Add css style sheet to app_offline - css

Well, I'm trying to make custom app_offline.htm and want to add links to my css files in project. But next code doesn't work
<link href="/Content/Themes/screen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
In console I've got error
GET mySite/Content/Themes/screen.css 503 (Service Unavailable)
Please, give me advise how to make a link to css file in app_ofline.htm. Any help will greatly appriciated!

The idea of the app_offline.htm is that it indicates that the app is, well, offline. So, no resources are available from the site when the site is offline. Either put the relevant rules into the page or host the stylesheet on a separate domain.

You have to use inline css style for this instead of referring to external CSS file.
<style type="text/css">
/* write your css code here */
Basically, if you place a file with this name in the root of a web application directory, ASP.NET will shut-down the application, unload the application domain from the server, and stop processing any new incoming requests for that application. ASP.NET will also then respond to all requests for dynamic pages in the application by sending back the content of the app_offline.htm file (for example: you might want to have a “site under construction” or “down for maintenance” message).

You can add it as base64 in the img tag... like this:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,<64-bit string goes here> alt=""/>
This works at least for an image that says the site is under construction.

You can't link to it. It's offline. Unless you're using a remote css file that you can guarantee will be in a functioning server the css file will not be allowed to be served because the .Net Framework restrictions have been put in place to forbid the serving of any file except app_offline.htm. You can either put your css inline with the page or host it on a separate site (which is a choice some companies make anyway to keep design elements in a common location for enterprise applications).


CSS is not working?

I've managed it to get my Debian server with Apache2 under VestaCP running, but there's another problem.
When I try to install WordPress, nothing but plain text is shown, as css wouldn't even load (so I dont know, if the title's being correct) and yea, no design at all.
Take a look here:
Also, after installing through that plain text stuff, I can't login.
Is that a misconfiguration of apache or have I disabled css anywhere?
One issue could be the serving up of resources over HTTPS. For example, you main site contains very many absolute paths. Maybe you had a reason for this, but it can lead to problems :)
If you change:
href="http://[whatever the uri is].css"
href="//[whatever the css uri is].css"
You will then have 'protocol relative' paths.
Another pointer is using Firefox with the FireBug extension installed. You can find it here
Finally, under WordPress General Settings you can change the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) from HTTP to HTTPS. If you don't have access to your admin you can change this via your wp-config.php, see here for guidance on doing so.
The issue is the paths supplied for your resources.
Try right clicking in the browser and selecting View Source. See the tag of your page. It contains all stylesheet and javascript includes.
At present, all paths are prefixed with http:// which will not work over the HTTPS protocol. My point here is to use protocol relative paths.
For example, in the Inspector (within Firefox) I changed the following line:
<link rel="stylesheet" id="twentyfifteen-style-css" href="" type="text/css" media="all">
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" id="twentyfifteen-style-css" type="text/css" media="all">
The change rendered your page in my browser like this:
Note the href= attribute was the only change - but it enables successful location and load of the CSS file.
You will need to do the same for any other resources you wish to include (i.e. Images, CSS and JS etc.)
For more information see the SO questions here and here.
Just for clarity
Changing the href attribute within the Inspector (or other browser tools) is not permanent - but is a great for debugging.
To permanently fix the paths open up your source in an editor Sublime Text is great for this and edit your mark-up.
Let me know if you need any further help mate.

CSS changes automatically applied on local IIS pages

I'm hosting an ASP.NET website on Local IIS (not IIS Express), and as soon as I save a change to a .css file in Visual Studio, the change immediately appears in browser windows that use that file (or after mousing over the window in Chrome), without clearing caches and refreshing.
Why do the changes appear immediately?
Opening the .css file itself (not a page using the file) in the browser shows a more expected result: saving the file in Visual Studio does not change what I see in the browser until I refresh the .css file.
As it turns out, I had Browser Link enabled in Visual Studio, and with it, CSS Auto-Sync. This opens up a port on the local machine and uses SignalR to communicate with the browser window about 400 times per second, including any CSS changes needed.
For more information, see these topics:
.net localhost website consistently making get arterySignalR/poll?transport=longPolling&connectionToken= calls
How can I disable __vwd/js/artery in VS.NET 2013?
This probably happens due to caching. when you open the css itself, it retrieves a new copy from the server, but when you open a page that uses the css file, the css file is being cached as the page's resource and the browser just shows the cached resources until you force it to reload them.
a trick i learned to fix the issue, is to link the css file to the aspx page and include a random query string to the linking, that way it tricks the browser to think that its a new resource and reload it from the server anyway.
like this:
<link href="../stylesheets/MyCSS.css?<%=DateTime.Now%>"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
we use the aspx preprocessor directive <%=DateTime.Now%> to append the current time as a query string, to ensure the link is always different.
Dont forget the question mark between the css filename and the preprocessor directive

html code doesn't run in the browser, and only display the code

in order to find the server spec. i've created a file in the root dir in my website called spec.htm and entered this content as i was offered by another user:
but i only get a copy of the code in my browser and it doesn't run it,
what the problem might be?
EDIT: i think that the problem is that i'm not using IIS.
is there a way to do so without using IIS?
Please see the following article
The ServerInfo helper is a diagnostic tool that gives you an overview of information about the web server environment that hosts your page. It also shows you HTTP request information that is sent when a browser requests the page. The ServerInfo helper displays the current user identity, the type of browser that made the request, and so on. This kind of information can help you troubleshoot common issues.
Create a new web page named ServerInfo.cshtml.
At the end of the page, just before the closing tag, add the following highlighted code.
Note, it appears as though this is designed to run in IIS only and not on Linux / Apache servers.
Note, this is a RAZOR syntax so your system needs to be able to run Razor by installing the WebMatrix
#ServerInfo.GetHtml() is a Razor view engine syntax. Try saving your file as .cshtml or .vbhtml
The problem is that your webserver is not set up to serve HTML files through the ASP.NET interpreter. Change the extension to .aspx (i.e., use the same code, but call it spec.aspx).
Are you setting the Content-Type header correctly. If not set to text/html or similar, the browser or framework may set the content-type to text/plain which will not render the html at all.
You can check this in Firebug in the Net tab, expanding the response that is associated with the page you are serving, and looking in the Headers tab. If the Content-Type header is anything besides text/html or text/xhtml, then you need to find a way to make your web server set that header properly
let me guess its just showing up "#ServerInfo.GetHtml()" on a webpage. This does nothing if you put it simply in a body tag of a html page. If you are running IIS make sure you are saving as .aspx and not .html
See ""
I hope I am understanding the question and this helps. I found it on the web page given above.
When you double-click a file on your computer’s desktop, the computer knows what program to open the file in by checking the file’s “extension”. A txt file will open in a text editor.
You need to give your document a file extension of ”.html”, which will tell it to open the file in your web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari.
Right now you should be editing your HTML page in a text editor, which normally saves files with the extension “.txt”. We want to make it save in “.html”. In your text editor click File → Save As…. If you use Microsoft Windows, there will be a box labelled “save as type”; change it to “all files .”. This means that you can save the data (in this case, some text) into any format. Now type in the name index.html for your file and click save. Ex: file.txt becomes file.html.

How to add stylesheet for web part in MOSS/Sharepoint 2007

I am migrating a web part from 2003 to 2007. The web part originally used styles from a modified core style sheet. I now want to create a separate stylesheet just for this web part.
I have tried to use
but this results in a HTTP 401 and I have to log in (NTLM is enabled). I also have some javascript files which get successfully loaded from that same location. If I enter the url directly I get the 401 for the CSS file but not for the JS files.
Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
Probably a long shot but have you checked the file permissions for mystyles.css in comparison to the JavaScript files?

CSS file not getting downloaded in Visual Studio 2008 SP?

This might sound a little wierd, but all of a sudden the CSS and Javascript files referenced in my master page are not being downloaded while the page is being rendered. I am working on a ASP.NET MVC project and things were all fine like half an hour ago!
Here is what I have in head section of the master page,
<link href="/Content/MyCSS.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
I can see the CSS class intellisense while designing pages. But in the page source I do not see these files being added. I can see the css being applied in the VS designer. I have tried restarting VS, restarting my machine too.
Anyone else faced this situation before. I might go crazy now.
Sounds odd. I would use Microsoft Fiddler to see if that gives you any clues. Also are you using IIS or the built in Web server?
If you are using some kind of source control, you might also want to review your recent changes.
Check that your paths are correct. You can create a web app in a virtual directory off the root, so you path would be "/myapp/default.aspx", in which case your paths for your css and js would be wrong.
Try to avoid putting absolute paths in file references.
You may want to try and remove the leading slash, for example.
