transfer data in symfony2 - symfony

I have created two functions in controller of Symfony as follow:
first is newAction
public function newAction()
return $this->render('AcmeTaskBundle:Default:index.html.twig');
then subAction
public function subAction()
echo "hello";
I want to use some data from index.html.twig into subAction function.
How I can do that?

All you need is to use
$content = $this->renderView('AcmeTaskBundle:Default:index.html.twig')
This will render contents of template in variable
EDIT according to comment
If you need to render only part of template - then you should refactor your templates.
Exclude that part of code from your index.html.twig into separate template file and include it in index.html.twig:
{% include 'AcmeTaskBundle:Default:subpage.html.twig' %}
And then in your subAction() call:
$content = $this->renderView('AcmeTaskBundle:Default:subpage.html.twig')


How to embed Comment on Custom Template in Drupal 8 Twig

I have a content type named Project and I created a template for it page--project.html.twig I am new with Drupal and I want to include a comment box and comment list on this page but not sure what to do. I already added a comment field on my content type. I tried rendering it using {{ node.field_comments }} but I am getting error. How can I include a comment on a
Because variable node is not available in template page so you have to get field comment, render it and then append it to your template by implementing hook_preprocess_page:
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function <your_theme>_preprocess_page(array &$variables) {
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
if (!empty($node)) {
$variables['field_comment'] = $node->comment->view('full');
{{ field_comment }}

Include content of CSS file in twig

Let's say I use Webpack, and builded a Css file properly at "build/theme/mail.css".
I wants to include the CONTENT of this File into my twig.
{% include "" %} doesn't work saying it can't find the file ( but it exist).
I don't want that because im using an inliner, and absolutly need the #CONTENT in my twig.
Tried the File get Content, didn't works. Found a solution:
'%kernel.project_dir%/public': public
Add a twig path to public directory
and then use :
{% apply inline_css(source(theme_asset('#public/build/theme/email.css'))) %}
and add a webpackconfig to build the scss file into public/build
Thanks you all.
You could create custom twig extension and use file_get_contents.
namespace App\Twig;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFunction;
class GetPublicFileContentExtension extends AbstractExtension
/** #var string */
private $publicPath;
public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag)
$this->publicPath = $parameterBag->get('kernel.project_dir') . '/public/';
public function getFunctions(): array
return [
new TwigFunction('get_public_file_content', [$this, 'getPublicFileContent']),
public function getPublicFileContent(string $filepath)
return file_get_contents($this->publicPath . $filepath);
{{ get_public_file_content('build/theme/mail.css') }}

How can i create the global variable in symfony controller

How can i create the global variable in symfony controller like in laravel (example: view()->share('now', date('Y-m-d')); ), that it availiable in all templates?
Setting a global template variable
It is possible to set a global variable available in every template using the addGlobal function in the BaseController class.
$this->get('twig')->addGlobal('today', date('Y-m-d'));
The Twig date functions
Remember that Twig is at its core simply a templating enging for php; it's a skin, an illusion. It replaces the old style <?php echo date('Y-m-d'); ?> commonly used in php. This means two things:
Twig statements are executed server-side
Twig can access (most) php's native function
So in order to set a global variable with today's date, you can imply add the following line:
{% set today = date() %}
If you want to have today be available every template, simply set it in your base.twig.html template. Alternatively you can also use the function only when needed.
Set it as a class property. Eg
class DefaultController extends Controller
private $now = new \DateTime();
public function page1Action()
$this->render('...', ['now'=>$this->now]);
public function page2Action()
$this->render('...', ['now'=>$this->now]);
one possibility is to create variable in session like this.
$session = $this->get('session');
$session->set('var', $my_variable);
in another controller you just get it like this
in twig you can get your variable
{% app.session.get('var') %}
it can resolve your issue and it is avalaible for a user not globally.

Twig CamelCase Filter in Symfony2

So I'm pretty new to Symfony2 and I'm trying to use the camelize filter in a twig template. However when I request the page I get an error saying that the filter doesn't exist:
The filter "camelize" does not exist in ::base.html.twig
Here's the line from my template file:
{{ 'hello world' | camelize }}
The filter is listed on Twig's quick reference page.
I'm confused, doesn't Symfony2 support all of twig's filters? There seem to be quite a few missing, why? And if it doesn't support them, then is there any way to add the missing ones in?
Thanks in advance!
edit Ok, so it turns out I'm retarded and I need to remember to check that I've actually got the right git project. No wonder I was confused. Thanks replies!
Symfony 2 has title filter for camel case use
{{ entity.yourstring | title }}
to camel case your string
Your link points to a fork on GitHub, meaning a modified copy of the original project. The original project is
There is no camelize filter in Twig. Built-in filters are here. You can write your own camilize filter (it's easy, actually...) following this tutorial: How to write a custom Twig Extension.
EDIT: just for fun, you can write something like:
class MyTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension
public function getFilters()
return array(
'camelize' => new Twig_Filter_Method($this, 'camelizeFilter'),
public function camelizeFilter($value)
if(!is_string($value)) {
return $value;
$chunks = explode(' ', $value);
$ucfirsted = array_map(function($s) { return ucfirst($s); }, $chunks);
return implode('', $ucfirsted);
public function getName()
return 'my_twig_extension';
Note that this is a quick and dirty filter! Take a look at the built-in filters to learn best practice!
The filter you're looking for is named "title":
Here is the best solution by default in Craft CMS 3
Craft 3 now has a |camel filter for twig
{{ 'foo bar'|camel }}
{# Output: fooBar #}

use of template in another function

I have created a function file name as
use Ens\NewBundle\Controller\Services\MyMailers as MyMailers;
function NotificationOnSignUp($z)
$x=new MyMailers;
$x->setSubject('Wonderful world');
$x->setBody('Hello world');
return $this->render('EnsNewBundle:Email:ind.html.twig',array('name'=>$name));
// return $z;
this file is not in the controller but I want to render my twig file in this file or I want to set this twig file as Body of the mail. how can i do this??
Create a service, inject the templating service into it and use it to render the template.
