Since I can't post a picture I am going to have to reference you to an app that does this. If you have the twitter app and you are going to retweet a tweet and that view comes up at the bottom, what is this called? And how would I be able to do this?
it's called a popup window. And the view it doesn't come # the bottom but comes right below the tweet you opt to re tweet.
Apple user interface model is that dialogs that slide up should be modal dialogs.
See: presentModalViewController:animated here
This has been asked in 2015 and 2016 but maybe WatchOS 5 brings a change to this:
When presenting dictation input, the user can click 'cancel' as well as 'done'. I would like to use this for a modal sheet in my app as well. Unfortunately I can't find any API on how to create this button. Is this private API?
Here is a screenshot of what I mean (right picture)
That's correct, Apple hasn't made a public API for that, and the Done button in the question article's screenshot is unique to Apple's own presentTextInputController(withSuggestions:allowedInputMode:completion:). I'd file a suggestion with your developer account in Bug Reporter → watchOS + SDK → WatchKit.
If you only need a Done button and not a Cancel button as well, what you could do is present a modal and change the top left title text from away from the default "Cancel" to "Done".
I am trying to implement a popup dialog for my Ionic 3 up that will be used to cofirm deletion of an object from the collection.
The perfect flow I am imagining is this :
An alert appears with a question "Delete item? Yes No" and after clicking yes, a spinner appears inside the alert to indicate that a request is sent to the server and pending response. After the response has been received I want the alert to smoothly change into a confirmation alert, something like this:
Unfortunately I found out that it is impossible to provide custom templates for alert components in ionic. From what I've read it seems like the only option is to create a modal with a custom template instead. The problem is, however, that the model opens full-screen and I want a nice little alert with the backdrop in the background.
Can you please give me some advice on how to achieve this?
Question 2: I really like the design of the confirmation alert that I have posted above :) Any advice on how to make it?
Cheers guys, as always - thank you!
Please see this gist to see what I am trying to achieve:
The code is heavily cut down on the problem I face. As you can see when running the code there is a "miss" detected on the label or the text area (if you miss it by 5em or whatever). Unfortunately this does not work for the Dialog's own buttons OK and Cancel (Please run the code and you will see immediately what i am talking about). If you click near an FX-Node it should detect wheter you missed it or not.
Does anybody know if it is possible to detect clicks in the Dialogs button area?
And if it is possible, how to link them to the node like the label and the area?
Thank you in advance.
From what you're seeing, I would guess that the Dialog consumes click events in the button bar, so they don't make it to the Window (which is where you added the EventHandler). If you really want to do this, you can change addEventHandler to addEventFilter. This works for me.
Read this tutorial if you want to find out why this works:
I'm developing an app which works more or less like the Notes app. When user click the + button a modal window with TextEdits is to be slided up,just like the Notes app did. However I was unable to locate any resource mentioning this kind of thing. Any clues?
I think you are looking for the QML Sheet element. You will need to implement the TextEdit part yourself.
Short Version:
"How do you get a simple UITable drill down UINavigationController-styled non-full-screen modal dialog on the iPad?"
Long version:
I have a very specific set of requirements that I can't seem to get working...
I have a functioning iPad program that that needs to pop up a non-full-screen modal view. This modal needs to have a navigation controller and a simple drill-down table that displays a detailed view that I can have edit some values related to the selected item in the table.
Of course I am looking to have the regular "Back" and "Delete" buttons in the Navigation Bar.
I can handle the detailed view, what I am having issues with:
Non-full-screen popup (mine is
always full screen no matter what I
The Navigation controller will not display the Table View I tell it to and the navigation bar does not even have the title I assigned to it in IB.
I can't seem to get any of this working. If anyone has a step by step example of how to do this, that would be great,
P.S. I am not afraid of doing this 100% programmatically, but all the examples I have been trying to follow (and failing at extending to my problem) use IB.
As for the fullscreen issue, you need to set modalPresentationStyle to UIModalPresentationFormSheet or UIModalPresentationPageSheet on the controller you want to present modally. I'm not sure of a way to do this through IB.
As for your navigation controller/table view, I think more information is needed to provide an answer.