Make FullCalendar fetch events data from a nested JSON structure - fullcalendar

I am sending events not as a JSON array, but like this:
{"end":"2012-07-14T11:00:00", "description":"1", "title":"2", "start":"2012-07-14T07:00:00"},
{"end":"2012-07-14T11:00:00", "description":"3", "title":"4", "start":"2012-07-14T07:00:00"}
And receive it from FullCalendar this way:
I wonder if I can configure FullCalendar to process data from "events" field if I send it using this structure.

Use "Events as a function".
Fetch your JSON object and parse the events-array from there.


How to manually set the Firestore document ID saving a new document calling Firestore API?

I am finding the following problem trying to save a new document into Firestore database by calling the related POST API and manually setting the document ID.
I am using Python but I suppose that the problem is not related to the language.
I try to explain what I have done and what is not working. My first attempt (that works but automatically set the document ID on Firestore) was:
First of all, I created this JSON document that will be the payload of my API:
# Convert the record to a dictionary
doc = {
'fields': {
'surname': {'stringValue':record[2]},
'firstName': {'stringValue':record[1]},
'socialSecurityCode': {'stringValue':codici_fiscali_list_as_string},
'city': {'stringValue':record[4]},
'personalPhone': {'stringValue':record[5]},
'personalPhone2': {'stringValue':record[6]},
'personalEmail': {'stringValue':emails_list_as_string},
'pazPres': {'stringValue':record[7]},
'pazNotes': {'stringValue':record[8]},
'pazMemo': {'stringValue':record[9]},
'isArchived': {'booleanValue':isArchived},
'isMigrated': {'booleanValue':True},
then I perform the API call by these lines:
api_endpoint = ''
response =, json=doc)
It works fine and it put the expected document into my test collection. But in this way, the ID was automatically generated by Firestore. For some reason, I have to use the content of a variable as ID (my ID must be the value of my record[0] that is a unique string)
So I tried to change the previous API endpoint in the following way:
api_endpoint = ''+ record[0]
I expected that it creates a document using the record[0] as a document ID but it seems that I am wrong since I am obtaining the following error message:
Error saving document: {
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Document parent name \"projects/MY-PROJECT-NAME/databases/(default)/documents/test\" lacks \"/\" at index 71.",
So, what is wrong? What am I missing? How can correctly manually set the ID of the document that I am creating calling the previous API?
Take a look at the documentation for creating documents. If you want to specify a document ID, it says you should pass that as a query parameter called documentId:
The client-assigned document ID to use for this document.
Optional. If not specified, an ID will be assigned by the service.

how can we pass multiple parameter using action in redux

i am trying to send current video object and timeStam of current selected video to action using dispatch but it does not work ..
but from this code of line it didn't work
I sent data through dispatch in the form of object like this
onPause={(e) => {
dispatch(Pause({pauseTime: pauseTime, selectedVideoID: ID}));

Firebase Query using emberjs

I'm trying to sort a list of products from highest to lowest. The file json has been uploaded to firebase.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'query' of undefined
thats the error i'm receiving.
My model is called "product" and it has the price attribute
Here is the code:
sortHigh: ['product.price'],
sortHigh(product) {
sortedProducts: Ember.computed.sort('product', 'sortHigh')
HTML {{action 'sortHigh'}}Highest Price
By default store is available only in route and controller. If you want to access store in any other place, then you need to inject to get it.
store: Ember.inject.service()

how to call fullcalendar events() with a paremeter?

Is there a way to filter events based on a drop down?
I tried :
events: '/Controller/action?id='+id,
$("#drop").change(function () {
id = $('#drop').val();
But the controller does not see the new id.
Any suggestions on passing a paremter to the events() method?
You gave the result of '/Controller/action?id='+id to the calendar as the events feed when the calendar was initialised. e.g. you passed in /Controller/action?id=3, for example. That code has run and does not run again. fullCalendar stores that static string as the URL of the events feed. It doesn't pay any attention to the value of "id" later.
The simplest way to solve this is probably using a custom event feed, as per :
//declare the calendar with a custom "events" functions
//..all your calendar options, and then the events:
events: function( start, end, timezone, callback ) {
//whatever ajax parameters you need, but make sure:
url: /Controller/action,
data: { "id": $('#drop').val(), "start": start.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), "end": end.format("YYYY-MM-DD") }
$("#drop").change(function () {
That way, when "refetchEvents" is called, it runs the function that you passed as the "events" parameter, which can look up the value of the dropdown dynamically at that moment in time.
Note I've also added "start" and "end" parameters to your data, because your event source is supposed to filter the events returned by the dates actually being displayed on the calendar, otherwise you end up returning all events every time the view or date changes.

Why call collection.find in an Iron Router controller

I have built a small meteor app based on code generated by the excellent Meteor Kitchen project. This code works and renders the collection to the page, but there is one thing I am confused about.
A subset of the code is here:
this.route("articles", {path: "/articles", controller: "ArticlesController"});
this.ArticlesController = RouteController.extend({
template: "Articles",
onBeforeAction: function() {;
action: function(){
if (this.isReady()) {
} else {
isReady: function() {
var ready = true;
var subs = [ Meteor.subscribe('allArticles') ];
_.each(subs, function(sub) {
ready = false;
return ready;
data: function() {
return {
articles: Articles.find({})
Meteor.publish('allArticles', function() {
return Articles.find({});
Meteor.publish('singleArticle', function(articleId) {
check(articleId, String);
return Articles.find({_id: articleId});
As I understand how this code is working, the following takes place:
(1) Collection is published via allArticles and singleArticle subscriptions
(2) ArticlesController subscribes to allArticles
(3) data function in the ArticlesController extracts the data (from the subscription?) to the articles array which is then exposed to the Blaze template.
Where I am confused:
Why do we need to do a Articles.find({}) in the data function? Where do we access the allArticles data ... it seems we are going back to the Articles collection directly and how is that possible if we have subscribed only to allArticles ?
While you don't show it, I'm assuming you have the following line in your code, defined somewhere that will execute it on both the server, and the client:
Articles = new Mongo.Collection('articles');
/*CollectionName = new Mongo.Collection('DBCollectionName');*/
Docs. When this is executed on the server a Collection is created, and assigned to the variable name Articles. 'articles' is the name used to store this collection in MongoDB.
When this is executed on the client, a mini mongo Collection is created. It initially will have no documents in it.
Next you have server only code:
Meteor.publish('allArticles', function() {
return Articles.find({});
Meteor.publish('singleArticle', function(articleId) {
check(articleId, String);
return Articles.find({_id: articleId});
Docs. This defines two publications, 'allArticles' and 'singleArticle'. These are not Collections themselves, but are rules that specify a set of data that the server will publish, and a client may subscribe to. While these two publications return data from the Server's Articles collection, publications can return data from one or more collections, or by directly using the underlying ddp protocol you can publish data that comes from another data source (not mongodb).
Next on the client you subscribe to a collection:
Docs. This call takes the name of a publication defined on the server ('allArticles'), and subscribes to it. The server then executes the publish function, and sends over ddp the set of data returned. This data is stored in the Client-side Mini Mongo Collection created above, and named Articles.
Also the server will monitor the Articles collection for changes, and if the resultset of the 'allArticles' publication changes, will send these changes as updates to the client.
So next you have the data function in your Controller (Client side).
data: function() {
return {
articles: Articles.find({})
Docs. This sets the data context for the render function.
The reason this calls Articles.find rather than allArticles.find is because allArticles is not a collection, but was instead the name of the publication the client used to request the server send data, that was stored in the clients mini mongo collection named Articles.
Where do we access the allArticles data ... it seems we are going back
to the Articles collection directly and how is that possible if we
have subscribed only to allArticles ?
You return this as part of your data object so that you can access it in your template. In your Articles template you can now use {{#each articles}} directly without a helper function because articles is part of your data context. You can also access the articles returned from your controllers data portion inside of your Articles template helpers by using this.articles.
Why do we need to do a Articles.find({}) in the data function?
These queries being performed in your controllers data function act on the clients minimongo Articles collection as opposed to the servers. Once the information is published from the server, and the client has subscribed to it, the client has this information available in their minimongo instance, but still needs to access it somehow. Basically, the publication makes the information available, but the Articles.find({}) accesses it for the client.
Accessing this information inside of the data function of your controller is simply to avoid doing it inside of your template.
I think that your misunderstanding comes from the third step that you have described:
data function in the ArticlesController extracts the data (from the
subscription?) to the articles array which is then exposed to the
Blaze template.
The data function extracts the data from minimongo on the client which contains the information from the subscription. Minimongo lies between the subscription and the data function.
I would need to know more about your app to answer the question. Are you viewing just a single article, or is there a page that lists them all?
If you are viewing a single article you would need to subscribe to the singleArticle publication.
If you were showing a list of articles, you would need to subscribe to allArticles. If there are a lot of articles, you could improve the speed of your app by limiting the number of fields with a query projection.
