WordPress MU: Login from main page but not individual blogs - wordpress

I recently upgraded to WPMU 2.8.6 and ever since, my users can't log in on their individual blogs, but they can log in from the main page.
My site is at blogs.mtwp.net (we're a school district).
So if a user goes to blogs.mtwp.net/BLOGNAME/wp-login.php, their password is rejected. If they go to blogs.mtwp.net/wp-login.php, they can log in and get to the dashboard from there.
But it's not all users. Site admins can get in just fine.
We're using wpDirAuth 1.4 if that makes a difference.
Honestly, I'm stumped. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

you would seem to have enabled the WPdirauth plugin at the top level blog but not on others. Only your top level blog will have the necessary information to connect to your directory.
Site admins are not typically part of your internal directory - they're a Wordpress user which means they can still log-in ok without needing to connect to Active Directory or whatever you're using.
Enable WPdirauth on all blogs that you need users to login to.

Try reviewing your wp-config file. You should see something like this:
define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', true);
Depending on how you've configured Wordpress, this must be enabled to log in to the dashboard of secondary sites.


Can't access the Wordpress dashboard when logged in

I migrated the company's website on a new hosting server. Since then, I cannot access my Wordpress dashboard when I'm logged in.
When connected, I see my website and the classic Wordpress top bar. But when I click on the button with the name of my website (usually that sends me to the dashboard) it just sends me back to the home page.
I add that the top bar isn't really like the classic top bar since it doesn't contain any option.
Here's a screenshot.
The top of my website when logged with the top bar of the admin wordpress
Clicking "Bonjour Signature_Beta" doesn't do anything. I can only log out.
Going to the /wp-admin page gives me an error saying "Sorry, you do not have authorization to reach this page". Except, I'm supposed to have authorization since my profile has a wp_content value of a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} and wp_user_level of 10.
I have tried multiple things I found online that didn't come to fruition sadly :
Renaming plugin's folder (nothing changes except page breaking because they're made with Elementor)
Renaming theme's and child theme's folder (page goes blank, top bar still there though)
Replaced .htaccess file (nothing)
Checking my account didn't lose admin privilege through phpmyadmin (it didn't, it's at level 10 + it has the weird administrator code
Added a new admin account through function.php (can log in with it, still can't access dashboard)
Increased memory limit
Repair database tables
Kind of desperate and frustrated about it.
Thank you in advance for the help :)
Ok with a fresh pair of eyes, I found out what was the problem. Tables prefix! I followed what was described here : After moving Wordpress, login works, but no admin access anymore
For the record, I never found it when googling or searching my answer here before posting. When posting my question I review the post stackoverflow suggested and it wasn't there either. But now it's suggested next to my post, so... great!

Weird Caching Issue - WordPress + Ultimate Member + WP Engine + Cloudflare

I am facing a very weird caching issue on my site. The site is hosted on WP Engine with Cloudflare setup. Here is the complete scenario when the user tried to access the site.
When the user upgrades to pro after successful payment, then all the pro listing should be visible to them OR I can say they can access pro listing. But after successful payment when a user tries to access the pro listing it shows you need an upgrade to pro. After hard refresh 2 to 3 times. It works normally.
I have already reached out to the support team. They are working
on it. I am just want to prepare my self for plan B :)
My site does not have any caching plugin.
I have already bypassed the caching from Cloudflare for that page.
I have added Cache Level to Bypass in page rules. Let me know if I need to add anything else to the page rules.
I am sure it is a caching issue. I am open to suggestions on how to fix that.
you can use wp-super cache plugin.
and you need to clear your browser cache.
I am using wp-engine. when I faced like that, I used wp-super cache plugin.
if the plugin is not working, you are working on different place.
check your file path, please. live site or staging site... because you might make a mistake..

Wordpress multiste sign-up

I need to register an user only in the current blog. When I go to http://multisite.com/subblog/wp-login.php?action=register it redirects to http://multisite.com/wp-signup.php. If I register an user here then I have acces to all blogs and I don't want this.
How can I solve this?
Do you have Wordpress Multisite setup? If so, from my experience I think that you need to login to the main control panel as the superadmin. After that, at the top of the sidebar in the control panel there should be a network settings button.
Click that, and from there you should be able to access a list of blogs in the install, and from there you can select an individual blog and add users from there.
The key is that with a multiuser setup you can access all blog settings from the one superuser account which might be why you're having the redirect issue.

Looking to use a sub domain for the customer area of a WordPress site

I am new to this site and I am a designer more so than a programmer. I have thoroughly searched for a fix or answer to this but so far found nothing.
I have a website (www.face.eu.com) that is powered by WordPress. We have customers that can log in to the site in order to download tools.
What I want to achieve is a secure area that the login customers are directed to. So, my idea was to have another installation of WordPress on a sub domain (www.users.face.eu.com) and after logging in they are directed here, the site uses the same theme therefore looks the same.
Is this possible and would it keep the user logged in after the redirect?
If you have a different installation of Wordpress, then no. These two installes have different cookie secrets in wp-config.php and so cannot share a login.
However, you should be able to accomplish this using the Network feature in Wordpress 3, which was previously named WPMU (Wordpress MultiUser). On http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network is a detailed tutorial on how to get this functioning.
If you have completed these steps, you can spawn a different blog on a subdomain, yet share plugins, themes and users.

Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?

hi friends Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?
Actually I am working on a project and someone has deleted my pages templates to trash and my site was down. I want to check who did this in my wordpress admin panel?
I don't think Wordpress has an event log, at least I've never heard of one or seen one. There is a login logger plugin, but it has to be installed and doesn't work retroactively.
In theory, it should be possible to get at least the IP address of the perpetrator from the normal Apache access logs, and searching it for all recent accesses to the /wp-admin folder. That is pretty cumbersome work, though.
You can use a plugin for this: try Stream or its competitors.
You may try this Activity Log Plugin.
If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did what.
This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do, and
displaying it in an easy to use and easy to filter view on the
dashboard of your WordPress site.
You can try User Activity Log - WordPress Plugin.
It helps you monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side. It will give information about log of all user activity and admin get notified when a particular user is logged in.
The following is not about action logs, but error logs, but it is also helpful. If that happened and you have WooCommerce installed, you will have access to logs:
Admin panel->WooCommerce->Status-> a tab: [Logs]
