How to reduce the number of sprites when using css sprite technique - css

I notice that the file size of CSS sprite (.gif) keep growing over the period. That is because we keep adding new icons / sprites, and we never remove the existing sprites, because we are afraid of breaking existing design (offset recalculation or the sprites may be used somewhere that we overlooked).
I wonder how do we reduce the number of sprites? The image file size keep growing and growing.

You will have to do a manual check (do a search for the sprite name first, but once you have your results you will have to use pen and paper) to realise which images are being used. You can replace those ones for the new ones without touching the positions for the rest, but before doing that I would consider:
Changing your gif to png-24 or SVG, as they weight less and have WAY better quality, specially with transparency involved. SVGs are also scalable, great for retina display devices, although not supported by all browsers (meaning IE) and therefore need an alternative.
Using different sprites for different categories of images (for example, one for menu icons, another one for social icons, etc) so it's a bit easier to manage. You would be having two or three more server requests, not a real difference.

As from my experience, you have to do that one time clean up.
And then do things right !!!
Do OOCSS and use speaking names for specific sprite images.
I would recommend reading
After this, administrating the sprites will be muuuuch easier, but as I said, the one time effort is need.
Also, because GIF is not the format you want to use :-)


Picture sprites in css

I've read a lot about the benefits of using sprites in css for icons and logos, but this seems to be largely used for lossless formats such as gif and png. I'm wondering if the benefits are still there with jpegs and images? I want to build a header from a number of smaller pictures that may be displayed in different orders. Will combining them into a single jpg still have the speed benefits of the normal use cases for sprites?
It might depending how big those jpegs are. Usually images are combined to reduce http calls back to the server. If they are small in size then combine them, if not then leave them separate and call which ever ones you need.
The main benefit of using the sprites for multiple images is that it provides a smaller amount of header information being sent. Therefore having larger pictures inside of the sprite would have less of an overall impact on the whole project, there would be a small increase but the adaptability of the system is reduced using sprites. If the picture is going to be changed at any point i would keep it outside of the sprite.
You can reap the same benefits in terms of reduced round-trips, etc. but:
The level of compression is likely to suffer; JPEG is tuned to reduce the size of single images, and does poorly with abrupt transitions (as in a collage, which your meta-image would basically be)
For the same reason, it's possible that the edges of your sprite images will be less sharp than they are now, as they're being lossily compressed (and so slightly combined) along with adjacent image data.

CSS - Image sprites overusing

I have recently begun using image sprites and they are definately great for reducing http requests. Is there a point where it becomes bad practice?
Im thinking particularly where a lot of extra markup has to be added to support them. For example, using them for list bullet points, I have to add two or three extra spans to get everything alligned etc.
Theres also the annoying point that you cant use repeating images, so therfore there is always the toss up between one large image as part of sprite or a tiny 1 pixel image used for repeating downloaded on its own.
Im really looking for an opinion on the two situations outlined here + any other general considerations/guidelines for using sprites.
They can often cause performance issues on mobile devices. I'm not 100% certain why (never really dived into the problem), but I'm assuming it's because the mobile webkit is loading a new copy of a relatively large image into memory for every instance of it on the page. Since mobile devices often have very small amounts of RAM, it can quickly cause the page to slow down.
I've run into this issue before when having about 300 "icon" sprites on a page at one time, each pulling from a sprite image that contained about 50 different icons. Going back to "normal" methods of one icon per image (or 2-3 for hover states) solved performance issues on this particular page.
Also, many browsers (mobile and otherwise) will often not 100% respect the clipping of sprites when you slightly resize the page content (e.g. using "Zoom In/Out" on the browser itself). You'll often see little pieces of the sprite next to the one you want to use.
As for your bullet example, you shouldn't ever need more than one extra div/span. You would set a margin-left on the li and position your "bullet div" in the empty space it creates.
That being said, I use sprites all the time because they're convenient, just be aware of a few issues with them. Generally, I have sprites.png, sprites_h.png and sprites_v.png for horizontally and vertically repeating pieces.
Write two simple test pages, use sprites on one, and not on the other. Use a tool like to measure the performance in a few different browsers. Once you have data, you can make decisions.
I would divide sprites by related elements, like navigation and content-related sprites, so you can benefit from sprites and keep a logical order in your code. Don't forget that readable and understandable code should be a priority (particularly with CSS, it can get very messy) unless you're working on a Google-scale project.

Questions regarding CSS spritesheet (and somewhat about caching)

1) First, should I order the images in my spritesheet a certain way?(like biggest to smallest images, or images that appear at the top of the page to bottom of the page?)
2) Say I have a css spritesheet that contains before and after images. Like the image shows a cow, but when the image is hovered, it shows a cow with wings. Is it in my best interest to not use css spritesheet for that then? Does the css load all the pictures in my spritesheet at once?
3) Is a spritesheet better in terms of caching? Unrelated, but what does it take for a browser to cache something? I mean if it's only after a single page view, perhaps it's not worth it.
4) Lastly, I want to start a forum. I don't know anything about forums yet, but I plan to start one soon. I'm thinking of just having like a default set of 40 images that people can only choose from as their avatars. Should I even make a spritesheet for those images (if it's even possible)?
I know this is a lot of questions, so please answer any that you have knowledge of. Thanks!
A 'spritesheet' is just one large image. So...
1) Doesn't matter.
2) Again, it's just one image. If not all users will want to activate the 'after' feature, then you can save them some bandwidth my making the afters a separate sprite. If most people will want to use the after feature, then you can save them bandwidth by making it all one sprite. (Though note if we're talking really large images, there will be a practical limit to how much you want to stick into one sprite. No one is going to wait to download 1mb file, for instance).
3) Again, a sprite is just an image. It has the same caching pros/cons as any image.
4) 40 hits on the server is a lot compared to 1 sprite. So, based solely on that, a sprite would be useful. But if it's rare that you'll get more than 10 or so of those avatars on one page, then the sprite would be a detriment, as it's loading such a large file.
Just on the ordering of images, I have a sprite file for a site I’m working on that contains various browser logos with version numbers added to them. As such, there’s quite a lot of repetition in visual information in the file.
I was quite surprised to find that the direction of the repetition could have a big effect over the file size I could achieve for the image when saving as a PNG. When I had similar logos in columns, the file came out at about 120 KB; whilst when I arranged them as rows, it came out at 41 KB.
Once the project’s live I’ll post the actual images. It’s probably quite rare to have such similar images repeated in a sprite file; normally your images would be different, or you’d just use the same image repeatedly. (Indeed, I might end up refactoring my sprites so that the varying bits are in their own file.) But I hadn’t realised that such supposedly similar images could be encoded in two files of such varying sizes, purely based on the geometric arrangement of the elements in the image file.
1) Not sure, but I don't think it would matter much, if at all.
2) The best way to do this is with CSS image rollovers.
3) Spritesheets would be better for caching, since it's only a single image, instead of the web server having to connect, send an image, disconnect, send again, send another image, disconnect, etc...
4) I would just use single images. There's really no reason to use a spritesheet in that situation.

Sprite height limitation for CSS images?

I'm making a sprite and its reaching about 4000px in height. Is there a general size for maximum sprite height that is used within the graphics design community?
Browsers will have to decompress (and keep in memory) the whole image even if you only use very few sprites in it, and even if most of the image is blank/white.
For a desktop client you've only missed an occasion to be a good citizen by using too much memory (and browser are already sucking a lot of memory).
For some mobile client (eg. IPhone for files over 25k after degzipping), it can be more problematic, the image won't be cached at all, thus it may be better to have 2 files <25k and two HTTP request than one >25k file and a single request never cached.
Last problem, PNG compression is line-based, there is less overhead in having wide images than tall ones (though too wide could be theoretically bad in some case, since you can have only one prediction filter type per line).
Oh and also, with too much spriting, you may end with way too much different colors in the same image, and miss the opportunity for decent paletted image. Testing all combinations of this is tedious, but if you can, grouping your sprites by main colors of gradients is a good heuristic (since gradients/blur needs many different colors).
I don't think the focus should be on how big the sprite is physically (width x height) but rather how big the sprite file size is and ask yourself the question if it would be worth splitting the sprite into multiple sprites.
Quite often we split our sprites based on color so have sprites that are predominantly blue or red or yellow. That way we get smoother gradients and overall image quality while keeping image file sizes down

What's the idea behind image sprites, how to approach it?

How do you approach the use of image sprites in css?
Should I take all the images in my website and combine them to one image sprite? Is it really that beneficial?
How hard is it to maintain those images and change them later on?
Should I take all the images in my website and combine them to one image sprite?
Of course not. You're taking it too literal.
I find sprites are best used for groups of similar images. Examples include:
All states of a graphical button
States of icons
All permutations of a background (unless it needs to tile two ways)
Is it really that beneficial?
If you have a lot of them on a busy site, very. It saves a request for each image, saving the user time and your server a whole bunch of concurrent connections.
How hard is it to maintain those images and change them later on?
If you've used them logically, pretty simple. If you need to add another navigation item, you open up your nav sprite and expand it. For things like navigation it can actually be easier to maintain because you have like comparisons right next to you in the same document.
Edit, having seen one of the more extreme examples, I'll add that I would never go that far because:
It's 60k to download. Not huge but on slow connections, that's 60k that has to be downloaded before anything shows. If all your visual assets are tied up, it can make the load time seem longer.
Your CSS becomes a nonsensical mish-mash of background-position commands. If you do want to make changes you have to go back to the sprite and measure everything. Again and again and again.
God have mercy on your soul if you need to enlarge something in the top-left of the sprite. You'd probably just add a new sprite below the current ones.
And that might lead to bloat. Indeed, just loading all these images might be loading a whole lot of material that some users will never actually see. Loading unused data is probably worse than a connection overhead (considering how easily static content can be served by multiple cheap servers or a CDN)
The other examples are a lot more simple and worthwhile (IMO).
Sprites are a great way of cutting down load-time on graphics (sometimes), and always a way of cutting down requests to the server. Generally speaking, they may take some serious planning as you don't simply want to drop a bunch of images onto a canvas and export as a jpeg. I would suggest you study some sprites currently in use by larger companies like Amazon. Get an idea for how they layout their elements, and what types of images they even consider for use in sprites.
You'll also want to evaluate your site and be sure whether you can successfully implement them or not. If you weren't planning on using them to begin with, it may require a lot of back-tracking and updating to prepare for them.
Amazon Sprite
Ebay Sprite Sprite (Whoa)
Sprites work well when you’ve got an element with at least one fixed dimension (width or height), and you want it to have a different background image in different circumstances.
When I’ve tried it, I’ve found that sprite image files tend to be smaller than the total size of the individual images files they’re made from, so you can get bandwidth savings as well as the other two benefits:
fewer HTTP requests
no delay waiting for another image to download when an image state changes on hover
That does depend on the contents of the images though.
Personally, I wouldn’t put unrelated images together in one sprite image, as I think it makes maintenance too non-obvious. Also, as mentioned in To Sprite Or Not To Sprite, really big sprite images can use quite a bit of browser memory. (Whether this is actually a bad thing depends on the context.)
The idea is to avoid unnecessary HTTP requests. This is especially an issue if you have a lot of small icons (say, for a WYSIWYG editor like the one used on this site). If you have twenty 16x16 pixel icons, that won't amount to much bandwidth, but it will still mean twenty extra requests each time the page is loaded.
Other candidates for sprites are button states and anything that's purely decorative but part of the layout.
If you use roll-over background image changes, you'll also find that you'll either have to preload the roll-over state image (either with JS or with silly hardcoding) or you'll encounter some latency as the browser requests the previously unused image. Sprites can alleviate that.
Things you probably shouldn't be making sprites of are pictures that are NOT just graphical elements (e.g. graphs, illustrations, avatars, ads) or that will change a lot (e.g. avatars or ads).
It's not impossible to change sprites, but depending on how much thought you put into the arrangement of the sprite sheet, it may be very hard to do. There's nothing forcing you to make the sprite sheet ultra-condensed, but it's obviously better for the file size if there's not much unnecessary whitespace in it (see Google).
Note that the extra requests may not be a problem for you if you have a relatively low traffic site (which almost everybody has, unless you're Google or Amazon). Sprites may still improve performance for mobile devices, though, as it means less chances for errors and thus lower latency.
