symfony2 blank page on web hosting server - symfony

I try to deploy my project on my distant web server. I think the sf2 installation is ok I have the app_dev.php and the config.php pages, the check.php doesn't return me any error and I set up the acl on the directories app/cache and app/logs.
but I cant have any of my pages from my controllers. If I try something like .../Symfony/web/app_dev.php/myurl I have a blank page.
What can I do? thanks in advance

Most likely there's a php error, you should check your web server/php error log files. The exact location of those depends on configuration, ask your hosting provider if you can't find them yourself.
As a wild guess, check the permission on the app/cache folder - this is a common problem I believe. You should always run app/console cache:clear --no-debug --env=prod with the webserver user.

You may also check whether mod_rewrite is enabled in your server.

I am not sure if you have checked the obvious but app_dev contains the following:
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
|| !in_array(#$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array(
) {
header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');
Make sure to add your IP, remove the IP block altogether or come up with a login solution.

I resolved the blank pages simply executing this command on the project root:
app/console assets:install web

i opened my Linux terminal and execute :
php app/check.php
it showed me ERROR:
date.timezone setting must be set
Set the "date.timezone" setting in php.ini*
i set server timezone and restart my server, my blank page gone, and symfony 2.7.3 version start working


setting symfony for local development on herkou

I am trying to set up my symfony 2.8 app for local development.(Following -
Added In proc file
web: bin/heroku-php-apache2 web/
bin/sh: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2: No such file or directory
Also note , composer.phar config bin-dir is bin
Anyone who can share how they resolved this problem?
First of all, have you tried letting heroku create the Procfile itself? I think lately it was smart enough to work out the root of the Symfony project.
If that doesn't work, maybe that's not the right path, try:
echo 'web: $(composer config bin-dir)/heroku-php-apache2 web/' > Procfile
If none of those work, I'd rather use the heroku information on how to deploy your Symfony app, have a look at this and see if it helps:

WordPress file permissions on CentOS7 requiring sudo

I'm running WordPress on my VPS with CentOS 7 LAMP stack.I've followed this guide to set permissions, i.e. I've run
sudo chown apache:apache -R *
to ensure that my wordpress directory is owned by apache:apache.
I've also set WordPress directory and file permissions with these commands:
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
(I had to prefix the above commands with sudo)
Normally I manage the server by logging in through SSH using myuser, where myuser belongs to the apache group and the wheel group.
I have 3 problems:
Any file CRUD command in the WordPress directory still requires me to prefix the command with sudo, or else I get a permission error. Since myuser belongs to apache and apache owns the directory, I'm confused as to why I still need to prefix the commands with sudo.
Similar to problem 1, any git command such as a git pull requires me to prefix the command with sudo or else I get a permission error.
When I try to automatically update theme files from my WordPress dashboard web interface, I get permission errors. Interestingly, I'm able to install/update plugins via the WordPress dashboard without any permissions errors.
Any ideas on what I'm missing?
Look at:What does mode_t 0644 mean?
644 means:
* (owning) User: read & write
* Group: read
* Other: read
CRUD is a write command, so you're not allowed to do that. Either you change to 664 or keep using sudo. Basically any writing procedure on the file system would not be allowed without sudo since your user is not the owner (event though he is in the group).
#fortuneRice, CentOS7 features selinux enabled by default, which is often the cause of many hard-to-understand file permission errors.
I would suggest the following:
Edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Change SELINUX=permissive (or whatever SELINUX is currently set to in the file) to SELINUX=disabled
Reboot your server (not just the apache web server, but the whole machine)
Disabling SELINUX completely is not a good idea, therefore if this procedure works, you should re-enable SELINUX and fix its configuration.
Configuring SELINUX can be a difficult task, so I suggest you read up on google how to do that :)
chown -R -f user:apache /path of the directory
I also faced that issue and solved this problem by changing the PHP handler.
it is important to use PHP Handler that will run as the file owner.
After I installed HTTP2 and another few features on the way, I changed the PHP handler.
I am running WHM/CPanel on my VPS, and I fixed my issue following these steps:
Under WHM > Software > EasyApache 4 > Customize
Look for the: mod_suphp under the Apache Modules tab and make sure it is enabled, and if you just turned it on to install, follow step two.
Go to the Review tab and click the Provision button to save.
Under Whm > Software > MultiPHP Manager look for PHP Handlers tab.
Choose suphp as the handler for the current PHP version.
That's it. It was the PHP handler.
Edit: I notice that suphp had a conflict with one of my user uploads directories that I am adding dynamically to images a watermark. It seems the suphp handler had permission to upload but doesn't show the pictures.
I also tried the lsapi for the PHP Handler, and it seems to work correctly with the file's permissions and attaching via the .htaccess file watermarks for images.

Symfony2 "Assetic:dump -env-prod" Permission denied Exception

Before i executed an update (composer.phare update) with the root user, every thing works fine, but now when i tries to run "Assetic:dump -env-prod" i get a "Permission denied" error
An error occurred while running:
'' '-jar' '/home/symfony/www/app/Resources/java/yuicompressor.jar' '--ch
arset' 'UTF-8' '-o' '/tmp/YUI-OUT-vbRlyu' '--type' 'css' '/tmp/YUI-IN-OoRVH
Error Output:
sh: 1: : Permission denied
Input:{ ...
I tried all the solutions in this post Fontawesome fonts fail after assets:install and assetic:dump
clear the cache, chown, chgrp and chmod nothing worked always the same problem
One way to deal with file permissions when you are running a web based application which requires either auto deployment or constant manual updates like using bin/console from symfony2, its to make sure that the files belongs to the user under which your application runs.
As you did not provide environment settings, I will be making a few assumptions and provide you with a generic setup scenario, hopefully this will help guide you to the the best solution for your specific case.
Environment Assumptions:
OS: linux flavor;
Web server: nginx will be running as www-data;
PHP: php-fpm will running as testapp and using a socket connection for this application;
Generic set-up steps:
In the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file, make sure that the user/group are set to www-data;
In the /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/apptest.conf file, make sure that the user & group are set to testapp;
TIP: The file above might need to be created, if that's the case you should just copy the content of the www.conf file located in the same folder.
In the /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/apptest.conf file, make sure listen.owner & are set to www-data;
Make sure that you have a line like the one below in this file /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/apptest.conf:
listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.apptest.sock.
NOTE: the fpm.apptest.sock portion of that line above, its the name of a file that does not exist yet but will be created when you restart php. The benefit is that you will have an isolated php process for this application;
a) In the case on nginx and if you are using socket connections, make sure to add this line in your apptest conf file:
b) If you are using apache add this line in that conf file:
-socket /var/run/php5-fpm.apptest.sock;
If you are on a linux box, create user with no password and it should be called, apptest.
Note: apptest is the name of your application, it will also be the user under which php will be running and it should also be the application files/folders owner.
Restart php and nginx/apache.
Tip: to change to a user in linux which has no password, you should have root privileges and run:
sudo -u apptest -i.
After this, you should perform all your commands as the apptest user previously created, including running the symfony2 bin/console.
These are very generic steps, so if you need any clarification, let me know.
I do not recommend to use root for updating. In my opinion the way to go is to have /app/logs /app/cache writable for the server and the src and vendor folder only readable for the server.
So lets say your user and group is: coolman, than try this:
# everything is yours
chown coolman:coolman -R .
# all and group can access folders and read files, you as user can additionally write them
chmod ag=rX,u=rwX -R .
# full access to logs and cache for everyone (also the server)
chmod a+rwX -R app/logs app/cache
You make your composer update with your coolman user.
There is only one small problem, too. The logs might be www-data:www-data rw-r--r-- so you cannot delete them. So just add a line to your app.php and your app/console file:
I think this line is commented out as default. This says, that if no explicit rights are set within PHP, than every file which is created will get 0777 - mask = 0777 so you can delete logs and cache then.

Exec with PHP-FPM on nginx (under chroot) returns nothing

I've created a nginx server in a chroot at /srv/http with php-fpm. Both services use the http user and it works fine. The problem comes when I try to run an exec command such as
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
There is no output at all on the web page or in the errors. I've also tried
and still nothing.
Things I've Tried or Know:
safe mode off
exec enabled
user is http (using phpinfo())
display_errors = on
error_reporting = E_ALL
sudo /usr/bin/chroot --userspec=http:http /srv/http ls works fine
Can create file and read from it using file_puts_content and fopen/fread
tried shell_exec,exec,system, and passthrough - nothing worked
tried appending 2>&1 to the end of the command and nothing
I've copied all the executables and libraries necessary over
all libraries, binaries, and everything under /srv/http/www (where the webpages are) have executable and read permissions
doc_root is www
As far as I know, everything works in the chroot, except shell commands through php-fpm. Anyone have any idea where I went wrong and how to fix it?
This may sound stupid but you must just copy /bin/sh (not /bin/bash!) to you chroot.
For example see this question: How do I change the shell for php's exec()
If you chroot to some directory, then this directory becomes the root for all your PHP scripts. That means, that if you execute /usr/bin/ls from within PHP, it will try to exectue /srv/http/usr/bin/ls instead.
You can copy the executable to that directory - but be aware of the security implications. If you copy critical system executables into the chrooted directory you basically bypass the positive effects of chroot.
I get no output for
echo shell_exec('/usr/bin/ls');
either. Presumably because ls isn't a file but a built-in command. Running:
echo shell_exec('ls');
css demos favicon.ico images js path.php robots.txt routing.php test
which is the list of files in my root directory for the site.

register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled

I've just moved my drupal to a new server and I get the following warning:
register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled. Your site may not be secure when register_globals is enabled. The PHP manual has instructions for how to change configuration settings. (Currently using PHP register globals Enabled ('1'))
Should I change the configuration of the php server or I can ignore it ?
I probably don't have access to php settings.
Sadly hostgator leaves them enabled :(
Sometimes making the change in .htaccess is not sufficient. Hostgator has a little elaborate process and it can be irritating some times.
You will need to add the default php.ini file that Hostgator provides to your root. And then add the .htaccess with an entry for the address of php.ini to the www doc root.
For detailed steps and downloading these docs(php.ini and .htaccess file)read my blog on How to turn off register_globals in hostgator
Check with your host if they can help you out. If you don't have access to php.ini then you may not be able to. register_globals has been off for a good number of years now so that's surprising. If the host allows you .htaccess files you can add this to yours:
php_flag register_globals off
I found the solution on a forum.
So just just edit the file / / modules / system system.install then go to line 56:
$requirements['php_register_globals']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
and replaced by:
$requirements['php_register_globals']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
Well, that's all, the installation should run perfectly normally.
As for me I think I'll go back nuked klan too uzinagaz this CMS ...
