No Wordpress Admin Login or FTP access? - wordpress

I have a client wanting me to create a whole new WP site for them but with most of the same content as their current WP site. The issue is they don't know their current WP admin login or their ftp login (via DreamHost), and their previous web guy is MIA. Is their any other way to gain access to their site to export their WP data? I figured no, but I thought I'd at least ask.

Contact the hosting company. They can give you access. They're usually pretty cooperative about that kind of thing. As long as you can prove you own the site.


How do i achieve Wordpress to moodle SSO

I would like to achieve wordpress to moodle sso. If a user logs into wordpress i want the user to also be automatically logged into moodle.
I have already intergrated the courses from moodle into wordpress.
Any ideas on how to achieve this, i would rather not use plugins. Any leads will be appreciated.
I think you're going to be better off using a plugin. As you will need to use wordpress Oauth to authenticate a moodle user againist your wordpress database.
So in short If a user logs into moodle their password will be stored and authenticated in wordpress.
This tutorial on moodle explains how best to handle it in the most efficient way.

Admin access to entire Wordpress site with plugin and is it safe?

I see that third party Wordpress dashboard tools like ManageWP or InfiniteWP have access to entire Wordpress site by installing theirs plugin on that site.
This way they have admin access to my Wordpress site so they can update plugins, do site backup etc.
How this is possible and is it safe?
As far as my knowledge says, ManageWP has two methods of getting admin access to the wordpress site.
Installing a Worker Plugin
Saving Admin username and password
Once they get the admin access, they view the wordpress dashboard in an iframe inside of the ManageWP panel. The rest of the controls happen via third party plugins installed by the ManageWP.
Coming to your next question about if it is safe, As per this link,
We take security very seriously. We had no security-related incidents in our history (and we’ve been around since 2010).
Their serves run over AWS Infra, so we can be sure that they have a solid server security, but I would still recommend not to host any sensitive data over a website which could control your wordpress site completely via admin panel.

Looking to use a sub domain for the customer area of a WordPress site

I am new to this site and I am a designer more so than a programmer. I have thoroughly searched for a fix or answer to this but so far found nothing.
I have a website ( that is powered by WordPress. We have customers that can log in to the site in order to download tools.
What I want to achieve is a secure area that the login customers are directed to. So, my idea was to have another installation of WordPress on a sub domain ( and after logging in they are directed here, the site uses the same theme therefore looks the same.
Is this possible and would it keep the user logged in after the redirect?
If you have a different installation of Wordpress, then no. These two installes have different cookie secrets in wp-config.php and so cannot share a login.
However, you should be able to accomplish this using the Network feature in Wordpress 3, which was previously named WPMU (Wordpress MultiUser). On is a detailed tutorial on how to get this functioning.
If you have completed these steps, you can spawn a different blog on a subdomain, yet share plugins, themes and users.

Sandboxes and Wordpress, Joomla or Drupal Sites?

I'm looking into building database driven websites based on opensource platforms in a sandbox area rather than having them accessible via the final URL until clients have paid up.
Is anyone aware of any problems this may cause with paths or functionality, or, know of any good articles on the subject?
many thanks
There is no bad effect on functionality just because it is in sandbox. Generally, Joomla is almost location independent (untill and unless you are driving multiple websites from same joomla installation)
For security purpose secure the URL via .htaccess file (if more security required then setup a cron to update password every X hours, and email new details to user)
I would suggest having a cut-down, less privileged or demo account for signup users that can still enjoy the overall experience of your site without the full functionality of your killer-webapp services. "Restricting" them in a Sandbox area that is not even the actual site would not be as appealing and convincing as it could be for them to go from "freemium to premium" customers.
I develop all joomla sites on a local server and then upload to the production server once approved. In Joomla, when I upload the files to the production server, I usually need to change the mysql server as well and it can all be changed from the configuration.php file

WordPress MU: Login from main page but not individual blogs

I recently upgraded to WPMU 2.8.6 and ever since, my users can't log in on their individual blogs, but they can log in from the main page.
My site is at (we're a school district).
So if a user goes to, their password is rejected. If they go to, they can log in and get to the dashboard from there.
But it's not all users. Site admins can get in just fine.
We're using wpDirAuth 1.4 if that makes a difference.
Honestly, I'm stumped. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
you would seem to have enabled the WPdirauth plugin at the top level blog but not on others. Only your top level blog will have the necessary information to connect to your directory.
Site admins are not typically part of your internal directory - they're a Wordpress user which means they can still log-in ok without needing to connect to Active Directory or whatever you're using.
Enable WPdirauth on all blogs that you need users to login to.
Try reviewing your wp-config file. You should see something like this:
define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true);
Depending on how you've configured Wordpress, this must be enabled to log in to the dashboard of secondary sites.
