TCP Messages 'Bunching Up' - networking

I'm writing a multiplayer Flash game, and the server is written in Python and it updates 25 times a second. Every update, if a player is moving, the server sends out TCP messages containing the new positions of that player. Running locally, everything was lovely, but I've recently pushed the code to a higher-spec deployment server (with a 100Mbps pipe connection) to test how it plays.
I'm glad I did, because what I am noticing is that these update messages are bunching up during sending and they arrive in six's. Testing locally, the messages were arriving at 1/25th of a second intervals, and so player movement was very smooth, now it really isn't.
If you had this same issue, what are the things you would look at, experiment with, in order to find a solution?

You can try disabling Nagle's algorithm to make sure segments are sent straight away. However, given your requirements, I wonder if UDP isn't a better match.


Multiple IOT devices communicating to a server Asynchronously via TCP

I want multiple IoT devices (Say 50) communicating to a server directly asynchronously via TCP. Assume all of them have a heartbeat pulse every 30 seconds and may drop off and reconnect at variable times.
Can anyone advice me the best way to make sure no data is dropped or blocked when multiple devices are communicating simultaneously?
TCP by itself ensures no data loss during the communication between a client and a server. It does that by the use of sequence numbers and ACK messages.
Technically, before the actual data transfer happens, a TCP connection is created between the client (which can be an IoT device, or any other device) and the server. Then, the data is split into multiple packets and sent over the network through that connection. All TCP-related mechanisms like flow-control, error-detection, congestion-detection, and many others, take place once the data starts to flow.
The wiki page for TCP is a pretty good start if you want to learn more about how it works.
Apart from that, as long as your server has enough capacity to support the flow of requests coming from the devices, then everything should work (at least in theory).
I don't think you are asking the right question. There is no way to make sure that no data is dropped or blocked. Networks do not always work (that is why the word work is in network, to convince you otherwise ).
The right question is: how do I make my distributed system as available and reliable as possible? The answer involves viewing interruption and congestion as part of the normal operation, and build your software appropriately.
There is a timeless usenix/acm/? paper from the late 70s early 80s that invigorated the notion that end-to-end protocols are much more effective then over-featured middle to middle protocols; and most guarantees of middle to middle amount to best effort. If you rely upon those guarantees, you are bound to fail. Sorry, cannot find the reference right now, but it is widely cited.

How do I measure ping?

I get how to calculate ping - current time minus the time stamp of the packet - but how do I create a time stamp in the first place? What synchronized concept of time can I use? Note: I use .NET 2.0.
It could be as simple as when you issue your ping request (I will explain this in more detail in a moment), you make note of the current time, and then, when the server/client responds with a pong, you make note of the time again. Subtracting the pong time from the ping time gives you the amount of time for the communication to go between the two applications.
Wikipedia describes ping in the following way:
In multiplayer online video games, MMOs, MMORPGs, MMOFPSs and FPSs ping (not to be confused with frames per second) refers to the network latency between a player's computer (client), and either the game server or another client (i.e. peer). This could be reported quantitatively as an average time in milliseconds... Rather than using the traditional ICMP echo request and reply packets to determine ping times, game programmers often instead build their own latency detection into existing game packets
What I like to do, is when I make a client and a server, I always write in a simple 'ping/pong' command. In short, a ping request is made by one application, when the other application receives it, and sends back a pong confirmation command. This is good for debugging, but for actual development and depending on the game, I usually piggy back this with a heart beat to make sure everything is running as it should. Hope that helps!

Why does Chrome Timeline shows more time than server?

We are trying to optimize our ASP.NET MVC app and get a big time difference between our server side logs and client side delay.
When refresh the page in Chrome in Timeline it shows 4.47s:
As I understand from the picture, the time for server side code execution should be 3.34s, but in our server logs we have the following:
Begin Request 15:41:52.421
End Request 15:41:53.218
Pre Send Request Headers 15:41:53.218
Pre Send Request Content 15:41:53.218
So, according to server side logs code execution took only 797ms in total.
It does not happen all the time and very often the Chrome timeline shows times very close to server logs. But sometimes we have this couple of seconds delay.
Where could this delay come from?
There is lot of stuff that can affect the time sporadically to such an extent, even though addition of almost three seconds is sort of excessive for this scenario. Since you don't mention much about how is your network set up, what operating system u use etc,
I'll try to sum up a list of what comes to my mind when dealing with this sort of a delay, sorted by probability.
The main problem here is the Waiting part of the total time there you should concentrate your detective talent.
Please note that the answer is very general since the question says virtually nothing about configuration of the server, client computer or the network (if any) between them. Since you say the delay is not present all the time, there are one or more moving targets you need to aim at.
If you have an internet shield or similarly named component, it is not uncommon that the antivirus can seemingly randomly delay some connections while leaving other virtually untouched. For the browser this is transparent (it's just a delay, whatever may have caused it), hence the Waiting.
Network issue
Especially if you are connected through a wireless network or poorly configured wired network, a few seconds delay may occur even though the label on the network device says TurboSpeedTM.
Server side issue
Server may be overloaded with previous requests in a manner not covered by your in-application timer, since there are many steps the server performs before and after your script is executed.
Client OS issue
Just like the antivirus, the OS can delay your packets virtually randomly for various reasons.
When hunting down such issue, I would recommend trying to perform the query on the server itself and compare resulting times, try as may combinations of network setup and operation systems as possible, prefer well planned network environments to those with many unknown or external factors (read wireless) and make use of some packet sniffing software (like wireshark) to check whether the browser doesn't lie. And that would be just the start of it :)

Can uploads be too fast?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'll do it anyway.
I have developed an uploader for the Umbraco CMS that lets people upload a queue of files in one go. This uses some simple flash app that just calls a .NET ashx to upload the files one at a time. When one is done, the next one starts.
Recently I've had a user hit a problem where 1 or 2 uploads will go up fine, but then the rest fail. This happens for himself and a client of his. After some debugging, he thinks he's found the problem, but it seems weird so was wondering if anyone else has had this problem?
Both him and his client are on a fibre optic broadband connection so have got really fast upload speeds. When it was tested on a lesser speed broadband connection, all the files were uploaded no problem. According to one of his developer friends, apparently they had come across it before and had to put a slight delay in the upload script to make it work.
Does this sound possible? Had anyone else hit this problem? Is there a known workaround to prevent the uploads from failing?
I have not struck this precise problem before, but I have done a lot of diagnosis of DSL and broadband troubleshooting before, so will do my best to answer this.
There are 2 possible causes for this particular symptom, both generally outside of your network control (I would have thought).
1) Packet loss
Of course where some links receive a very high volume of traffic then they can chose to just dump a lot of data (eg all that is over that link maximum set size), but TCP/IP should be controlling that, and also expecting that sort of thing to drop from time to time, so this seems less likely.
2) The receiving server
May have some HTTP bottlenecks into that server or even the receiving server CPU / RAM etc, may be at capacity.
From a troubleshooting perspective, even if these symptoms shouldn't (in theory) exist, the fact that they do, and you have a specific
Next steps if you really need to understand how it is all working might be to get some sort of packet sniffer (like WireShark) to try to work out at a packet level what exactly is happening.
Also Socket programming can often program directly to the TCP/IP sockets, so you would be processing at the lower network layers, and seeing the responses and timeouts etc.
Also if you control the receiving server, then you can do the same from that end, or at least review the error logs to see what is getting thrown up as a problem.
A really basic method could be to send a pathping to the receiving server if that is possible, and that might highlight slow nodes getting the server, or packet loss between your local machine and the end server.
The upshot? Put in a slow down function in the upload code, and that should at least make the code work.
Get in touch if you need any analysis of the WireShark stuff.
I have run into a similar problem with an MVC2 website using Flash uploader and Firefox. The servers were load balanced with a Big-IP load balancer. What we found out in debugging this is that Flash, in Firefox, did not send the session ID on continuation requests and the load balancer would send continuation requests off to another server. Because the user had no session on the new server, the request failed.
If a file could be sent in one chunk, it would upload fine. If it required a second chunk, it failed. Because of this the upload would fail after an undetermined number of files being uploaded.
To fix it, I wrote a Silverlight uploader.

Network connection reset after intensive operation

I am doing a measurement project where I send and receive data from numerous devices on my network. The send/receive can be considered fast and intensive, as there is almost no pause and a continuous flow of data. However, the data to/from each device is quite small, on the order of a couple of bytes each. For some reason, I am experiencing a reset of my entire ethernet connection where my internet connection also goes down, and I lose connection to all my devices as well. I have never experienced such a situation and am wondering what are some of the common situations that might lead to resets like this?
Actually, it turns out this had to do with the way I constructed my thread, in which I would create a new socket continuously without discarding the previous one. Stupid right? Well I fixed the code and the ethernet no longer crashes.
