Google Analytics - Unique Pageview vs Visits - google-analytics

Am I correct in assuming that Visits metric only counts how many times a user started session on the given page, and Unique Pageview is the number of users whom viewed the given page?
Given the following scenario, I have two pages on my site: Page A and Page B. Page A contains a link to get to Page B.
If a user starts browsing my website at Page A, Google Analytics will increment Visits and Unique Pageviews on A by 1.
Now if the user were to click on the link to B, will Google Analytics increment both Visits and Unique Pageviews or just Unique Pageviews on B?

Am I correct in assuming that ‘Visits’ metric only counts how many times a user started session on the given page, and ‘Unique Pageview’ is the number of users whom viewed the given page?
No, pageview is every time tracking code is executed (or _trackPageview() is called) and unique pageviews is the aggregate pageviews that are generated by the same user during the same session.
The difference between AdWords Clicks, and Sessions, Users, Entrances, Pageviews, and Unique Pageviews in Analytics
How a session is defined in Analytics

Question: Now if the user were to click on the link to B, will Google Analytics increment both Visits and Unique Pageviews or just Unique Pageviews on B?
Answer: Visit (not increase) / Unique pageviews on Page B (+1)
Basically, visits is the first hit of session, it may differ to entrances (the first pageview hit of a session). Please see the below link.
It's the example by Google
Visit 1:
Visitor enters to Page A
Visitor navigates to Page B
Visitor navigates back to Page A
End of session
Visit 2:
Visitor enters to Page C
Visitor navigates to Page B
End of session
Page A: 2 Page views, 1 Visit, 1 Unique Page view, 1 Unique Visitor, 1 Entrance
Page B: 2 Page views, 0 Visits, 2 Unique Page views, 2 Unique Visitors, 0 Entrances
Page C: 1 Page view, 1 Visit, 1 Unique Page view, 1 Unique Visitor, 1 Entrance
Totals: 5 Page views, 2 Visits, 4 Unique Page views, 2 Unique Visitors, 2 Entrances


Google Analytics custom report shows zero pageviews

I've created a custom report with dimensions:
Event Category, Event Label, Page Title
And want to see this metrics:
Total Events
Avg. Time on Page
Also, I applied a filter by event category.
I see my report with some values in Total Events column, but Pageviews and Avg. Time on Page are always zero. What is the problem?
Your problem is occuring due to the custom report you have generated.
Events by definition are not page views. This means that an Event dimension (category, action, label) cant have page view metrics such as pageviews or average time on page, because that information does not relate to the specific event.
One way to product the report you might want is to create a segment for sessions which contain the event you are interested in, then create a Custom Report with the dimension pages, total event, pageviews, and time on page.
Understanding what you are trying to achieve, you will need to do two reports, and merge them on pagePath (assuming there is only one video per page).
Report 1:
Event Category, Event Label, Page Path, Total Events.
Event Category Event Label Page Path Total Events
Video Id1 /video1 2
Video Id2 /video2 3
Report 2: Page Path, Page Views, Time on Page
Report two requires a segment: Sessions that contain Event Category == VideoView (assumed category).
Page Path, Page View, Average Time on Page.
Page Path Page views Average Time on page
/video1 5 0:42
/video1 10 0:16
The final merged dataset would look like
Event Category Event Label Page Path Total Events Page views Average Time on page
Video Id1 /video1 2 5 0:42
Video Id2 /video2 3 10 0:16
I had the same problem and as sdhaus says you'd need to merge two reports. I didn't want to include even more vendors but I found nowadays Looker Studio does exactly that: you can just merge the Analytics data source with another instance of itself and voila: match on page title or path and you're done!

Why is unique pageviews higher than sessions?

Looking at just one landing page, the unique pageviews is higher than sessions. Why is that? Shouldn't they be equal?
A unique pageview is counted whenever a visitor lands on that given page for the first time, whether from another page within that domain, or from outside of it. A session is counted only on the first page visited. Example:
User 1 lands on Page A, then navigates to Page C, then Page B - This is three pageviews and one session. A session for Page A, and a pageview for Page A, Page B, Page C.
User 2 lands on Page B, then navigates to Page C and Page A - This is three pageviews and one session as well. A session for Page B, and a pageview for Page A, Page B, Page C.
Based on these 2 users we have the following:
Page A - 1 Session, 2 pageviews
Page B - 1 Session, 2 pageviews
Page C - 0 Sessions, 2 pageviews
Total - 2 Sessions, 6 unique pageviews
I hope this helps!

should I use Omniture event serialization for multi-category tracking under same user session

I would like to use a single Omniture event for category visits. When a user visit a page So I do
s.evar1 = categoryA ( this gets populated dynamically via JS script) = event1,event2
I have setup my
event1 to record once per visit (let Omniture do dedup)
event2 to always record (want to know category popularity)
Now when the a the same above user visits to categoryB page under the above code gets fired with categoryB as evar1. What happens to event1? Does it get recorded or it doesn't cos Omniture already received value for the session and it will just ignore it?
Is it where I should serialisation? I can pass an id e.g event1:1234 but the problem is my ID gets generated every time a user reloads the page or go back and forth from that page. How can I track 2 category visit event under same session using single event?
Thank you
If you've specifically set event1 to record once per visit using report suite settings, any subsequent hits to event1 in that same visit are ignored.
If you'd like to serialize event1 to only record once per visit per category, you could use event ID serialization, pull the visitor ID data from the cookie and append it with the category they are browsing. For example, when they visit category A, you'd set:"event1:[visitorID]+[categoryA]";
And when they visit category B:"event1:[same visitorID]+[categoryB]";
If they visit the same category multiple times, event1 is only recorded once. If they visit 5 different categories, event1 is triggered 5 times (once for each category visited).

How can a Page view be 0 for Page depth = 0

I created an advanced segment with condition Page depth = 0 and then I found a report under Audience Overview that Page view is 0 for a huge number of session and Users. How is that possible?
Users may have zero pageviews when the pageview call failed (or pageview tracking wasn't called in the first place) but other interaction tracking like events (with the non-interaction flag set to a value other than true), user timings, transactions etc. still were fired.

Metric hierarchy and pages

Lets say I have a conversion page along the lines:
If I then, in Google-Analytics, create a custom report:
Metrics: Unique Visitors, Unique Pageviews and Pageviews
Dimension: page.
Then add filter "thank" I find my conversion page at the top:
Unique Visitors: 1,500, Unique Page Views: 1,700 and Pageviews: 3,000.
Does that mean that per session where a conversion took place, the average page views of the last page were 2?
We're investigating our funnel and I've used the conversion page as an example. Sure we'd expect that some folk may refresh the conversion page after 30 minutes but this appears like each person is seeing that page twice?
