Exchange Mailbox/Mail-enabled Folder permissions required for push notification subscription - push-notification

I need to subscribe for push notification on several Exchange mailboxes and mail-enabled folders using single Exchange account.
Which Exchange folders access account permissions are required for this?
Would Reader permissions on that mailboxes and folders be enough?


firebase phone authorization give admin role

We're using Expo Firebase Phone Authentication. We're able to authenticate users using the firebase sdk, so when a new phone number signs up for the first time, we add that phone number to the Users section of the firebase console. However some of these phone numbers need to be marked as admin. Is there any way to do that from the firebase console?
If you are talking about marking particular users as an admin in the Authorization tabs, then no, this is not currently possible.
If you are looking for ways to do role-based authentication, there are many tutorials available on how to do this. But to summarize, there are three main methods for role-based authentication with Firebase.
Device (Client SDK)
Server (Admin SDK)
Relative Difficulty
Realtime Database
Cloud Firestore
not visible
¹: Using these methods, another admin could add/remove admins from the client side if desired.
²: While the client SDK can not edit a user's authentication token, you could use a Cloud Function or your own private server to edit a user's token from the client if they have the appropriate permissions.

Delete account links from service account

We have a service account that has access to data of our different clients' analytics accounts. Apparently there's an undocumented limit of 200 accounts that a specific user (in our case, the service account) can be linked to. This appears when clients try to add our service account address as a user in their accounts.
As we have some old client accounts linked to our service account, we would like to remove their connections to allow new connections to be added.
Using the analytics management API I was able to get the list of the 200 connected accounts. I figured what needs to be done is to delete the AccounUsertLink between my service account user and their user. Sadly, as my user has no "user management permissions" on the customer's account, I have no way of finding my user's link id, so I cannot delete the connection.
Is there any other way of deleting connected accounts from my service account user? Thanks

Accessing LinkedIn company's activity feed as non-admin

I'm writing an application that is supposed to aggregate a company's social media platforms in one page. To do this I need to be able to access the company's activity feed.
When I signed up as a company for API access I enlisted my Application under Social Aggregation, the only permissions I was given are r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_company_admin and w_share. None of these allow access to the activity feed, outside of rw_company_admin, which only allows the administrator of the company access to the feed, not another user.
Due to the 60-day lifecycle of the OAUTH2 token I'm unable to make the API call as an administrator on the background, since permission needs to be granted by a log-in.
This is what I have access too.
I think I'd be able to achieve my goal with this;
However, I need to be a LinkedIn partner to be able to make those API calls, and I'm not looking to access a user's entire feed. Just the feed of the company he is working for.
Organization shares can only be retrieved if the authorized member is also an administrator of the organization.

Download p12 file from firebase

can I ask to download p12 certificate from firebase ?
because I want to implement push notification on my own notification manager with that certificate
Optional. Editor Setup for restricted access.
If you choose to use rules that disallow public access, you will need to configure the SDK to use a service account to run in the Unity Editor. This will also allow you to impersonate end users while testing. To do this first create a new p12 file via

Use Azure Active Directory to register custom users (programmatically)

How can I use my Azure Active Directory to register (programmatically) users from an application?
Users must be able to register themselves with any email address (gmail,outlook,hotmail,etc..).
Each registered user has to be added in my azure active directory so as to be able to log himself in the future with the credentials with which he recorded himself.
There is a way to do it?
