how to resolve object Null error? -

I have a situation where i am assigning some value to a session. I have a situation in which that code is calling repeatedly. some times this code throws error of object null. I am not getting why this is happening while i am assign value to it.My code is
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["Cache"] == null)
DataTable dtcache= HttpContext.Current.Cache["HNS Connection"] as DataTable; //CreateConnectString(CCMMUtility.Encryptdata(txtPin.Text));
string sqlFilter = "Sp = '" + classses.DecryptString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["sp"].ToString(), classses.SP) + "'";
DataRow[] dr = dtcache.Select(sqlFilter);
if (dr.Length > 0)
String[] Con = new String[2];
Con[0] = dr[0][0].ToString();
Con[1] = dr[0][1].ToString();
sp= Con[1];
HttpContext.Current.Session["Name"] = dr[0][2].ToString();
When i am try to do "Add watch" while debugging its says the "value" has some value but the HttpContext.Current.Session["Name"] is null. Can some let me know why this is happening.
Actually i am creating a cache then fills session from that cache. this is based on my requirement.

I suspect that dr[0][2] is null so when you call .ToString() on it you are getting a NRE.

Is that the HttpContext.Current is null? If so wrap a null check around it like this:
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["Cache"] == null)
DataTable dtcache= HttpContext.Current.Cache["HNS Connection"] as DataTable; //CreateConnectString(CCMMUtility.Encryptdata(txtPin.Text));
string sqlFilter = "Sp = '" + classses.DecryptString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Cookies"].Values["sp"].ToString(), classses.SP) + "'";
DataRow[] dr = dtcache.Select(sqlFilter);
if (dr.Length > 0)
String[] Con = new String[2];
Con[0] = dr[0][0].ToString();
Con[1] = dr[0][1].ToString();
sp= Con[1];
HttpContext.Current.Session["Name"] = dr[0][2].ToString();


Oracle "UPDATE" command returns 0 rows affected in my ASP .NET application but the SQL statement itself works in PL/SQL

I have this ASP.NET project working with Oracle, I have the following code for operating the DB:
public int cmd_Execute_Orcl(string strSql, params OracleParameter[] paramArray)
OracleCommand myCmd = new OracleCommand();
myCmd.Connection = myOrclConn;
myCmd.CommandText = strSql;
foreach (OracleParameter temp in paramArray)
int i = myCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return i;
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
"ConnectionManage()" turns on or off the connection, the following code is from data access layer of the program:
public string Edit_DAL(string id, string jh, string jz, string jd, string wd, string gzwz, string qxlx, string sx, string jx, string jb, string cfdd, string zjqssj, string zjzzsj, string bz)
string sql = "update JH set jh = :jh, jz = :jz, wd = :wd, jd = :jd, gzwz = :gzwz, qxlx = :qxlx, sx = :sx, jx = :jx, jb = :jb, cfdd = :cfdd, zjqssj = TO_DATE(:zjqssj, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), zjzzsj = TO_DATE(:zjzzsj, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), bz = :bz where ID = :idy";
string result = null;
String[] temp1 = zjqssj.Split('/');
String[] temp2 = zjzzsj.Split('/');
string tempString = "";
if (temp1[2].Length < 2)
temp1[2] = temp1[2].Insert(0, "0");
for (int i = 0; i < temp1.Length; i++)
if (i != 0)
temp1[i] = temp1[i].Insert(0, "/");
tempString += temp1[i].ToString();
zjqssj = tempString;
tempString = "";
if (temp2[2].Length < 2)
temp2[2] = temp2[2].Insert(0, "0");
for (int i = 0; i < temp2.Length; i++)
if (i != 0)
temp2[i] = temp2[i].Insert(0, "/");
tempString += temp2[i].ToString();
zjzzsj = tempString;
tempString = "";
OracleParameter[] pars ={
new OracleParameter(":idy",id),
new OracleParameter(":jh",jh),
new OracleParameter(":jz",jz),
new OracleParameter(":jd",jd),
new OracleParameter(":wd",wd),
new OracleParameter(":gzwz",gzwz),
new OracleParameter(":qxlx",qxlx),
new OracleParameter(":sx",sx),
new OracleParameter(":jx",jx),
new OracleParameter(":jb",jb),
new OracleParameter(":cfdd",cfdd),
new OracleParameter(":zjqssj",(zjqssj.Replace('/', '-') + " 00:00:00")),
new OracleParameter(":zjzzsj",(zjzzsj.Replace('/', '-') + " 00:00:00")),
new OracleParameter(":bz",bz)
SqlHelper.cmd_Execute_Orcl(sql, pars);
result = "ok";
catch (Exception ex)
result = "no" + "=" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace;
return result;
Here's where the strange thing happens, when I hit this part of the code, there's no exception, it returns 0, no rows affected, all the values of the parameters are normal, with expected value, then I tried to run the command in PL/SQL and it works, the row is correctly updated, delete function is also referencing the same "cmd_Execute_Orcl" method and it works just fine, and for the other object the edit function is working perfectly, I am posting the code below:
public string Edit(string OriginalId, string EditUserAccount, string EditUserName, string EditUserMobile, string EditDeptId, string EditRoleId, string EditRoleName)
string sql = "update AuthUser set UserAccount=:EditUserAccount, UserName=:EditUserName, UserMobile=:EditUserMobile, DepartmentId=:EditDeptId, RID=:EditRoleId, RoleName=:EditRoleName where ID=:OriginalId";
OracleParameter[] pars ={
new OracleParameter(":EditUserAccount",EditUserAccount),
new OracleParameter(":EditUserName",EditUserName),
new OracleParameter(":EditUserMobile",EditUserMobile),
new OracleParameter(":EditDeptId",EditDeptId),
new OracleParameter(":EditRoleId",EditRoleId),
new OracleParameter(":EditRoleName",EditRoleName),
new OracleParameter(":OriginalId",OriginalId),
SqlHelper.cmd_Execute_Orcl(sql, pars);
return "ok";
catch (Exception ex)
string test = ex.Message;
return "no";
In the expected table, column ID is nvarchar2 with default value of sys_guid(), column ZJQSSJ and column ZJZZSJ is of type date, all other columns are of type varchar2, I have also tried executing "COMMIT" and reformating data for date, but the same problem is still there, plz help...

Gridview not populating by datatable

Below is the code where The four columns("Challan Number","Proposal Number","CTS Number" and "Amount") is obtained from Sql-Database, and the ("Land" and "Ward") values are obtained from respective methods. The values obtaines are correct but still the "ChallanGridview" is not getting populated.
The datarow "dr1" gets populated with the correct required values, but the "ChallanGridview" doesn't shows anything.
public void FillChallanGrid()
string query = string.Empty;
string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConStrg"].ConnectionString;
query = CtrlChallenSearch1.GetChallanQuery();
using(SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(cs))
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
int x = ds.Tables["entry"].Rows.Count;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Challan Number");
dt.Columns.Add("Proposal Number");
dt.Columns.Add("CTS Number");
for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables["entry"].Rows[i];
DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
dr1["Challan Number"] = dr["ReceiptNo"].ToString();
dr1["Proposal Number"] = dr["ProposalNo"].ToString();
dr1["CTS Number"] = dr["CTSNo"].ToString();
dr1["Amount"] = dr["Amount"].ToString();
dr1["Land"] = GetLand(dr["ProposalNo"].ToString());
ChallanGridView.DataSource = dt;
private object GetLand(string ProposalNumber)
string retvalue = string.Empty;
if (ProposalNumber != "" || ProposalNumber != null || ProposalNumber != string.Empty)
string[] splittedvalue = ProposalNumber.Split('/');
retvalue = splittedvalue[1];
return retvalue;
private object GetWard(string ProposalNumber)
string retvalue = string.Empty;
string[] splittedvalue = new string[3];
splittedvalue = ProposalNumber.Split('/');
retvalue = splittedvalue[0];
return retvalue;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Its solved, I just deleted the present gridview and added another fresh one,
don't know how and why, but the error was gone.
btw thnks Asif.Ali!

error:Must declare the scalar variable "#ID" & sql server2014 & sql server 2014 : why this error appearMust declare the scalar variable"#ID" I looked on goggle and I think it has something to do with insert parameters for ID. Then again I read there could be a typo error.
As I am not going to insert ID column manually I think this is why I am having problem(s) and I don't know how to solve this problem. i cant find out what is missing or wrong could you help please
string query = "insert into LegRent(ID, Day, Date, Name, Nationality, relegon, NatID, Name2, Nationality2, relegon2, NatID2, Type, Building, Flat, UseFor, Duration, StartFrom, EndIn, RentValue, OnlyAr, YearPercent, InsuranceValue, OnlyArInsur, Addres2, Addres) values (#ID, #Day, #Date, #Name, #Nationality, #relegon, #NatID, #Name2, #Nationality2, #relegon2, #NatID2, #Type, #Building, #Flat, #UseFor, #Duration, #StartFrom, #EndIn, #RentValue, #OnlyAr, #YearPercent, #InsuranceValue, #OnlyArInsur, #Addres2, #Addres)";
string query2 = "Select ##Identity";
int ID;
string connect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Construction;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
using (OleDbConnection conn2 = new OleDbConnection(connect))
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(query, conn2))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", idtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Day", daytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Date", datetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", namedd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Nationality", ddNati.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#relegon", ddRelgon.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NatID", NatIDtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name2", namedd2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Nationality2", ddNati2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#relegon2", ddRelgon2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#NatID2", NatIDtxt2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Type", typrdd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Building", buileddd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Flat", flatdd.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UseFor", usetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Duration", durationtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#StartFrom", starttxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#EndIn", endtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#RentValue", vluetxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#OnlyAr", onlytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#InsuranceValue", insurtxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#OnlyArInsur", insuronlytxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#YearPercent", percenttxt.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Addres2", adresstxt2.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Addres", adresstxt.Text);
cmd.CommandText = query2;
ID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
lbl_msg.Text = "تـــم الحفظ";
int rentMonths = 0;
bool isInt = int.TryParse(durationtxt.Text, out rentMonths);
if (isInt)
for (int index = 0; index < rentMonths; index++)
OleDbCommand insertRentMonths = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO [dbo].[AccRentReceipt] ([ReceiptID] ,[ContractID] ,[Name]) VALUES (#ReceiptID ,#ContractID ,#Name)", conn2);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ReceiptID", index + 1);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ContractID", ID);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Name", namedd.Text);
catch (Exception ex)
lbl_msg.Text = "خطــــأ " + ex.Message;

How to perform Rollback in when using Stored Procedure

I want to insert data into 12 different tables on a single click of a button. For this I am using single stored procedure. But my problem is when I am doing this and if there is any exception occurs my data is getting inserted partially i.e values is getting inserted in some tables and some remains empty and due to this problem occurs since all are related to one another. So wanted to know is there any way to perform Rollback so that if any exception occurs entire query is rolled back and data is not inserted in any of the table.
This is the code I am currently using for inserting values.
public int Sp_InsertUpdateDelete(string s, SqlParameter[] spa)
SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection(cs);
SqlCommand scm = new SqlCommand(s, sc);
scm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
foreach (SqlParameter sql in spa)
int k = scm.ExecuteNonQuery();
return k;
protected void btnHostingSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string select = "select * from tbl_Hosting where Customer_Id='" + ddlCustomerName.SelectedValue + "'";
DataSet s =;
if (s.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Customer Already Exist');</script>");
if (ddlHosting.SelectedValue == "Yes")
SqlParameter[] spa = new SqlParameter[29];
spa[0] = new SqlParameter("#Customer_Id", Convert.ToInt16(ddlCustomerName.SelectedValue));
spa[1] = new SqlParameter("#Type", 2);
if (txtHostingSDate.Text == "" || txtHostingSDate.Text == null)
spa[2] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_start_date", null);
spa[2] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_start_date", Convert.ToDateTime(txtHostingSDate.Text));
if (txtHosingEDate.Text == "" || txtHosingEDate.Text == null)
spa[3] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_end_date", null);
spa[3] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_end_date", Convert.ToDateTime(txtHosingEDate.Text));
spa[4] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_provider", ddlHostingPro.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[5] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_type", ddlHostingType.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[6] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_server", ddlHostingServer.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[7] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_total_id", Convert.ToInt16(txtHostingId.Text));
spa[8] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail_tracking", ddlHostingMailTracking.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[9] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail_tracking_users", Convert.ToInt16(txtHostingMtUser.Text));
spa[10] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_dns", ddlHostingDns.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[11] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail", ddlHostingMail.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[12] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_web", ddlHostingWeb.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[13] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_manage_dns", ddlHostingMngDns.SelectedItem.ToString());
if (ddlHostingDns.SelectedValue == "No" && (ddlHostingMail.SelectedValue == "Yes" || ddlHostingWeb.SelectedValue == "Yes"))
spa[14] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns1", txtNS1.Text);
spa[15] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns2", txtNS2.Text);
spa[14] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns1", ddlHostingNS1.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[15] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns2", ddlHostingNS2.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[16] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_rec_ip", txtHostingARecordIp.Text);
spa[17] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_rec1", txtMXRecord1.Text);
spa[18] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_rec2", txtMXRecord2.Text);
spa[19] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_ip1", txtHostingMxIp1.Text);
spa[20] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_space", ddlHostingSpace.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[21] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_ip2", txtHostingMxIp2.Text);
spa[22] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_data_transfer", ddlhostingDataTrans.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[23] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_manage_dns_amt", txtHostingMangDnsAmt0.Text);
spa[24] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_amt", txtHostingAmt0.Text);
spa[25] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns1", txtHostingNS1.Text);
spa[26] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns2", txtHostingNS2.Text);
spa[27] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns3", txtHostingNS3.Text);
spa[28] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns4", txtHostingNS4.Text);
int k = gs.Sp_InsertUpdateDelete("Sp_Hosting", spa);
if (k > 0)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Hosting Added Success');</script>");
using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction("Transaction1");
Cmd = new SqlCommand(sQuery, Conn);
Cmd.Transaction = tran;
//Your Code
tran.Commit(); //both are successful
catch(Exception ex)
//if error occurred, reverse all actions. By this, your data consistent and correct
You need to modify your Stored procedure and use Transactions for this feature.
Something like this:
SELECT #TranName = 'MyTransaction';
USE AdventureWorks2012;
DELETE FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;
MSDN Reference

queries in entity framework

i have written the following query and it is giving error Unable to cast object of type
System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery'[ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch]' to type 'ITClassifieds.Models.Viewsearch'.
my code is as follows
if (zipcode.Contains(","))//opening of zipcode conatins comma
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(" ", " ");
zipcode = zipcode.Replace(", ", ",");
} while (zipcodecity.Contains(" "));
char[] separator = new char[] { ',' };
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(separator);
var zipcd = (from u in db.ZipCodes1
where u.CityName == temparray[0] && u.StateAbbr == temparray[1] && u.CityType == "D"
select new Viewsearch
Zipcode = u.ZIPCode
Viewsearch vs = (Viewsearch)zipcd;
if (zipcd.Count() > 0)
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = "";
tempStr = "";
zipcode = "";
You need to do
If it will always exist:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.First()
If not use, and then check for null before using
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.FirstOrDefault()
You could also use Single if there will always be 1 or None.
The Distinct method returns an enumerable collection (in your case, and ObjectQuery<T>, which may contain more than one element. You can't typecast that directly to an item in the collection, you need to use one of the IEnumerable methods to get it:
Viewsearch vs = zipcd.SingleOrDefault();
if ( vs != null )
zipcode = vs.Zipcode;
locations = String.Empty;
zipcode = String.Empty;
tempStr = String.Empty;
SingleOrDefault will throw an exception if there is more than one item in the collection; if that's a problem, you can also use FirstOrDefault to grab the first item, as one example.
Also, unrelated to your question, but you don't need the temporary array variable for your string separators. The parameter to the Split method is a params array so you can just call it like this:
string[] temparray = zipcode.Split(',');
Replace the zipcd query with:
var cityName = temparray[0];
var stateAbbr = temparray[1];
Viewsearch vs = new Viewsearch {
Zipcode = db.ZipCodes1.Where(u.CityName == cityName && u.StateAbbr == stateAbbr && u.CityType == "D").First().ZIPCode
