Is there any "font smoothing" in Google Chrome? - css

I'm using google webfonts and they fine at super large font sizes, but at 18px, they look awful. I've read here and there that there are solutions for font smoothing, but I haven't found any where that explains it clearly and the few snippets I have found don't work at all.
My h4 looks awful in pretty much every browser, but Chrome is the worst. In Chrome, pretty much all of my fonts look terrible.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Perhaps you know of a resource that explains this clearly? Thanks!
This screenshot shows the homepage of, a programming language that is made by Google (so we can imply that this website is also build by Google) and uses Google Webfonts.
Screenshot shows Google Chrome on the left, Firefox/Internet Explorer on the right.:
This screenshot shows a product info page on, using webfonts provided by Typekit. Adobe & Typekit are professionals when it comes to fonts.
Screenshot shows Google Chrome on the right, Firefox/Internet Explorer on the left:

Status of the issue, June 2014: Fixed with Chrome 37
Finally, the Chrome team will release a fix for this issue with Chrome 37 which will be released to public in July 2014. See example comparison of current stable Chrome 35 and latest Chrome 37 (early development preview) here:
Status of the issue, December 2013
1.) There is NO proper solution when loading fonts via #import, <link href= or Google's webfont.js. The problem is that Chrome simply requests .woff files from Google's API which render horribly. Surprisingly all other font file types render beautifully. However, there are some CSS tricks that will "smoothen" the rendered font a little bit, you'll find the workaround(s) deeper in this answer.
2.) There IS a real solution for this when self-hosting the fonts, first posted by Jaime Fernandez in another answer on this Stackoverflow page, which fixes this issue by loading web fonts in a special order. I would feel bad to simply copy his excellent answer, so please have a look there. There is also an (unproven) solution that recommends using only TTF/OTF fonts as they are now supported by nearly all browsers.
3.) The Google Chrome developer team works on that issue. As there have been several huge changes in the rendering engine there's obviously something in progress.
I've written a large blog post on that issue, feel free to have a look:
How to fix the ugly font rendering in Google Chrome
Reproduceable examples
See how the example from the initial question look today, in Chrome 29:
Left: Firefox 23, right: Chrome 29
Top: Firefox 23, bottom: Chrome 29
Fixing the above screenshot with -webkit-text-stroke:
First row is default, second has:
-webkit-text-stroke: 0.3px;
Third row has:
-webkit-text-stroke: 0.6px;
So, the way to fix those fonts is simply giving them
-webkit-text-stroke: 0.Xpx;
or the RGBa syntax (by nezroy, found in the comments! Thanks!)
-webkit-text-stroke: 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
There's also an outdated possibility:
Give the text a simple (fake) shadow:
text-shadow: #fff 0px 1px 1px;
RGBa solution (found in Jasper Espejo's blog):
text-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(51,51,51,0.2);
I made a blog post on this:
If you want to be updated on this issue, have a look on the according blog post: How to fix the ugly font rendering in Google Chrome. I'll post news if there're news on this.
My original answer:
This is a big bug in Google Chrome and the Google Chrome Team does know about this, see the official bug report here. Currently, in May 2013, even 11 months after the bug was reported, it's not solved. It's a strange thing that the only browser that messes up Google Webfonts is Google's own browser Chrome (!). But there's a simple workaround that will fix the problem, please see below for the solution.
Official statement in the bug report comments:
Our Windows font rendering is actively being worked on. ... We hope to have something within a milestone or two that developers can start playing with. How fast it goes to stable is, as always, all about how fast we can root out and burn down any regressions.

I had the same problem, and I found the solution in this post of Sam Goddard,
The solution if to defined the call to the font twice. First as it is recommended, to be used for all the browsers, and after a particular call only for Chrome with a special media query:
#font-face {
font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot');
src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('eot'),
url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
#font-face {
font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');
With this method the font will render good in all browsers. The only negative point that I found is that the font file is also downloaded twice.
You can find an spanish version of this article in my page

Chrome doesn't render the fonts like Firefox or any other browser does. This is generally a problem in Chrome running on Windows only. If you want to make the fonts smooth, use the -webkit-font-smoothing property on yer h4 tags like this.
h4 {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
You can also use subpixel-antialiased, this will give you different type of smoothing (making the text a little blurry/shadowed). However, you will need a nightly version to see the effects. You can learn more about font smoothing here.

Ok you can use this simply
-webkit-text-stroke-width: .7px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: #34343b;
Make sure your text color and upper text-stroke-width must me same and that's it.


Open Sans looking weird on every browser

3 days ago out of nowhere, I noticed that some sites I've built before using "Open sans" font from Google fonts as the main font are looking strange, choppy and pixelated on Chrome.
I've tried several fixes, going from adjusting the ClearType on Windows to disabling flags (accelerated 2d canvas) and disabling hardware acceleration on Chrome, pretty much tried everything I could find on the internet, and nothing works.
I also tried removing "Open sans" from my Windows font folder, but the font still looks pixelated on my sites. It was fine in Photoshop before I removed it.
This is a screenshot of what I am currently seeing.
open sans strange behavior
The p tag is using a simple CSS for testing
font-family: 'Open sans';
font-size: 12px; / 20px (on the bellow paragraph)
font-weight: 700; / 400 (on the bellow paragraph)
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
On the style, I have the default #import url(',wght#0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800&display=swap'); from Gooogle fonts.
Can anyone shed a light? Any help is appreciated. I don't really want to format my computer just because of this damn buggy font. Also tested on Edge and Opera GX, and it happens on them as well.
You should be sure if it's open sans. You can check it with whatfont plugin
I've also run into the same issue using Google Fonts' Open Sans, both via the #import method and the <link> method. Tested this against Brave (Version 1.30.89 Chromium: 94.0.4606.81), Chrome (94.0.4606.71), and Firefox (93.0). It exhibits this graininess on the demo site at sizes like 18-20px, but at 16px or 21px the issue isn't present.
Interestingly, Adobe Fonts' version of Open Sans doesn't exhibit this issue, and is clear and antialiased at all sizes. I swapped my Google implementation with Adobe's <link> implementation instead and encountered the same issue.
However, inspecting Adobe's demo revealed they've also added a CSS property: font-feature-settings: 'calt', 'clig', 'kern', 'liga', 'locl', 'rlig';. These are OpenType features, and adding this to my styles seems to resolve the issue, but only for the Adobe implementation; it did not resolve the issue with Google's version. Perhaps Google's version of Open Sans lacks these additional features.
I had a similar problem, viz. Open Sans were looking jittery on our website (exactly as shown in the screenshot)
The problem was (kind of) solved when I used Adobe's Open-Sans version, as suggested in the comments.
Finally, I discovered that in our CSS we were using a font-weight (300) that we weren't importing from google fonts.
When added, everything worked smoothly, so we're back to Google Fonts.

#font-face not working in chrome

I´ve finally continued work on a hobby-project of mine, after months. I had some computer problems at the beginning of the year, had to do a new Windows install, lost the DB, but could retrieve the scripts. As far as I know, everything is exactly the same as before, except for the absolute urls. I´m working purely on localhost. I´m sure everything was working fine in all major browsers before I stopped working on it, unless my memory fails me. Trying to get it to work, I simplified the code / filename:
font-family: "cabin" ;
src: url("http://localhost/hrhr/fonts/cabin.ttf");
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
border: 0px;
font-family: "cabin";
Some remarks:
As said, it does not work in Chrome (33), nor does it work in Opera (20).
It does work in Internet Explorer (11). It already worked without simplifying the code and file name.
As said, I´m pretty sure everything was working fine a few months ago, and nothing has changed apart from absolute urls, and the browser versions.
As suggested by an anwser from a similar question, I´ve tried adding the format, this didn´t help.
I´ve tried variations on quotes.
It generally doesn´t show up in Chrome developer tools under resources. Strangely sometimes it does (after trying variations on the code), and when that happens, it displays the name right, but the example font is wrong (presumably Times New Roman).
I´ve tried copying the font file in other folders and using relative urls.
It displays fine if I remove the #font-face rule, install the font, and just use the local reference, and it also works if I use a Google webfont reference.
I think I´m grossly overlooking something, but Googling didn´t help me yet, and I find it strange IE has no problems whatsoever with my code. Thanks in advance.
The font can be found here:
Edit 2:
Thanks to Dima´s anwser, I´ve solved the problem, but I´m no closer to understanding it.
I used the fonts and script the site provided me, like I said, that worked, then step by step, I removed elements so it resembled the original situation more and more, until it stopped working again. So basically, I can get it to work with my script and the "converted" ttf file, so the problem seems to be inherent to the original ttf file itself. The script, file paths or cross browser compatibility aren´t the problem. Once converted, Chrome had no issues with it. But I have no idea what the technical difference is.
Tomorrow I´ll see if I can find a font viewer to see if I can find the difference. I also may mail the creator of the font (asking if he´s aware of problems with it), and I´d like to know if other people have issues with the font "as is", so without converting it. Unless someone gives me a technical explanation, I´ll accept Dima´s anwser and will just learn to "convert" the font.
try using it like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Cabin';
src: url("/fonts/cabin.eot");
src: url("/fonts/cabin.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("/portals/0/fonts/cabin.woff") format("woff"), url("/fonts/cabin.ttf") format("truetype"), url("/fonts/cabin.svg#cabin") format("svg");
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
this will make sure that all browsers are covered... your best bet is to upload .ttf font to web font generator like this one or this one, it will then generate the web font in different formats and you'll be able to download it... it will also include the CSS for it which will be similar to the one I showed above
EDIT: to answer your question about why that is, there is no right or wrong answer, that's just the way it is. Different browsers support different font formats. You can read about some of it here
You can even use #import url('fonts/cabin.ttf');
And to use it, open your TTF File, and see the name of the font, if it says Cabin, then, font-family: 'Cabin';

Why is this font pixelated on font sizes other than 80 and 65?
This is an example of the pixelated text when I set the font size to anything other than 80 or 65. Would anybody happen to know why the text gets pixelated like this?
Code to replicate this issue:
<div class="top_text">Hello! Please check back some other time, this website is in development.</div>
font-family: "Arial Black";
font-size: 38px;
Browser: Google Chrome
OS: Windows 8
It looks aliased, I would rather it be antialiased.
Google Chrome currently uses a really old text-rendering method, GDI, on Windows. Source. Firefox, IE (and most other applications you run) use ClearType, which has lots of features (like font hinting) which make text look more "anti-aliased".
Chrome devs are supposedly fixing it; if you believe the above link, the fix is due to be released soon. For now, however, most fonts will look badly-aliased in Chrome, except at specific font sizes.

Fonts broken in Google Chrome

in most browsers the site I am creating is fine. But in Google Chrome the font I'm using has lots of cracks in it and doesn't render properly at all.
I've tried various fixes for it but am still unable to get it to how the site is on firefox. Here is my CSS for the font face:
#font-face {
font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
-moz-font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
-webkit-font-feature-settings:'liga' 0;
src: url('/Resources/CLB.eot'); /* IE9 */
src:url('/Resources/CLB.svg') format('svg'),url('/Resources/CLB.woff') format('woff'),url('/Resources/CLB.ttf') format('truetype');
A few things to try:
Get the official web font files for your font if possible
Otherwise use a tool like the font squirrel generator
Use the bulletproof font face syntax
Use the Chrome SVG font trick for smoother rendering in Chrome
Chrome renders better at certain font sizes than others. Try setting e.g. font-size: 16px then incrementing / decrementing 1px at a time to find a compromise
It could just be that your web font is badly hinted, so find an alternate one
Note that Chrome, Firefox and IE all use different font rendering engines, so they'll always look a bit different
You can follow these steps:
Control panel-> Fonts -> Adjust clear type.
I found this solution and it worked for me.

'Lato' font rendering odd in safari, not in chrome, or firefox

Im using the 'Lato' font from google web fonts, and its displaying fine on all browsers apart from safari.
Im using it in font-weight:100;
here are some screen shots of the different browsers. Any idea what might be causing it to render extremely thin ? Or if theres a way i can set it to render in font-weight:300; for safari only ?
Ive also made a js fiddle of the problem -
I'm not sure why, but Safari is disabling subpixel antialising at small font sizes on that page. You can fix it by applying -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased. See here:
However, I think you should consider using a heavier font. Have you tested this on Windows? It will likely look very, very light. OSX renders text very heavily when subpixel antialiasing is enabled, and especially heavily when text is against a dark or colored background. What you see in your Safari screenshot is similar to what people who aren't on OSX will see.
I also faced similar issue, when I tried to use google fonts with font-weight:300 - its working fine in all browsers except safari.
I resolved this by adding below css property.
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
I was running into a similar issue that appeared exactly the same. I was using the CSS font-weight: lighter; while using this google font link:,400
Somehow it was displaying as 100 weight! So, I now explicitly use the font-weight:300; to get what I want. I'm not sure, but I believe this likely has something to do with me having the font on my system, and google suggesting my computer uses the system font before downloading it again... Wouldn't have figured it out without this Q and A, thanks!
