Launching of process on mac using Qt - qt

i am working on sample applications using QT on Mac and i found out problem with one of its API. I want to run process so i am using following function
And i am passing program(location of exe )and argument list as parameter now problem is that if the application is allready running then the this will create another process and runs it where as when i cross cheked with Windows its behavior is different in the sense that it does not start application which is allready running. can anyone help me how to fix the issue??

I think, it depends on the application properties. On window you can open multiple Doc files but cannot open Window Media player in two different (new) window.
So, First try opening a new application while its running. If its success, then it should work with QProcess .


Mouse not clicking the intended image using sikuli library for robot framework on virtual machine (azure)

i am currently running robot tests using sikuli library(for a desktop application) on a virtual machine in azure.
I have problems with mouse not clicking intended image. and i get the error below.
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]
but after move is `L(210,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152]`
Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.
[log] CLICK on L(209,150)#S(0)[0,0 2049x1152] (562 msec)
Could someone help me how to solve this issue. i tried running the script as an admin and also checked resolution but still doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
That message is thrown usually because lack of privileges. If you tried running the program vía command line, try to create a new user with Administrative privileges. Later, execute the program with Shift + Left Click --> Run as ... and enter the new credentials. That should work.

chromium profile directory is already/used by another BrowserContext instance or process

I used an evaluated jxbrowser, which version is 6.14, I write an demo to use it. but i have a problem with it.
Use the demo app to start an application, which can show web UI, keep this applciation with opened, but then I start demo app again, system will throw below exception:
chromium profile directory is already/used by another BrowserContext instance or process
jxbrwowser cannot start two clients in one PC? if can, how to resolve it?
We strongly recommend that you don't use several BrowserContext instances with the same profile directory. Chromium engine wasn't designed for such usage and doesn't support it. Even if you don't see any issues right now, the issues will appear later in end user environments. For example, in macOS environment you will get the Chromium's error message dialog every time when you run your application instance developed in such way.
Since it's a critical requirement in the Chromium engine, I don't think we will make it configurable in next versions. This is how Chromium engine works. These is a recommendation we have to follow when working with the Chromium engine.

Qt Network chat Example

I am running network-chat example in QtCreator, I just run one Instance of program and without closing it running another one, but they are not chatting, nor each dialog showing Presence of another. Pls tell me what is the problems.

Flash Projector with multiple windows, each with a new flashPlayer instance

Does anyone know of a flash projector 'project' or 'framework' that uses a new flashPlayer for each window?
We've used mProjector, which works well to a point, but I'm very disappointed in the fileIO patterns they use. It is very buggy with regard to reading and writing files.
mdm zinc uses multiple windows, but it is all sits on one flashPlayer 'session'. The same applies for AIR. It is great, but there isn't a way to make each window run on a seperate flashPlayer... extreme number crunching on one window will lock up all other windows.
Thank you in advance. --jeremy
edit - Just to clarify my needs (since I'm adding a little bounty), the app is an ERP application, built on Flex 3.x, and the size and scope of the project == huge.
tl;dr -- I need an exe wrapper (for windows), similar to AIR, that can have multiple windows, running each window on a seperate flashPlayer instance, and when a window is closed, it blows-away that flashPlayer instance / stage / etc.
How about a DotNet application to handle the wrapper? It can spawn windows each with it's own instance of the Flash Player (ActiveX dll) running in it.
I'm Sorry I found this too late to help you, but hopefully this saves someone else some work.
You can use SWF Studio to do this.
What you do is create a stub EXE that takes command line parameters to tell it which SWF to load. The parameter tells the EXE which SWF to load from its internal collection of files added to the SWF studio Files Tab. Whenever you need to open a new "window" you just execute your own EXE again and pass it the name of the SWF to use.
SWF Studio's App.sendData commands allows you to send data between youe various windows with very little effort so your separate applications can easily behave like they are all parts of a single application.

Determining the port a Visual Studio Web App runs on

I've been using the macro from this blog entry for attaching the Visual Studio debugger to an already running instance of the Web Application I'm currently working on. However, if I have more than one instance of the Visual Studio web server running it's pot luck which one it'll attach to.
Is there a way to determine what port is configured in the Web project so I can modify the macro to filter its choice of process to that one?
Further Info
I'm aware that you can set the port number to a static one - I've done just that from the get-go, what I'm trying to determine is how to programatically determine the defined port-number so I can modify the macro (in the linked blog entry) and ensure it connects to the right instance of the Visual Studio web server.
The way I have things running is I have two (or more) instances of Visual Studio running, each of which contains a Solution, which contains a web project and one or more other projects - typically an Installer project), so when I trigger the macro from a given instance of Visual Studio, I want to find the Web Project within that instances loaded solution and determine the port it's running against.
This code will get you a list of all ports for the projects in the current solution:
Sub GetWebProjectPorts()
Dim ports As String
For Each prj As Project In DTE.Solution.Projects
For Each p As EnvDTE.Property In prj.Properties
If p.Name.Contains("DevelopmentServerPort") Then
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(ports) Then
ports += ","
End If
ports += p.Value.ToString()
End If
End Sub
If that can help you, I have found a link that might actually to the trick.
However, it require DllImport call and a lot of fun.
You can take a look at that article there:
Quotes from the actual site:
By calling into iphlpapi.dll using
PInvoke interop. Google around for
GetExtendedTcpTable and iphlpapi.dll,
I'm sure you will find some existing
And one last:
Here are some API-Methods for my
I wrote a small programm that is able
to show me all Processes with the
belonging TCP-Ports (with
running under Windows XP.
Now my problem is, that under Windows
2000 I can't use
AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack() or
GetExtendedTcpTable() so I'm only able
to use GetTcpTable() to list all
TCP-Ports but without the belonging
Did somebody have the same problem or
is there another way (.Net or WMI
etc.) to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance,
If you go to the properties for your web project and look under the "Web" tab, you can specify which port the project will always start up on. Then you can click "Enable Edit and Continue" so you don't have to stop debugging and restart continuously.
