HTTP/HTTPS basic authentication: colon in username - http

This may be a basic question, but is it possible to have colon (":") in username when there is HTTP or HTTPS basic authentication ? If not, is there a way we can escape colon ?

the RFC states clearly that the username must not include a colon:
To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password, separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 [7] encoded string in the credentials.`
basic-credentials = base64-user-pass
base64-user-pass = <base64 [4] encoding of user-pass, except not limited to 76 char/line>
user-pass = userid ":" password
userid = * <TEXT excluding ":">
password = *TEXT
Based on this, there is no way to use a colon within the username.

Looking at RFC - and around the web, there doesn't seem to be escaping technique for colon in username. The only place extra you can have it is in password field.
If it is an option, you maybe can replace : with # in auth level and ask users to do this.


How to handle non-ascii characters in HTTP request header?

In our application, we are sending passwords as part of the header for authentication to our auth service. However, we're running into a situation where users are using non-ascii characters as part of their password, and I found out that non-ascii characters are not supported in HTTP.
What are some approaches to handling this?
You need to encode it in an ASCII compatible format.
Base 64 is such an encoding.
Here is an exemple of how they did it for the HTTP Basic Authentication using Base 64 encoding.
The Authorization field is constructed as follows:
The username and password are combined with a single colon (:). This means that the username itself cannot contain a colon.
The resulting string is encoded into an octet sequence. The character set to use for this encoding is by default unspecified, as long as it is compatible with US-ASCII, but the server may suggest use of UTF-8 by sending the charset parameter.
The resulting string is encoded using a variant of Base64.
The authorization method and a space (e.g. "Basic ") is then prepended to the encoded string.
For example, if the browser uses Aladdin as the username and OpenSesame as the password, then the field's value is the base64-encoding of Aladdin:OpenSesame, or QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l. Then the Authorization header will appear as:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l
So let's say your password is ǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟ, which cannot be represented using the ASCII charset.
Here is some pseudo code showing you how to do it
var password = 'ǁǂǃDŽDždžLJLjljNJNjnjǍǎǏǐǑǒǓǔǕǖǗǘǙǚǛǜǝǞǟ'
var base64EncodedPassword = base64Encode(password)
var httpHeader = new HttpHeader('Password', base64EncodedPassword)
And it would results in the following header. Represented using only ASCII char
Password: x4HHgseDx4THhceGx4fHiMeJx4rHi8eMx43HjsePx5DHkceSx5PHlMeVx5bHl8eYx5nHmsebx5zHnceex58=

How to store encrypted password into LDAP attribute?

attributetype ( NAME 'Password'
DESC 'user password'
SUP name
I wrote a ldap schema to define an objectClass,before I added an encrypted password to this objectClass with above attribute,it ran without any problem.However,when encrypted password was added in this attribute,something wrong accured:ldap add failed:Invalid syntax
Is SYNTAX do not support encrypted password? How to solve this problem?
I don't know exactly what your understanding of an "encrypted" password is, but if it means that you're trying to add binary data to this attribute, then the SYNTAX definition is not compatible. is a Directory String according to RFC 2252:
A string in this syntax is encoded in the UTF-8 form of ISO 10646 (a
superset of Unicode). Servers and clients MUST be prepared to
receive encodings of arbitrary Unicode characters, including
characters not presently assigned to any character set.
This does not support arbitrary binary data.

User info in URI without password

I know that URI supports the following syntax:
When there is no password or if the password is empty, is there a colon?
In other words, should I accept this:
Or this:
Or are they both valid?
The current URI standard (STD 66) is RFC 3986, and the relevant section is 3.2.1. User Information.
There it’s defined that the userinfo subcomponent (which gets followed by #) can contain any combination of
the character :,
percent-encoded characters, and
characters from the sets unreserved and sub-delims.
So this means that both of your examples are valid.
However, note that the format user:password is deprecated. Anyway, they give recommendations how applications should handle such URIs, i.e., everything after the first : character should not be displayed by applications, unless
the data after the colon is the empty string (indicating no password).
So according to this recommendation, the userinfo subcomponent user: indicates that there is the username "user" and no password.
This is more like convenience and both are valid. I would go with http://[user]#[domain.tld] (and prompt for a password.) because it's simple and not ambiguous. It does not give any chance for user to think if he has to add anything after :

Parsing a HTTP Basic authentication with an email containing a colon character ( ':' )

I'm using the Authorization header with the Basic type for authentication.
I'm following the HTTP Basic authentication specifications which states that the credentials should follow this form -> userIdentifier:password encoded in base64
We are using an email as the user identifier and according to the email format specification, the colon(':') character is permitted.
The colon(':') is also a valid character in the password.
Knowing this, I'm looking for a creative way to parse the credentials part of the header that uses a colon(':') as the separator between userID and password.
In this case it's simple ->
This is where it gets complicated -> is a valid email according to the email format specification even though this is not used very often. So where do I know where to split ?
We have made the decision not to accept an email containing a ':'. But we want to notify the user that his email is not valid, how can we ensure that we are splitting the string at the right place ?
Hope I asked my question in a clear manner, don't hesitate to ask for more details
Thank you
Don’t notify the user that the email is invalid. Split according to the RFC 2617 rules (everything after the first colon is the password), then try to authenticate, fail, and return a generic “authentication failure” message.
A situation where has password secret and has password 80:secret at the same time, seems unrealistic.
If you require your users to register, you probably do it with some other mechanism (forms?) where you can easily separate the username and tell that it is invalid.

Sending encrypted text in Url

I have a very simple (rather stupid) question, I hope someone can clear my mind on this :)
I want to send an email to my site user once he clicks a button. This email will contain a link with the userID of a user in the link URL (as query param of a link).
Once the user clicks this email link, my server side code will parse and decrypt the userID query string key to get the user ID and perform some action on it.
I cannot use base64 encoding as it can be reversed and 'hackers' can get to know the real userID. I have to encrypt the ID but when I am using AES alogrithms for encryption, the encrypted text is not "understandable" by the browser, ie I cannot pass the encrypted userId text as a part of the URL because it contains un-encoded characters like "/" which the browser cannot by pass. One option I can think of is to base64 encode the encrypted text once I send it across via URL. Then I can bease64 decode and decyrpt it.
Is this approach better than using Uri.EscapeDataString() on the encyrpted text?
You should continue to base64 encode the AES data, as at that point it is likely binary rather than a string that can be escaped. You should also check that you are using url safe base64 encoding.
Use a one-way hash like SHA1 or MD5, and use JavaScript to send the values as encrypted. Then, if a hacker intercepts the request, they would only have the hashes and not the actual values. They could still send the hashes to login, though; one solution is to include a JavaScript parameter (generated via your server-side language) based on IP (but not possible for a hacker to find the formula for), and use it to salt the username and password hashes.
Then on server-side you would do (in PHP, in this case):
$ipHash = sha1("random" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "salt_here10381") // place this as a hidden element in the form and use it in the JavaScript to calculate the hash
$userHash = $_POST['userHash'];
$passwordHash = $_POST['passwordHash']
// TODO: Escape $ipHash, $userHash, $passwordHash
$results = mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE SHA1(CONCAT('" . $ipHash . "', `user`)) ='$userHash' AND SHA1(CONCAT('" . $ipHash . "', `password`)) = " '$passwordHash'");
Then, if a hacker wanted to login with the hash and username they found, they would need the same IP of the user originally logging in whose credentials were intercepted.
Note that this assumes you have passwords stored in your database as plain-text, which you should never do.
For hashing with SHA1, on client-side, take a look at this.
To answer your specific question (I see I got a bit off topic, oops,) it would be acceptable to base64encode the hashes when you send them to the server. If possible, try to send it as POST data and save it in a cookie or session variable.
I think of a simple solution you try to generate a random number(make it as a key) and for the encryption use some simple technique of yourself like XOR 'ing the ASCII value of the characters in the user name with the key that you have generated .so the long random key results in a greater result.
When creating the email you need to encrypt the user ID, then base64 encode it, then URL encode it. Put this as the userID param in the link.
When decrypting the email you do the same in reverse; get the userID param, URL decode it, base64 decode it then decrypt it.
Remember to use a different intitialisation vector every time you encode a user ID. You will need to put the initialisation vector in the emailed link as a URL parameter too in order to decrypt it.
