I want to block an entire ip range from my webserver but I'm not sure if it's possible with lighttpd. What exactly is the idea behind a network address for example or Especially the backslash and the number confuse me?
That is the netmask. (A binary mask that tells the router which part of the IP to use)
/24 stands from 24 ones so
10110000.00000010.00000100.00000000 Address
11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 Netmask
This is kind of a pain to get right but its not hard
I was trying to connect to a router and the IP address for that device had and IP address with 80::80 at the end of it.I just wanted to know what it was and in what scenarios it would be used?
Thank you in advance
That's an IPv6 address. :: is replaced by an appropriate number of zeroes (it's a shorthand notation).
I am trying to learn how to calculate IP addresses from CIDR block.
For example, or
From what I understand, that means first 28 bits are associated with network address while the rest 4 bits are host addresses. That would result in following IP range: -
The first IP should be and last IP address should be
But according to cidr.xyz. The first IP should be and the last one should be
I really can't figure out why. Can anyone explain the reason for me? Thanks!
Generally, the first IP is the network identifier and cannot be assigned to any device.This is used by router or switch on the network.
The last one is the broadcasting IP and cannot be assigned to any device as this IP is used by router or switch on the network to broadcast information.
Can someone explain exactly how CIDR blocks work and how it translates into for example? Please use laymen’s terms or perhaps even an analogy to something not network related. Can’t seems to find an explanation that clicks with me. Thanks!!
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) blocks are for specifying a range to IP addresses in format of IPv4 or IPv6. For the sake of simplicity I will explain rest of this in format of IPv4 however it is applicable to IPv6.
General format for CIDR Blocks: x.y.z.t/p
x, y, z and t are numbers from 0 to 255. Basically, each represents an 8 bit binary number. That's why it is range is up to 255. Combination of this numbers becomes an IPv4 IP address that must be unique to be able to identify a specific instance.
In case of AWS, p is a number from 16 to 28. It represents the number of bits that are inherited from given IP address. For example: represents an IP address in following format: 10.0.x.y where x and y are any number from 0 to 255. So, actually it represents a range of IP addresses, starting from to
However for each CIDR block, AWS prohibits 5 possible IP addresses. Those are the first 4 available addresses and the last available address. In this case: Network address Reserved for VPC router DNS server Reserved for future use Network broadcast
See here for official doc.
Actually this is one of the main reasons why AWS permits numeric value of p up to /28. Because for p=30, there will be 4 available values however AWS needs 5 IP address to use. In my opinion for p=29, they might found it inefficient to occupy 5 addresses to provide 3 possible IP address.
Number of possible IP addresses can be calculated by using this formula:
NumberOfPossibleIPs = 2^(32-p) - 5
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block basically is a method for allocating IP addresses and IP routing. When you create a network or route table, you need to specify what range are you working in. "" means that it will match to any IP address. Some IP addresses are specific, like, which will match to any IP address beginning with 10. With any IP address range, you can be more specific by using a suffix(something like /32 from your example). These allow the notation to specify number of bits to be used from Prefix(actual IP-range like It represents the bit length of the subnet mask, as indicated above. The subnet mask is like masking when painting. You place a mask over what you DO NOT want to paint on.
For example, will have 256 * 256 IP address in its range.
NOTE: Some of the IP address in a range are reserved for various purposes. According to AWS VPC documentation, following are the reserved IP addresses. Network address. Reserved by AWS for the VPC router. Reserved by AWS. The IP address of the DNS server is always the base of the VPC network range plus two; however, we also reserve the base of each subnet range plus two. For VPCs with multiple CIDR blocks, the IP address of the DNS server is located in the primary CIDR. For more information, see Amazon DNS Server. Reserved by AWS for future use. Network broadcast address. We do not support broadcast in a VPC, therefore we reserve this address.
Hope this helps!
All of the above answers are great, but are missing something pretty important for the people who don't understand addressing.
IP addresses are literally just a string of binary, broken up into 4 "octets". Each octet is a 2^8 block; 00000000. So to a machine, an IP address looks like this (with (.) added for human-ness):
When we're talking about the "mask" on the IP address, it means "the bits that don't change". The /8 or / on the end of the block signifies the number of bits that are not allowed to be used by this network.
So, lets say we have a CIDR block of - this can also be written in the format, and you may in fact see this for of notation in older versions of linux. You will also note that 255 is the decimal representation of the binary string 11111111 - 8 binary "ones". So what the machine sees is the following:
Net: 00001010(.)00000000(.)00000000(.)00000000
Mask: 11111111(.)00000000(.)00000000(.)00000000
The part of the mask with 0's is usable address space within the network.
So the following example addresses are valid in this network, because on the 0 parts of the masked range are changing:
When we say "cidr block" we simply mean "the human-readable shorthand way of expressing binary strings understood by a machine". In the above example, the first octet can be expressed as 10, and the latter octets 0. And the Mask can be expressed as 255 and the latter octets of 0, or; because the mask is always a sequence of 1's, then a sequence of 0's, the length of the 1's, i.e. 8
And as such, we get a cidr of, or
A few more examples:
net: 10101100.00000001.00000001.00000000
mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
^ 24 bits for the mask ^ 8 bits of usable space
net: 00001010.00001010.00001010.00001000
mask: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000
^ 29 bits for the mask. ^ 3 bits of usable space
Importantly though, this is only one aspect of networking. Usually a couple of these are reserved for things. See other answers for AWS specific things. In their examples, the "first 4" ip addresses reserved for AWS will be the first 4 usable addresses, which would be
...00 - Network address
...01 - Router
...10 - DNS
...11 - Futureproofing
i am from non networking background. I suddenly wondered why the companies i worked almost always had the ip's like 192.168.x.x . Why can't they have something like
I understand that ip has and there is a concept called subneting.
Also, to seems to used for private use.
1) How does IP address matters thought all devices are connected to internet through roughter?
Any wisdom pls?
According to RFC 1918, addresses in the range are private. Such addresses can be used internally by any network so they're often used inside an organization. They cannot be used on the Internet since they aren't intended to be kept globally unique.
192.168.X.X isn't the only private range defined in the RFC. You might also run into - or -
Most other addresses are public, and have to be assigned to the network by a Regional Internet Registrty (RIR).
Without knowing it, you might see a kind of playing around with symmetries and numbers of 1-Bits, it it is likely not by chance that they chose these binary subnet mask prefixes and a chosen number of 1-Bits and their slightly playful positions (in brackets: number of 1-Bits for each nibble of the subnet mask prefix, just my guess what might have been thought of, since these Bit patterns were “sacrificed” for private networks):
00001010 (=02): 10/8
11001100.0001 (=221): 172.16/12
11000000.10101000 (=2021): 192.168/16
10101001.11111110 (=2243): 169.254/16
Further links:
CIDR - Classless Inter Domain Routing.
The many 1-Bits for just the automatic IPs might also be swiftly chosen.
Conventional IPv4 dotted quad notation separates the address from the port with a colon, as in this example of a webserver on the loopback interface:
but with IPv6 notation the address itself can contain colons. For example, this is the short form of the loopback address:
How are ports (or their functional equivalent) expressed in a textual representation of an IPv6 address/port endpoint?
They work almost the same as today. However, be sure you include [] around your IP.
For example : http://[1fff:0:a88:85a3::ac1f]:8001/index.html
Wikipedia has a pretty good article about IPv6: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6#Addressing
The protocols used in IPv6 are the same as the protocols in IPv4. The only thing that changed between the two versions is the addressing scheme, DHCP [DHCPv6] and ICMP [ICMPv6]. So basically, anything TCP/UDP related, including the port range (0-65535) remains unchanged.
Edit: Port 0 is a reserved port in TCP but it does exist. See RFC793
Wikipedia points out that the syntax of an IPv6 address includes colons and has a short form preventing fixed-length parsing, and therefore you have to delimit the address portion with []. This completely avoids the odd parsing errors.
(Taken from an edit Peter Wone made to the original question.)
They're the same, aren't they? Now I'm losing confidence in myself but I really thought IPv6 was just an addressing change. TCP and UDP are still addressed as they are under IPv4.
I'm pretty certain that ports only have a part in tcp and udp. So it's exactly the same even if you use a new IP protocol
I would say the best reference is Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's where usage of [] is defined.
Also, if it is for programming and code, specifically Java, I would suggest this readsClass for Inet6Address java/net/URL definition where usage of Inet4 address in Inet6 connotation and other cases are presented in details. For my case, IPv4-mapped address Of the form::ffff:w.x.y.z, for IPv6 address is used to represent an IPv4 address also solved my problem. It allows the native program to use the same address data structure and also the same socket when communicating with both IPv4 and IPv6 nodes. This is the case on Amazon cloud Linux boxes default setup.