Flex RemoteObject Source not found - apache-flex

Our flex project, which works fine in its current environment with coldfusion 7 single server.
We moved this project to Coldfusion 8 multi server, and updated the remoteobject paths relative to the web root.
The error we now receive is
faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface myProject.cf.main.' faultDetail:'For details, turn on Robust Exception Information in the ColdFusion Administrator'
The path to the cfc's from the webroot is is myProject/cf/main.cfc ... any ideas?

See my solution here. That solution solves this too.


The target execution of WebSphere Application Server v7.0 is not defined

I'm using spring with flex (with IDE flash builder 4.6)
I have this error The target execution of WebSphere Application Server v7.0 is not defined. please where should I configure the server
thanks for helping
Sounds like you're running into a problem using FB's application server integration. I don't even remember FB supporting WebSphere.
It's getting hard to remember how this used to be done, but I know we never used to use this type of functionality in Flash Builder. It's possible to deploy your mid-tier app in Tomcat (or WAS), start that, and then run/debug your Flex app which connects to that independently started server.
Depending on how it connects (Blaze/Granite remoting, REST, etc) it may be harder or easier to do that, but the point is that I'm sure you don't need to use this functionality in FB.
If you still want to try using that functionality, I'm pretty sure the configuration is somewhere in that list on the left side of the dialog posted, but again I never bothered with it.

Flex/Coldfusion Remoting issue. - 'Destination ColdFusion does not exist'

I'm trying to resolve a Flex remote object Coldfusion call. I'm getting the following error.
[MessingError message='Destination 'ColdFusion' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any default channels.)']
When I access my CFC through a cfm page, they work. Due to the way the servers are configured, I'm having issues setting up flex with a coldfusion service when I create a new project because I'm developing on a machine, but have to push everything to the server where CF is located. I'm also wondering if the way CF is setup may be an issue. The company is running Coldfusion from the c:\inetpub directory with IIS and out of the same webroot directory they are running WordPress/MySQL (6 WP sites to be exact). Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I will also add that when I create the flex project I can not set ColdFusion as the web server whether local (1.This machine doesn't run a local instance due to office permissions) and 2.) They don't have the J2EE setup.
The first thing I would check is what you get when you go to: http://www.domain.com/flex2gateway. That should give you a blank page, but if you get anything else (such as a 404) the flex gateway isn't running.
The other thing to make sure is that you set your services compiler argument on flash builder to the coldfusion services-config.xml file in the WEB-INF/flex directory.
-services c:/Coldfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml

Flex web services and reverse proxy

I have a similar problem to the one described here and I found the answer here to be helpful but I have a few more questions.
I've setup my project using Flash Builder 4 and imported my WSDL using the web service wizard making sure I pointed to the WSDL on the proxy. However simply doing that and enabling the "ProxyPreserveHost" directive did not allow the web services to run from the application being run on the proxy server. They just hang with no error or response.
So in addition to this I added this line of code to the service class that the Flash Builder wizard created:
_serviceControl.endpointURI = "https://site.mycompany.com/MyService/MyService";
This fixed the problem but I'm not sure as to why this is a problem in the first place. The location in the WSDL is specified to be http://site.mycompany.com:80/MyService/MyService and the server should be processing that request and converting it to https.
Anyone have any ideas or examples of how to get a Flex app built in Flash Builder working with a reverse proxy in place?

Use WPF DLL Assembly in ASP.NET problem

I have C++ project that compiles as DLL Assembly in .NET 3.5 SP1
Project is used for Image rendering processing by using WPF (it loads 2 images from local folder, applies one image on another and saves the output file in the same folder).
I want to use that that project as a reference in ASP.NET project to the rendering on the website.
So I created simple Web Project in ASP.NET C# that uses C++ project as a Reference.
Everything works great in ASP.NET Web Development Server (built-in Web server in VS2008).
But once I publish this project to IIS on the same Machine or use IIS for debug instead of built-in Web server Image rendering it's not working anymore. I'm not getting any exceptions or error messages, it just output image is not processes as it supposed to be.
If anyone know what could cause that I would really appreciate your insight!
Do you have access to the Event Logs? You should check there for any errors. You should try to throw an exception from a C#-only code path and make sure that everything is OK and regular exceptions are being thrown. Is the C++ compiled to managed code, or is native code? You might find that ASP.NET does not have the appropriate code access security permissions and needs to be registered in the GAC of the server to accessed from C#.
You should also check whether the DLL is thread-safe. This has caused issues for other users in ASP.NET/IIS.

Cannot access SOAP service when Flex 3 app is compiled

I've got a flex app that hits a remote SOAP service and populates a list with the results.
It works fine when i run it through flex builder, but when i compile the application and move it onto a webserver it can't access the services.
I've tried it from a standalone webserver and on my own machine. I'm assuming that there's a security issue that i've missed as i can't think of any other reason why it's ok in flex builder but not when compiled on the same box.
Thanks all.
Is it a crossdomain.xml issue?
The web server running the SOAP service needs crossdomain.xml file to allow your flash movie to access it. See http://www.adobe.com/devnet/articles/crossdomain_policy_file_spec.html
