Does the Twitter widget inject some weird code in that affects everything in the DOM? Notably :hover in iOS - css

I have just come across a weird CSS quirk that goes far beyond my understanding and would appreciate some help:
I was trying to build a fancy pure css dropdown solution using the clickable event method Ryan Collins proposed:
With :active and :hover and some nested divs we may make trigger spans (or divs or whatever) that cause a sister element in the same container to appear upon mouse click. The example on Ryans page worked on my ipad so I assumed that iOS was smart enough to handle a touch event as triggering the :active state - and if the trigger contains a hyperlink this works, but there is no way to deactivate the active state of a hyperlink, safe for clicking on another hyperlink.
This sucks, because my plan to have an elegant navigation (and some other stuff) pop up and hide from view with just css is foiled, the menu never collapses - but then why does the example on Ryan's page work? I did some testing and finally narrowed the key element down to a twitter widget he has embedded on his page. Some javascript styles the embedded tweet and in doing so, it affects the very :active and : hover solution that all of a sudden works via touch on iOS, even without hyperlinks.
Can anybody tell me what causes this behavior and if I could emulate it without relying on a crazy hack like embedding a twitter widget and hiding it from view?

Found the answer myself with some more digging through the code and a little Google help:
The twitter widget among all the proprietary stuff it does also declares a touchstart event, which by itself anywhere on the page is enough to make mobile safari utilize the CSS :active pseudo style.


Chrome Android instantaneous button feedback

I am creating a simple mobile app with Cordova. For good user experience I would like there to be instant feedback whenever a user presses a button. This should be accomplished with the :active pseudoclass. It mostly works, but it's not quite 'instant'.
See the jsbin here.
With desktop Chrome, clicking the button produces absolutely instant feedback, no question.
With Chrome for Android, tapping the button quickly feels pretty quick, but a slow tap or holding on the button causes a delay (it might be hard to notice, but it is there and it's bugging me).
I think this is something to do with scrolling. If you go to the Android settings, there is a scrolling list of options. These options seem to highlight with a similar delay. However, any native Android buttons which are not within a scrolling list are absolutely instant (for example, the back button in the top right, or save/cancel on a popup dialog).
Is there some way I can convince Chrome that these buttons are not on any kind of scrolling pane and should just be highlighted instantly?
This is probably unrelated, but I have also noticed that holding on an html button highlights it, but then moving your finger (still within the button) causes the highlight to disappear. This does not match the behaviour of native Android buttons, which would stay highlighted so long as you stay within the button.
Edit: I should add that -webkit-tap-highlight-color (which only works with cursor: pointer) is a bit faster than :active, but it's not an acceptable solution, for a few reasons:
The highlight disappears if you hold on the button for more than one second
It clashes with :active - to get sensible results with -webkit-tap-highlight-color you would have to remove :active, which makes no sense
There is no way to control the size/shape of the highlight, which might not match the actual button (sometimes it bleeds around the edge, or has mismatching rounded corners)
The correct HTML way of solving this is :active, and I would like to use that if at all possible.
It seems the best way to solve this is to listen for touch events and set a class:
$('button').on('touchstart', function(e){
$('button').on('touchend', function(e){
To keep this as closely related to the :active pseudoclass, I opted to use a class of active and add styles for both like this:
button:active, {
// active style
For more information, see:

How do I make a sub menu link become the head link in css dropdown menu without the use of javascript or jquery?

I'm very new to this and don't know how to use javascript or jquery and would prefer to avoid using it in all possible cases as I know it's not compatible in all browsers, takes time to load and can be disabled by users.
I've already made and designed the menu but would like the main heading in the menu to change to the submenu link when clicked on whilst keeping the rest of the menu in tact. How do I achieve this in css?
You can take a look at and use the css target selector (But it's not supported in IE - I haven't checked IE10 though).
If you want to change the text or href attribute then, it's not possible in pure css (correct me if I'm wrong). You would have to use javascript. Jquery makes it easier to make your site support most used browsers, why not give it a go? I am certain if you get stuck, people on Stack overflow would gladly help you.
on a sidenote, css can also be disabled by the user (and not all browsers support all css features). Css and Javascript are in the same boat, because the browser dictates what is supported.

CSS custom cursor on flash element?

I'm trying to implement a custom image cursor in CSS, e.g.
cursor:url(/img/custom.png), pointer;
this works great, except when the mouse moves over a flash element (e.g. embedded youtube video). Then it reverts back to the standard mouse cursor. Is there a way to override this?
The best "solution" would probably be to include the custom cursor in the flash as well.
Not really a perfect solution, but this site suggests putting an empty div that loads the movie in when you click it (also helps initial page load time).
I'm not sure if it works, but this site says it has a way to have a javascript command activate. Might be more than you want, but I know the solution listed gets rid of flash objects seemingly infinite z-index (thus I know it can override part of it).

Verify what css hover state is activated

I have a site where the background-image jumps up on hover state and I can't for the life of me find the specific css that does this.
I'm able to get to the "offending" link and give it a border and change the padding and margin. The problem is that firebug and chrome inspect does not show me what happens on the hover state.
So I want a way to see what additions to the normal css state happens on :hover.
Any pointers?
(P.S. IE 8 doesn't have this issue - ie no jumping of background image)
Try using the Inspect function in FireBug to focus in on the element in question. It will show you all related CSS, including any CSS that is related to :hover. You can also see in this way what changes happen to the elements CSS (and any other DOM attribute) when you hover your mouse.
In case the changes are coming from some JavaScript, try out the Visual Event bookmarklet. Activating it on the page will let you see all events that are tied to the element in question.

CSS dropdown appearing too quickly in IE

I have created a CSS dropdown menu using suckerfish. The problem with it is when you click the top level nav item that takes you to category pages, the pointer is still over that nav item and the dropdown appears automatically in IE.
Its fine for Firefox as the dropdown will not appear until I move the mouse, however IE just kicks in straight away without any mouse movement at all.
As the menus are quite large the user is unaware that the page has changed underneeth.
This site seems to achieve what I want, with a slight delay before the dropdown appears again. I know they are mixing it up with JS and CSS, but cant quite work out what they are doing.
Any thoughts
I know you are currently using a different technological solution to this problem, but please at least take a look at my suggestion before you judge it. I'm not good enough to explain it outright, so I'll just give you a couple of bullet points and then link to the solution in an effort to assist you.
This solution contains these attributes:
No client-side scripting of any sort (Javascript) was used
Absolute browser and platform compatibility
Text scaling friendly
Narrow window width handling
Functional for non-CSS, or CSS-disabled, browser
Placed into the Public Domain
The site where the file is posted uses this menu (it's owned by the writer). So, please visit this GRC's Script-Free Pure-CSS Menuing System page.
I really hope this helps you!!
Use jQuery's hoverIntent to achieve that delayed effect. In addition, the menu stays there even if the cursor momentarily moves out of the menu. Prevents that distracting flicker effect of menus appearing and disappearing.
Just throwing this out there, since there may be other changes you wish the menu had as well:
You may want to consider Superfish (an updated/upgraded [and possibly overkill so take a look] version of Suckerfish), one of the additions is the delay option on the menus.
So I got the solution for this.
I added the CSS with JS in the head of the document and set a small delay on it. This way when the user clicks the main nav link the dropdown is hidden by default with the CSS and then made to reveal with the CSS that is written in with JS. The user sees a page without the drodown on page load, and then after 1.5 secs the dropdown appears, therefore showing the user the page reloaded.
// Add dropdown styles
function addDDStyles() {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var logindiv = document.createElement('link');
logindiv.setAttribute('type', 'text/css')
logindiv.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
logindiv.setAttribute("href", 'http://files.stv.claw/css/dropdown.css');
logindiv.setAttribute("media", "screen");
setTimeout('addDDStyles()', 1500)
