I am beginner to servlets. I am trying to create and run servlets using tomcat in ubuntu. I am facing a problem. I am able to call the servlet from the html file by adding an entries into web.xml. But when I change the java program a little and recompile and invoke the new servlet class, the html still seems to call the old one.
Any help is appreciated.
Check if you are redeploying the application properly.
Tomcat by default supports HOT Deployment, you should check if the modified servlet got reflected in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/{application-name}/WEB-INF/classes location.
How do i update JSP's without restarting
Hot Deployment
Hot Deployment Support in WebLogic and Tomcat
I'm having trouble deploying my Spring MVC Webapp with the xsbt-web-plugin. When i'm using container:start everything works just fine, but when i'm trying to run the packaged .war file inside a tomcat instance the webapp isn't loaded. It is just starting a plain tomcat instance.
I had an error in my path that slipped through. I've overlooked this for days. Sorry.
how to develop one example application using EJB-MDB, eclipse, jetty server?
I have created two java class. and i have .jar file, where I have to deploy .jar file in jetty server? after that what I have to do?
Your requirement for EJB-MDB seems to demand a full blown server like Jboss, Glassfish, TomEE and others. If you need jetty with the equivalent of EJB MDB functionality probably you should look at Spring-Boot. On the other hand if you need EJB/MDB compatibility you should probably choose an Application server and each of these comes with a plethora of examples and quickstarts, but each one comes with it's own Servlet Container respectively Undertow, Tomcat, Grizzly, but not Jetty.
I have built a small web app using Gradle. Things seemed to be going well using the embedded Jetty server, but not so well when I tried to copy the WAR file to a standalone server.
I used the gradle war plugin to assemble the war.
Running gradle jettyRunWar works fine.
Copying the war to the Jetty webapps folder and running Jetty fails with this exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No such servlet servlet_name
But this very same servlet is found and used without issue in the embedded Jetty server.
The same issue happens if I manually copy the exploded war to the webapps directory.
The Spring web and Spring mvc libs are copied and present in the WEB-INF/libs directory, so it isn't an issue of not finding Spring (or is it?)
I'm using Jetty 9.1, and my web.xml file is configured for Servlets v3.
I'm also using Spring 3.2. The web app I'm writing is a RESTful service, using the #Controller annotations to route requests.
This should be as simple as copying the war over, but it seems not to be. At a bit of a loss at what to do here, any thoughts?
Sometimes the answer is staring you in the face...after posting I realized that I had my servlet-mapping before my servlet declaration. While this did not present an issue for the Gradle Jetty (not sure why), it made Jetty unhappy. Not sure why I changed the order to begin with...
In short, Jetty seemed to not find the servlet because it had not been declared yet.
I am trying to deploy my Spring MVC application on WSO2 Application Server by going to Main > Manage > Applications > Add > Web Applications and upload my Spring MVC's WAR file. The upload completed successfully, but I still can't run the web app itself. The error message just basically complaining it doesn't have org.springframework.
The same WAR file can be run on Apache Tomcat with no problem at all. All I did is dropping the same WAR file to \webapps, and it works.
Is there a special setting that needs to be configured to get Spring MVC run on WSO2 Application Server? I would assume WSO2 Application is also using Apache Tomcat, so why it won't run by just uploading the WAR file?
What is your WSO2 AS version ? please make sure to use latest AS 5.1.0 version. We have tested large number of Spring (including SpringMVC) based applications on AS 5.1.0, basically if something working on Tomcat it should be work on WSO2 AS too. If you still have issues on AS 5.1.0 please let me know.
I solved this issue by:
Upgrading WSO2 AS to latest version (5.1.0) as mentioned by Sagara Gunathunga. For some reasons, previous WSO2 AS doesn't take my JSTL templating (something like $ {blabla}). Only in 5.1.0 did the issue resolved. I start to wonder what this WSO2 is doing with its half-baked product.
Modify Maven POM file, specifically slf4j-api dependency. WSO2 has its own slf4j-api library and I have to set the scope of slf4j-api in my app to "provided" before deploying to WSO2. This solve the issue with unable to load all JavaScript files.
Downside for this is you will need the scope of slf4j-api to be "compiled" when you run this locally under regular Tomcat. Setting it to "provided" will not work under Tomcat. But in WSO2, the scope will need to be "provided" to run. So, there is manual work to change before deploying the application.
I did try to match the slf4j-api version to match what WSO2 and set the scope to "compile", but it still won't work. WSO2, for some bad reasons, can't use my app's compiled slf4j-api.
yes there is a separate workaround to deploy a spring service to wso2 appserver. Please follow [1] for instructions.
[1]. http://docs.wso2.org/wiki/display/AS510/Spring+Services
Thank you,
Well I'm from WSO2 and it's nice to hear that your JSTL issue is solved by now. But I completely disagree with " I start to wonder what this WSO2 is doing with its half-baked product" statement. You may know that spec like Servelt , JSP and JSTL having different versions and update it's version with time. Previous version of application server does not supported for latest JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.2 specs hence you can't use application which depends on JSP 2.0 or JSTL 1.2 that was a known limitation but can't consider it as half-baked product due to that. This is very common nature with any software product and that's why we are actively developing, fixing issues, upgrading dependencies and frequently releasing new versions, also we are responding to community issues like this.
With Latest AS 5.1.0 release we officially support for Servelt 3.0, JSP 2.0 and JSTL 1.2 and any dependent applications too. When it come to logging case most of the application server having their own logging mechanisms and some cases it's required remove logging dependencies from applications.
Our flex project, which works fine in its current environment with coldfusion 7 single server.
We moved this project to Coldfusion 8 multi server, and updated the remoteobject paths relative to the web root.
The error we now receive is
faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface myProject.cf.main.' faultDetail:'For details, turn on Robust Exception Information in the ColdFusion Administrator'
The path to the cfc's from the webroot is is myProject/cf/main.cfc ... any ideas?
See my solution here. That solution solves this too.