How can get the item localized/unlocalized info on Component/Page selection - tridion

I have a custom button created in the ribbon of tridion.
If an item either Component/Page has been selected i need to get the info whether the item is localized or not. Based on that custom button will be enabled/disabled.
For getting the tcmid of the selected component/page i am currently writing as
selection.getItem(0); in my javascript.
Similarly, how can i get the localized info of the selected item(Component/Page)

The Properties and Methods of the UI JavaScript Objects can be found in the SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 GUI Extension API documentation which you can find on
Just check in the Tridion.ContentManager Namespace and you will find things like Component.getInfo() and Component.getBlueprintHierarchy() from which you can extract this kind of information.

Just check the isLocalized method of the item:
var itemUri = selection.getItem(0);
var item = $models.getItem(itemUri);
if (item.isLocalized())
// Do your magic here
I've left out the error handling and potential loading of the item, for simplicity.


Dialog not displaying propagated model data

In my UI5 application, I have an file with keys and values:
And I'm using this property value in a dialog box as title
onUpdateDialog: function() {
var that = this;
var dialog = new Dialog({
title: "{i18n>qty}",
// ...,
But when I run my application, the dialog box title is not getting displayed:
When I use text values from i18n property file somewhere else it's getting displayed.
ManagedObjects, that are created by the application code imperatively outside of the framework-managed features (Such creating an instance of sap.m.Dialog in a Controller code without using the API loadFragment), have to be added to the model delegation chain manually in order to make use of the propagated models.
In order to do so, add the created instance to the parent's <dependents> aggregation. E.g.:
this.getView().addDependent(myDialog); // myDialog is now aware of the "i18n" model
From API Reference:
Special aggregation dependents is connected to the lifecycle management and databinding, but not rendered automatically and can be used for popups or other dependent controls or elements. This allows the definition of popup controls in declarative views and enables propagation of model and context information to them.
In order to use texts in the controller you need to fetch the text first, like so:
this will be the dialog inside the dialog, so declare a that before the dialog and change this to that..
var that = this;
Hope this solves your issue..
At the point of opening the Dialog, it doesn't know the i18n model. You need to provide the model to the dialog by calling dialog.setModel(this.getModel('i18n'), 'i18n') before opening the dialog.

Filter page datasource based on record selection

I seem to be struggling with this. I am working on a project management app in Google App Maker. I am using SQL data models. The portion of the app I am having trouble with is several project detail pages linked with a project list page. I have no trouble going from the project list page to the first project detail page.
I have a table widget in the project list page, and the onClick code for a table row is:
This filters the first detail page with the primary key of the record in focus. No problem here. When I want to navigate the next detail page that has a different datasource (but I still need to filter using the same primary key) I am struggling.
If someone can guide me in making a button in the first detail page that when clicked gets the _key of the project loaded in that current page and filters another detail page for the same project in focus, (using another data model, let's call it ProjectBudgetPage for example) I would really appreciate the help.
This was one my latest attempts at navigation to other detail pages within a project, this was for an onClick event:
var widgets = widget.parent.descendants;
var projectID = widgets.HiddenProjectID.text;
var projectDataSource = app.datasources.ProjectBudgetView.item;
projectDataSource = projectID;
which results in: (TypeError) : Cannot read property '__gwt_instance' of undefined
at HeaderProjectTabs.HeaderContainer.InfoTabButton.onClick:5:5
I am not sure if I understood properly but I suggest that you start by checking this official App Maker template available here which provides a ready-to-run app you can use to manage an internal list of partners, but you can also customize it with your own needs. I recently used most of the UI and logic of this template and I was able to integrate it with SQL data models and it works really great.
I noticed that for this template they are saving the (widget.datasource.item._key) to a Page custom property which you can access afterwards. Custom properties are page-level properties that store data for a single user session. Custom properties are useful when you need to bind properties of multiple widgets to a single value. More info available here
In your scenario, you can create a new custom property (string) inside your ProjectInfoPage and then you can add a script to the button onClick event in your ProjectPage to save the _key or any other item to a page property. For example: = widget.datasource.item._key;
Then you can get the “ProjectKey” property by adding this to the onAttach event in your ProjectInfoPage:
var key =;
In the onAttach event you can filter the new model or pass the property values to a server script. I believe there are other approaches but I hope this helps!

How do I control which linked Components are published when I publish a specific Component?

I am using SDL Tridion 2011 SP1. I have Components A, B and C. Component C is linked with A & B.
If I publish C, both Component A and B are getting published. But I want only Component A to be published.
Can any one explain how to exclude Component B from publishing?
What you are experiencing is the default behaviour of Tridion. This is by design, to ensure that when you change content in a component, publishing it will update all instances of that content on the website.
As the other answers suggest you can change this behaviour using a Custom Resolver:
using Tridion.ContentManager;
using Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement;
using Tridion.ContentManager.ContentManagement;
using Tridion.ContentManager.Publishing;
using Tridion.ContentManager.Publishing.Resolving;
public class UpdateResolvedItems : IResolver
public void Resolve(
IdentifiableObject item,
ResolveInstruction instruction,
PublishContext context,
Tridion.Collections.ISet<ResolvedItem> resolvedItems)
foreach (ResolvedItem resolvedItem in resolvedItems)
// Check resolved items, and remove accordingly
The code example above demonstrates you can get access to a collection called resolvedItems. This is a list of items due to be published, unless you make a change to it.
You can iterate through this list and remove items according to your requirements.
So far I know there is no easy way to do this. When you publish one item Tridion resolves all the related and linked items and publishes them.
You can use event system or a custom resolver to achive want you are asking.
This link might help:
If you are publishing from API you can set IncludeComponentLinks property of ResolveInstruction to false, or, as Bappi pointed do this in the event handler

How to create "Available field" properties in my own property?

I have created a class inherit from StateManagedCollection.
It has got a few class as Columns like GridView.
But I can not select which filed I want to select from.
It should look like the picture below in design.
But mine is the one below:
I have written the property as below:
[Description("A collection of ToolBarItem's ")]
[Editor(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
public virtual Items Items
Can anyone help me out?
GridView columns collection uses a custom UI Type editor to show this interface. The in-built ASP.NET CollectionEditor will not show the required UI. Further in your case, CollectionEditor may not work if the collection's item type is a abstract class.
Solution is to build your own custom UI Type editor - basic steps are
Inherit from System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor.
Override GetEditStyle method to inform the property browser that you will launch modal form.
Override the EditValue method to launch your custom UI form.
Build the custom UI Form.
See a couple examples here (see sample for TagTypeEditor) and here.

Flex4 Right Click Spark List using ContextMenu()

I would like to add custom right clicks to a number of spark list controls.
I have tried the following as an item renderer. (as per the flex 4 cook book).
Full Render code here
When I right click on the Spark List I simply get the Adobe Default Context menu.
This is the same default behaviour I had before I added any code to this.
Could anyone tell me how to add right clicks to List Items in Flex 4.
Please and Thank you.
I found the problem/solution. You cant use context menus if there are Vboxes or Tab Navigators. Which is insane because it means I cant do relative layout properly or decent variable width design.
Quoted from:
For example, if a DataGrid control is a child of a TabNavigator or VBox container, the DataGrid control cannot have its own context menu.
Christopher Huyler posted something similar (source code available here). From the article:
Start out by grabbing the Javascript code from Google's code repository.
Step 1 – Setup custom context menu code
Create a new Flex project in Flex Builder. Copy rightclick.js and swfobject.js into the html-template folder of your project. From here, I had to make several changes…
I modified the RightClick.init() function to accept an object and container value as input. This allows me to pass in the name of the application as the object instead of having it be called the same thing every time.
I included rightclick.js and swfobject.js in the header of index.template.html.
I added a new div to the body called “flashcontent”.
I added an onload handler to the body tag to initialize RightClick
I replaced AC_FL_RunContent(…) with new SWFObject(…) making sure to maintain all template variables.
After making these changes, I verified that no right-click context menu appears in my application.
Step 2 – Listen for the rightClick event
Next I added a few lines to the main mxml file of my application to listen for the ExternalInterface event that will be dispatched when I right-click my appliction.
private function handleCreationComplete():void
ExternalInterface.addCallback("rightClick", handleRightClick);
private function handleRightClick():void
{"Right Click Success!");
Step 3 – Dispatch an event to the correct object
Getting the event to the main application is easy, but we actually want the appropriate child object to be notified when the right-click event occurs. Since I am not using any double-click events in my application I decided I would treat every right-click event like a double-click event. Users without a two button mouse (aka Mac users) can simply double-click to get the same menu while users with a two button mouse just have to right-click. Here is how I make sure the event is dispatched to the appropriate object.
private function handleRightClick():void
var objects:Array = systemManager.getObjectsUnderPoint(
new Point(mouseX,mouseY));
if (objects.length>0)
var object:Object = objects[objects.length-1];
var relatedObject:InteractiveObject;
if (object is InteractiveObject)
relatedObject = object as InteractiveObject;
else if (object.parent && object.parent is InteractiveObject)
relatedObject = object.parent;
var event:MouseEvent = new MouseEvent(
I hope this helps!
