how to determine if the client received the message using SignalR - signalr

If I send a messag using SignalR, is it possible that the client does not receive the message? How can you verify if any errors apeared in the communication? Iam thinking of sending a message back to server after the server notification was sent, but is there any better way?

Yes, it's possible that the client doesn't receive the message. SignalR keeps messages in memory for 30 seconds (by default, you can tweak that or use a persistent message bus), so if the client isn't connected for whatever reason and this timeout passes the client will miss the message. Note that if he reconnects within this period he receives all messages he hasn't got yet, including those that were sent when he was disconnected.
I don't know if SignalR provides a way of telling you when a broadcast failed, so it might be safer to just send an acknowledgement back to the server.

As long as the client is connected, it will get the messages. You can subscribe to connection state changes in client side code. In server side code you can implement IConnected and IDisconnect interfaces to handle the Connect, Disconnect, and Reconnect events.


How to receive TCP packets without using terminator or fixed length message

I am using Spring Integration 2.0.3 with TCP. Application behavior is, it is acting as the TCP client and sending a message to the third-party tool using TCP. So application makes the connection to a third party tool using TCP, sends the message, waits for the reply and when that is received (again acting as the client) will close the connection. Now the issue is third-party tool can neither add any terminator nor make fixed length message.
As per my understanding, there are three ways to make a packet and send it to application
1)Always send fixed-sized messages
2)Send the message size with each message
3)Use a marker system to separate messages
But I cannot use any way mentioned above, I want to know how my application can receive the response message in this scenario, Is it possible?
Is your program supposed to close the connection once you have received the message? Or is the other program supposed to close the connection once it has sent the message to you?
If the latter then it's no problem since you just read until the connection is closed.
If the former, and you can't alter the application protocol and it doesn't already specify these things (is there a specification anywhere?), then wait with a timeout. If you haven't received anything within X seconds consider the full message received and close the connection.

Does HTTP long polling support heartbeat message?

I am using HTTP long polling for pushing server events to a client.
On the client side, I send a long polling request to the server and block there waiting for a event from the server.
On the server side, we used the cometd framework (I am on the client side, do not really know much about the server side).
The problem is, after sometime, the connection is broken and the client can not detect this, so it blocks there forever. We are trying to implement some kind of heartbeat message, which will be sent every N minutes to keep the connection active. But this does not seem to work.
My question is: does HTTP long polling support heartbeat messages? As far as I understand, HTTP long polling only allows the server to send one event and will close the connection immediately thereafter. The client must reconnect and send a new request in order to receive the next event. Is it possible that the server sends heartbeat messages every N minutes while still keep the connection open until a real server event happens?
If you use the CometD framework, then it takes care of notifying the application (both on client and on server) about when the connection is broken, and it does send heartbeat messages.
What you call "HTTP long polling" is just a normal HTTP request, so in itself does not support heartbeat messages.
You can use HTTP long polling requests to implement heartbeat messages, and this is what CometD does for you under the covers.
In CometD, the response to a HTTP long poll request may deliver multiple messages, and the connection will not be closed afterwards. The client will send another HTTP long poll request without the need to reconnect, possibly reusing the previous connection.
CometD offers to your application a higher level API that is independent from the transport, so you can use WebSocket rather than HTTP, which is way more efficient, without changing a single line in your application.
You need to use the CometD libraries both on client (javascript and java) and on server, and everything will just work.

Does SignalR provide message integrity mechanisms which ensure that no messages are lost during client reconnect

Hi, I was pondering whether it is possible to loose a message with SignalR. Suppose client disconnects but eventually reconnects in a short amount of time, for example 3 seconds. Will the client get all of the messages that were sent to him while he was disconnected?
For example let's consider LongPolling transport. As far as I'm aware long polling is a simple http request that is issued in advance by the client in order to wait a server event.
As soon as server event occurs the data getting published on the http request which leads to closing connection on issued http request. After that, client issues new http request that repeats the whole loop again.
The problem
Suppose two events happened on the server, first A then B (nearly instantly). Client gets message A which results with closing http connection. Now to get message B client has to issue second http request.
If the B event happened while the client was disconnected from the server and was trying to reconnect.
Will the client get the B message automatically, or I have to invent some sort of mechanisms that will ensure message integrity?
The question applies not only to long-polling but to general situation with client reconnection.
I'm using SignalR Hubs on the server side.
I've found-out that the order of messages is not guaranteed, I was not able to make SignalR loose messages
The answer to this question lies in the EnqueueOperation method here...
protected virtual internal Task EnqueueOperation(Func<object, Task> writeAsync, object state)
if (!IsAlive)
return TaskAsyncHelper.Empty;
// Only enqueue new writes if the connection is alive
Task writeTask = WriteQueue.Enqueue(writeAsync, state);
_lastWriteTask = writeTask;
return writeTask;
When the server sends a message to a client it calls this method. In your example above, the server would enqueue 2 messages to be sent, then the client would reconnect after receiving the first, then the second message would be sent.
If the server queues and sends the first message and the client reconnects, there is a small window where the second message could attempt to be enqueued where the connection is not alive and the message would be dropped at the server end. Then after reconnect the client wouldn't get the second message.
Hope this helps

TCP keep-alive to determine if client disconnected in netty

I'm trying to determine if a client has closed a socket connection from netty. Is there a way to do this?
On a usual case where a client closes the socket via close() and the TCP closing handshake has been finished successfully, a channelInactive() (or channelClosed() in 3) event will be triggered.
However, on an unusual case such as where a client machine goes offline due to power outage or unplugged LAN cable, it can take a lot of time until you discover the connection was actually down. To detect this situation, you have to send some message to the client periodically and expect to receive its response within a certain amount of time. It's like a ping - you should define a periodic ping and pong message in your protocol which practically does nothing but checking the health of the connection.
Alternatively, you can enable SO_KEEPALIVE, but the keepalive interval of this option is usually OS-dependent and I would not recommend using it.
To help a user implement this sort of behavior relatively easily, Netty provides ReadTimeoutHandler. Configure your pipeline so that ReadTimeoutHandler raises an exception when there's no inbound traffic for a certain amount of time, and close the connection on the exception in your exceptionCaught() handler method. If you are the party who is supposed to send a periodic ping message, use a timer (or IdleStateHandler) to send it.
If you are writing a server, and netty is your client, then your server can detect a disconnect by calling select() or equivalent to detect when the socket is readable and then call recv(). If recv() returns 0 then the socket was closed gracefully by the client. If recv() returns -1 then check errno or equivalent for the actual error (with few exceptions, most errors should be treated as an ungraceful disconnect). The thing about unexpected disconnects is that they can take a long time for the OS to detect, so you would have to either enable TCP keep-alives, or require the client to send data to the server on a regular basis. If nothing is received from the client for a period of time then just assume the client is gone and close your end of the connection. If the client wants to, it can then reconnect.
If you read from a connection that has been closed by the peer you will get an end-of-stream indication of some kind, depending on the API. If you write to such a connection you will get an IOException: 'connection reset'. TCP doesn't provide any other way of detecting a closed connection.
TCP keep-alive (a) is off by default and (b) only operates every two hours by default when enabled. This probably isn't what you want. If you use it and you read or write after it has detected that the connection is broken, you will get the reset error above,
It depends on your protocol that you use ontop of netty. If you design it to support ping-like messages, you can simply send those messages. Besides that, netty is only a pretty thin wrapper around TCP.
Also see this SO post which describes isOpen() and related. This however does not solve the keep-alive problem.

SignalR - Not calling OnReconnected using long polling

From what I have read a SignalR client should not miss any messages from the server while it's connected. This does not seem to be the case when using long polling.
I have a straightforward hub based application using SignalR 1.1.2. When using SSE, if the network cable is unplugged and plugged back in again within the timeout period, both the client and server are notified that a reconnect has occurred and, as far as I can tell, no messages are missed. When using long polling, this seems to happen:
When the connection is created ($.connection.hub.start()) the OnConnected method is called in the hub and the client goes into connected state.
If I then unplug the network cable and pop it back in quickly, there is no call to OnDisconnected or OnConnected. No messages are missed. Any messages waiting on the server are subsequently sent to the client. OK so far.
If I unplug the network cable and let the long poll expire, I get a call to OnDisconnected. There is no state change on the client.
If I plug the network cable back in the client starts receiving messages again. There has been no notification on the client that it has been disconnected, but the client has missed some messages. There is no call to OnReconnected or OnConnected on the server.
Is this a bug? The behaviour seems very different between SSE and long polling.
Is there a recommended strategy to ensure that the client does not miss messages in this scenario? I could keep track of connection ids on the server and send periodic pings from the client - if I get a ping after an OnDisconnected I could send a message to tell the client to resync, but this doesn't seem like the right thing to do.
Any suggestions?
WebSockets, Server Sent Events, and Forever Frame all utilize a client side keep alive which is used to ensure client connectivity. However, Long Polling does not utilize the client side keep alive feature due to technical limitations and has no guarantee of connectivity for events such as pulling the network cable out.
When I say no guarantee I'm simply stating that the Long Polling transport is no longer able to be ensured by SignalR but instead relies on the Browser to trigger the correct events on Long Polling's ajax connection (through which SignalR can respond to).
Keep in mind though, if the client does happen to regain connectivity with the server after pulling out the network cable it will receive any messages that it missed during its down time. So messages are not missed, they're just delayed.
Lastly in the case that the server does not see the client for an extended period of time the OnDisconnected event WILL be triggered. For this to happen in a situation such as pulling the network cable out the server will first timeout the current connection's request and then will timeout the connection itself. This means that you can still rely on the OnDisconnected event, it may just be delayed based on network conditions.
Soooo what you're seeing is 100% by design =)
Hope this helps!
