Wordpress : Why Plugin name is unique? - wordpress

I am new in wordpress. I have read lots of about the plugin creation and thier steps. Can any body explain me why the plugin name is unique? I have read that for avoiding conflict keep plugin name unique. My question is if I have created different or unique shortcode then whats the problem?

In case you publish it, it needs a unique name to display on the WordPress page (or wherever).
How would a regular user know which plugin is the right one if both have the same name? Less computer-savvy users wouldn't be able to check for the plugin code to differentiate them.
Also, the plugin files are named after the plugin name itself. And Wordpress uses this information internally. If two plugins that happen to have the same name were installed under the same Wordpress website, there might be conflicts on Wordpress representation.

A WordPress plugin identified on WordPress.org by its name only. So if plugin name is not unique, even on a local computer for testing, plugin might be overridden automatically by the next update from by a developer with the same app name published in wordpress.org/plugins/.
What happens when you upload manually a none unique name plugin to your WordPress blog? I guess it will be damaged or hacked by anyone who publishes plugin with the same name. That is why not only the name must be unique but you also have to publish it on wordpress.org/plugins/ to prevent anyone change it, or else you have to disable plugin updates.


When saved, WordPress editor automatically adds "rel=nofollow" to every external link

currently I'm running into this issue, where external links are automatically set to no-follow by WordPress. As of now I wasn't able to detect the source of this behaviour.
The page uses the Classic Editor (v1.6.2) Plugin - however, the problem still occurs without the use of this Plugin.
There are a bunch of other plugins installed but those are not directly involved with the post editin feature of WordPress. Are there any clues which might cause this issue?
If you need any information I can provide.
Which other Plugins are you using?
Are you maybe using RankMath or another SEO Plugin?
These have a setting to make all external links with "rel=nofollow". You would need to deactivate this or add an exceptions for specific domains.
Check the settings.

Wordpress Password Expiration - Change value or Create a plugin?

One of our Wordpress websites have hundreds of users...when a new user is created, the link is sent to them that expires within a 24h period.
Now, I see that we can change that by changing the a value within the Core of Wordpress: /wp-includes/users.php
Now, would it be better to change the value directly via FTP or create a plugin?
Never edit core files. Go the plugin route instead.
Every time you update WordPress, all core files are replaced by the new ones so editing its code directly is never a good idea: all changes made to it will be lost. Instead, make use of the many action/filter hooks WordPress offers to alter its behavior - this is the safest way to go as upgrades won't overwrite your modifications.
In your case, the password_reset_expiration filter hook is what you're looking for.

Plugin Name check unique or not

I am new in WordPress but I wanted to know how to check my plugin name is unique or not and how to upload this plugin in wordpress.org. Please guide me how is it possible. ?
Simple enough, check whether the name you are going to use for plugin already exists in WordPress plugin repository. If not, then hurray... you can use the name and develop the plugin.
In case it exists, give your plugin a different name.
And to upload your WordPress plugin, please create an account and then follow the instructions

wordpress and the $_GET method

I have recently updated a plain html website for a music festival into wordpress. All is fine and beautifulllllll(!), except for one thing. People who apply for the courses are supposed to pay for a deposit, and when they do so they should receive a confirmation email that includes a URL for the future payment of the rest of the course fee.
With the old site, we used to have something like:
The coursefee.php file used the $_GET method to create a form that would lead to the payment service (with the right amount to be paid, the correct reference number, ASO). The problem is that if I use the same configuration in wordpress.... well, things don't work. Wordpress uses url parameters as query parameters and I really don't know how to go around this issue.
Any ideas?
Did you check the path to your coursefee.php files is in the wordpress root directory ?
This php file is not part of Wordpress core, so if you have the standard .htaccess file, you should access it directly without initializing WordPress.

How to delete all plugin references in database?

How does one completely remove a plugin from WordPress?
I have deleted the plugin via WordPress admin and then reinstalled, problem persists.
I see 8 records in cmsoptions table referencing the offending plugin. Since WP Admin drags to a grinding crawl with the plugin active, and for weeks the plugin was working just fine, I have to conclude that the problem exists due to the plugin references in the DB.
If anyone has the inside word on completely obliterating a plugin from WP, please do share.
The the options API (http://codex.wordpress.org/Options_API) is open to the plugin to store whatever data it wishes (under whatever name it wishes). You'd have to search the plugin code to see what it is storing (and how) in order to get rid of the offending data.
The issue isn't with WordPress, it's with the plugin. WordPress is a framework and can't take responsibility for whatever gets built on top of it (ie plugins). It's like blaming a hammer for a poorly built house.
