code in the aspx page.
SPFile thePage = currentWeb.RootFolder.Files["default.aspx"]
using (Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SPLimitedWebPartManager spLimitedWPManager = thePage.GetLimitedWebPartManager(System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.PersonalizationScope.Shared))
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("WebPartAssemblyName");
WebPart webPart = (WebPart)assembly.CreateInstance("WebPartClassName");
spLimitedWPManager.AddWebPart(webPart, ZoneId, ZoneIndex);
You may need to do something different to gain access to the Web Part Manager for your layouts page. After this you need to redirect back to the page to display the changes. You'll also want to store a bit value to ensure that you do not perform the action on each subsequent visit.
If you only need to do this once then I might recommend PowerShell instead.
Otherwise you can add the web part directly in MarkUp by registering the tag:
<%# Register TagPrefix="ABC" Namespace="Namespace" Assembly="Assembly" %>
and directly adding the web part,
<ABC:ClassName ID="ControlID" FrameType="None" runat="server" __WebPartId="YouWebPartGUID" WebPart="true" />
but we didn't do it inside of a web zone because we did not want to allow it to be removed so I do not know if it works in that scenario. This is easiest but doesn't allow for any customization and SharePoint doesn't really "know" about the web part.
You cannot have customizable Web Part pages in the layouts directory! This is only supported on Web Part pages stored in a document library or other folder in an SPWeb, i.e. ASPX files that you can get an SPFile reference to. Web Parts on ASPX pages in the layouts directory must be added as Web controls in the ASPX source.
