multiversioned sub application asset paths in flex 4 - apache-flex

Hopefully someone can help here, more or less looking for a) solution to relative paths or b) insight on another method of loading assets.
We have a standalone web application that is using SDK 4.1 and looks in its relative assets folder for all images and external swfs to be loaded.
on the server, this is the absolute path of the assets directory:
the application uses relative paths in all cases of loading an asset.. and this is continously being added to and updated as we advance versions of the app.
So, in essence, the app is looking for:
now forward to the NEW application, lets call it "ParentApp" and the above application "ChildApp".
Parent App is in a different server directory than ChildApp
now, when ChildApp loads into ParentApp, it assumes that it is in the same directory that it's always been in. So, it looks for assets/* and cant find them because
/ParentApp/version/controls/assets/* != /ChildApp/version/controls/assets/*
I need to find a solution to have ChildApp look in an absolute path for ALL loaded assets when it is a child of ParentApp and have it look in paths relative to itself when it is standalone.
The caveats I have are that images are loaded into various controls, caches, and even mx:Text fields (html text with tags). I'm trying to avoid having to globally replace all path links across the application and having to create new coding procedures when new assets are created for the app. ChildApp is in production and has to stay on the 4.1 SDK.
ParentApp is new and has much more flexibility.
I've tried -source-path and -library-path compiler options in childApp, but this lead to compile errors and I have not been able to proceed.
Thank you in advance for any insight and help!

I would solve this by having a "baseURL" variable in the child app. Give it a default value so that you can form the usual relative URL's that you are using: `var baseURL:String = "/assets/";
Unfortunately, you then have to modify every asset path in the child app so the path to the assets is something like: baseURL + assetFileName
When the child app is loaded into the parent app, you then give this baseURL variable a non-relative path. Ideally, you do that early in the process, before the child app tries to load any assets.


loading css on runtime is half-failure/half-success

I have tried for my app to load fonts on request. I tried to read fonts from the a project directory which is created by my app, and it reads all the info it needs.
First of all, I want to ask if there is a way to know if there is an app-storage:// like in adobe air, because THAT IS KILLING ME! I cannot create temporary files to be read on runtime by the app and place, for example, a style sheet with the new loaded fonts on runtime via JS.!
If there is one, please let me know!!!
Now a very dirty solution. This is what I had done up to now:
Just to let know everybody, my solution relies on :
run the app as administrator (a must to have)
softlinking the user's project font folder.
now lets get the facts:
webkit cannot render fronts coming from a "file:///" url
I had tried using file:/// with no success, and neither converting the SVG fonts to base64 did the trick at all. Trying to do on runtime stylesheets was even worse, so looking for solutions I had to rely on command prompts. For now I'm running this on windows and works pearls:
var WinDoExec = function(cmdline){
var echoCmd = ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe","/C"];
echoCmd = $.merge(echoCmd,cmdline);
var echo = Ti.Process.createProcess(echoCmd);
echo.setOnReadLine(function(data) {
so from here, I had to create a mklink (soft link on ntfs) from the user's project font folder to the application font directory, so it could be accessible on runtime.
WinDoExec(["mklink","/D","C:\\Program Files(x86)\\myapp\\Resources\\assets\\fonts\\userfonts","C:\\Users\\windowsuser\\projectAppFolder\\ProjectName\\Fonts"]);
with this, creating a soft link into the application in runtime fixes the issue of loading the custom fonts for the user's project into the runtime app...
I know this is kinda "abusive" with the program environment, but I really wish there was a way for the app to have a url accessible path (such storage url path or temporary url path) in order to process things on runtime. I could copy the fonts into the temporary url container folder and do my stuff without affecting the app system folder at all.
So if you guys on tidekit read this, please allow developers to have accessible url paths for temporary objects (like user's svg/ttf files) that I can copy there and use on runtime.

CSS/JS bundle in single file in mvc when publish with release option

I have created MVC application. When I publish the application on Azure with release option, all css and js file load in a single bundle in page. (Open view source of page then displays a single link for css).
When I publish a site with Debug option in publish profile then all CSS load individual.
My problem is when publish site with release option theme not load correctly, but with debug option theme loads correctly. I want to publish my application with Release option only. If anyone face this issue before and get any solution then please help me.
I have experienced this before when using bundling.
Say for instance your css file is located at: /Content/css/css.css
This css file then makes a reference to another file, or for example an image at /Content/images/image1.png via url('../images/image1.png').
You then set up your css bundle # /bundles/css.
All appears great in debug mode. However, when you set <compilation debug="false" .... in your web.config, suddenly the references made in the css file breaks. If you open your console in Firebug/Chrome dev tools and check the network tabs, you'll see resources failing to load, from an incorrect URL.
This happens because when debug mode is off, all the files are bundled and minified like they would be in production. In this case, the CSS file would be bundled and served from the URL /bundles/css. This results in the relative URL reference breaking. Where it once referenced /Content/images/image1.png, it now references /images/image1.png.
You have a few options to solve this:
Serve your bundled css files from the same folder as the actual css files. eg. /Content/css/cssbundle. This can become very tedious quickly.
Change all relative references in your css files to absolute references. eg. ../images/image1.png would become /Content/images/image1.png. This does mean you can't use a lot third party CSS bundled out of the box, you would have to check/change relative references if you wanted to bundle them.
Use the BundleTransformer nuget package. It automatically transforms relative urls to absolute ones during the bundling process.
The main differences of StyleTransformer and ScriptTransformer classes from a standard implementations: ability to exclude unnecessary assets when adding assets from a directory, does not produce the re-minification of pre-minified assets, support automatic transformation of relative paths to absolute in CSS-code (by using UrlRewritingCssPostProcessor), etc.
I personally recommend 3 as it is the easiest to maintain long term.

How do I get the ASP.NET content relative path

Doing a project between multiple people, and a few components (web app, services app and some others). We will be storing some information inside the Content folder of the web app so it can be accessed directly from the web server with an href, however other components outside of the web app need to access this folder as well, and since we are sharing the project between multiple people using an absolute path is not an option. What options do we have?
EDIT: Trying to explain it a little better.
What i have exactly is, a web project, a "data project" which is just a dll, a "logic" project which is another dll and a services project which is an exe/service.
Both the web project and service project consumes the methods from the logic, and the logic from the data project. Being the last one the responsable for storing data (in a database) and also in the file system.
This "filesystem" path should be configurable, and we are aiming to put it into the content folder of the web project so multimedia files can be accessed directly rather than doing a byte stream.
Now in the web.config(config file of the web app), and app.config(config file of the services app) i could set the absolute path to web/content (the same for both config files) and the data dll would use it without problems. Now the main problem is that we cannot put an absolute path in the config file because each person works on a different computer with obviously different file paths. So if i could just write something like: ~/project/Web/Content rather than C:/myfolder/stuff/blabla/project/web/content in the config files, with ~ resolving the path to the project, this is what i want! Or maybe better ideas about how to share a folder with these apps without adding absolute paths hardcoded somewhere.
What you want to use is:
This will give you the absolute path of a file based on it's position within the website, in this case, from the /Content directory.
For a program external to the website, you have a couple options;
The easiest to implement might be a simple configuration value in the external program which points to the directory. My guess is you've already decided that's not ideal, but it may be the quickest way.
Alternatively, there's a Microsoft .NET assembly which gives you easy access to IIS information (I can't recall its name off the top of my head!). You could use this assembly to find the appropriate website, and retrieve its root directory. I'll see if I can find it and get an example, or maybe someone else will see this and post an answer with that information.
Please check the following method "ResolveClientUrl"
Use the ResolveClientUrl method to return a URL string suitable for use by the client to access resources on the Web server, such as image files, links to additional pages, and so on.

ASP.NET bundling - default virtual paths?

As far as I can tell (because frankly documentation on System.Web.Optimization is very sparse), the way bundling works in ASP.NET is that you register a set of files (Javascript or CSS, corresponding with ScriptBundle and StyleBundle), and associate them with a virtual path; for example, ~/bundles/jqueryui for all the jQuery UI scripts. Later, ASP.NET can minify these files when you're running in non-debug mode, and the minified version will be made available at the virtual path you specified for the bundle.
The default bundle setup registers some script bundles with ~/bundles/... as the virtual path, and some CSS with ~/Content/css as the virtual path. My question is, isn't this inconsistent? Wouldn't it make more sense to have something like ~/bundles/js/... and ~/bundles/css/...? In fact, the ~/Content directory actually exists as a real directory, so there's even the chance of a name collision. I'd have thought you'd want your virtual bundle paths to be directories that don't exist by default, and are not meant to be created on the actual filesystem. Is there some reason why ~/Content/css is used for the CSS bundle virtual paths that I'm not understanding?
Great question, and the short story is that in general it doesn't matter at all. However, some script files and CSS depend on their physical location on disk because they use relative paths to reference other content. For example, of you look at the default jQuery UI bundle in new ASP.NET 4.5 project you see it has a rather long path. That's because jQuery's CSS has relative references to some image files. To get those to resolve correctly the paths matter or else things like ".." will not go up to the right parent directory.

Flex modulleader url, why cant it just look at the root?

We are using pureMVC multicore as the flex Framework,
When we need to load a module we use the first line "moduleEval.swf";.
It works well in local for testing.
But not on the production server which is obvioulsy online, in which case i need to put he full URL.
Is that normal ?
moduleLoader.url = "moduleEval.swf";
//moduleLoader.url = "";
I almost always use absolute urls, without the site name. The URL base directory is wherever your root application is. So if you load a module within another app, and that module loads another or something, any relative urls are relative to the base app.
moduleLoader.url = "/site_media/moduleEval.swf";
