Efficient way to store chronological rows? - sqlite

I've got a table like so:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS grades(_id, timestamp, extra);
I want to create an index on "timestamp", so I'm doing:
CREATE INDEX idx_timestamp ON grades(timestamp);
I want to select 20 records at a time based off the timestamp then:
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE timestamp > 123 ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 20;
So, is there a more efficient way I can define the column "timestamp"? I'm just guessing that specifying it as an indexed column is all we can do, and specifying "ASC" for sort order is a no-op - or can I tell sqlite to store records presorted by timestamp in the first place?
I'm basically trying to implement a paging system, selecting a chronologically ordered page of 20 items at a time.

This is fine. It will use the index to order, so it will increase the speed. although, depending what you are doing you will may want to cache some records.
SELECT * FROM grades WHERE timestamp > 123 ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 200;
We can now get 200 at a time, but on we now will let javascript or the server handle the paging. Basically you would keep track of where the paging is and then only when needed hit the database again. Also, by using the more limited WHERE clause for the timestamp, it's actually quite fast and efficient. Better than using the LIMIT N,M.
If you do the second option, you will be able to cache that query as well, depending how often it gets hit. So, if multiple people keeping querying that some thing, the database will cache it and it will come back really fast since it's already there.


SQLite: re-arrange physical position of rows inside file

My problem is that my querys are too slow.
I have a fairly large sqlite database. The table is:
CREATE TABLE results (
timestamp TEXT,
name TEXT,
result float,
(I know that timestamps as TEXT is not optimal, but please ignore that for the purposes of this question. I'll have to fix that when I have the time)
"name" is a category. This calculation holds the results of a calculation that has to be done at each timestamp for all "name"s. So the inserts are done at equal-timestamps, but the querys will be done at equal-names (i.e. I want given a name, get its time series), like:
SELECT timestamp,result WHERE name='some_name';
Now, the way I'm doing things now is to have no indexes, calculate all results, then create an index on name CREATE INDEX index_name ON results (name). The reasoning is that I don't need the index when I'm inserting, but having the index will make querys on the index really fast.
But it's not. The database is fairly large. It has about half a million timestamps, and for each timestamp I have about 1000 names.
I suspect, although I'm not sure, that the reason why it's slow is that every though I've indexed the names, they're still scattered all around the physical disk. Something like:
I'm sure this is slower to query with NAME='some_name' than if the rows were physically ordered as:
So, how do I tell SQLite that the order in which I'd like the rows in disk isn't the one they were written in?
UPDATE: I'm further convinced that the slowness in doing a select with such an index comes exclusively from non-contiguous disk access. Doing SELECT * FROM results WHERE name=<something_that_doesnt_exist> immediately returns zero results. This suggests that it's not finding the names that's slow, it's actually reading them from the disk.
Normal sqlite tables have, as a primary key, a 64-bit integer (Known as rowid and a few other aliases). That determines the order that rows are stored in a B*-tree (Which puts all actual data in leaf node pages). You can change this with a WITHOUT ROWID table, but that requires an explicit primary key which is used to place rows in a B-tree. So if every row's (name, timestamp) columns make a unique value, that's a possibility that will leave all rows with the same name on a smaller set of pages instead of scattered all over.
You'd want the composite PK to be in that order if you're searching for a particular name most of the time, so something like:
CREATE TABLE results (
timestamp TEXT
, name TEXT
, result REAL
, PRIMARY KEY (name, timestamp)
(And of course not bothering with a second index on name.) The tradeoff is that inserts are likely to be slower as the chances of needing to split a page in the B-tree go up.
Some pragmas worth looking into to tune things:
optimize (After creating your index; also consider building sqlite with SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4.)
Since you don't have an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, consider VACUUM after deleting a lot of rows if you ever do that.

Sqlite order of query

I'm running this query on a sqlite db and it looks that its working fine.
SELECT batterij ,timestamp FROM temphobbykamer WHERE nodeid= 113 AND timestamp >= 1527889336634 AND timestamp <= 1530481336634 AND ROWID % 20 =0
But can i be sure that the query is handled in the correct order?
It must find all records from node113 between time A and B. From this selection found I only want to have every 20th record.
I can imagine if the query order difference, that if you query every 20th record between time A and B and select from this selection all the node113 records that the response will be different.
When no ORDER BY is specified, the order is undefined. However, typically sqlite will return in ROWID order since you haven't specified anything else. To make sure you get consistent results, you should specify ORDER BY ROWID

Understanding the ORA_ROWSCN behavior in Oracle

So this is essentially a follow-up question on Finding duplicate records.
We perform data imports from text files everyday and we ended up importing 10163 records spread across 182 files twice. On running the query mentioned above to find duplicates, the total count of records we got is 10174, which is 11 records more than what are contained in the files. I assumed about the posibility of 2 records that are exactly the same and are valid ones being accounted for as well in the query. So I thought it would be best to use a timestamp field and simply find all the records that ran today (and hence ended up adding duplicate rows). I used ORA_ROWSCN using the following query:
select count(*) from my_table
However, the count is still more i.e. 10168. Now, I am pretty sure that the total lines in the file is 10163 by running the following command in the folder that contains all the files. wc -l *.txt.
Is it possible to find out which rows are actually inserted twice?
By default, ORA_ROWSCN is stored at the block level, not at the row level. It is only stored at the row level if the table was originally built with ROWDEPENDENCIES enabled. Assuming that you can fit many rows of your table in a single block and that you're not using the APPEND hint to insert the new data above the existing high water mark of the table, you are likely inserting new data into blocks that already have some existing data in them. By default, that is going to change the ORA_ROWSCN of every row in the block causing your query to count more rows than were actually inserted.
Since ORA_ROWSCN is only guaranteed to be an upper-bound on the last time there was DML on a row, it would be much more common to determine how many rows were inserted today by adding a CREATE_DATE column to the table that defaults to SYSDATE or to rely on SQL%ROWCOUNT after your INSERT ran (assuming, of course, that you are using a single INSERT statement to insert all the rows).
Generally, using the ORA_ROWSCN and the SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP function is going to be a problematic way to identify when a row was inserted even if the table is built with ROWDEPENDENCIES. ORA_ROWSCN returns an Oracle SCN which is a System Change Number. This is a unique identifier for a particular change (i.e. a transaction). As such, there is no direct link between a SCN and a time-- my database might be generating SCN's a million times more quickly than yours and my SCN 1 may be years different from your SCN 1. The Oracle background process SMON maintains a table that maps SCN values to approximate timestamps but it only maintains that data for a limited period of time-- otherwise, your database would end up with a multi-billion row table that was just storing SCN to timestamp mappings. If the row was inserted more than, say, a week ago (and the exact limit depends on the database and database version), SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP won't be able to convert the SCN to a timestamp and will return an error.

ASP.NET / SQL drop-down list sort order

I am trying to correct the sort order of my ASP.NET drop down list.
The problem I have is that I need to select a distinct Serial number and have these numbers organised by DateTime Desc.
However I cannot ORDER BY DateTime if using DISTINCT without selecting the DateTime field in my query.
However if I select DateTime this selects every data value associated with a single Serial number and results in duplications.
The purpose of my page is to display data for ALL Serials, or data associated to one serial. When a new cycle begins (because it is a new production run) the Serial reverts to 1. So I cannot simply organise by serial number either.
When I use the following SQL statement the list box is in the order I require but after a period of time (usually a few hours) the order changes and appears to have no organised structure.
alt text http://img7.imageshack.us/i/captureky.jpg/
I'm fairly new to ASP.NET / SQL, does anyone know of a solution to my problem.
If you have multiple date times for each serial number, then which do you want to use for ordering? If the most recent, try this:
SELECT SerialNumber,
FROM Table
GROUP BY SerialNumber
I don´t know if everybody agrees with that, but when I see a DISTINCT in a query the first thought that goes trough my mind is "This is wrong". Generally, DISTINCT is not necessary and it´s used when the person writing the query doesnt know very well what he is doing and this might be the case since you said you are new with Sql.
Without complete knowledge of your model is difficult to assist you a hundred percente, but I would say that you should use a GROUP BY clause instead of DISTINCT, then you can order it correctly.

Does a multi-column index work for single column selects too?

I've got (for example) an index:
CREATE INDEX someIndex ON orders (customer, date);
Does this index only accelerate queries where customer and date are used or does it accelerate queries for a single-column like this too?
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer > 33;
I'm using SQLite.
If the answer is yes, why is it possible to create more than one index per table?
Yet another question: How much faster is a combined index compared with two separat indexes when you use both columns in a query?
marc_s has the correct answer to your first question. The first key in a multi key index can work just like a single key index but any subsequent keys will not.
As for how much faster the composite index is depends on your data and how you structure your index and query, but it is usually significant. The indexes essentially allow Sqlite to do a binary search on the fields.
Using the example you gave if you ran the query:
SELECT * from orders where customer > 33 && date > 99
Sqlite would first get all results using a binary search on the entire table where customer > 33. Then it would do a binary search on only those results looking for date > 99.
If you did the same query with two separate indexes on customer and date, Sqlite would have to binary search the whole table twice, first for the customer and again for the date.
So how much of a speed increase you will see depends on how you structure your index with regard to your query. Ideally, the first field in your index and your query should be the one that eliminates the most possible matches as that will give the greatest speed increase by greatly reducing the amount of work the second search has to do.
For more information see this:
I'm pretty sure this will work, yes - it does in MS SQL Server anyway.
However, this index doesn't help you if you need to select on just the date, e.g. a date range. In that case, you might need to create a second index on just the date to make those queries more efficient.
I commonly use combined indexes to sort through data I wish to paginate or request "streamily".
Assuming a customer can make more than one order.. and customers 0 through 11 exist and there are several orders per customer all inserted in random order. I want to sort a query based on customer number followed by the date. You should sort the id field as well last to split sets where a customer has several identical dates (even if that may never happen).
sqlite> CREATE INDEX customer_asc_date_asc_index_asc ON orders
(customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC);
Get page 1 of a sorted query (limited to 10 items):
sqlite> SELECT id, customer, date FROM orders
ORDER BY customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10;
Get the next page:
sqlite> SELECT id, customer, date FROM orders WHERE
(customer = 1 AND date = 1303837524 and id > 2645) OR
(customer = 1 AND date > 1303837524) OR
(customer > 1)
ORDER BY customer ASC, date ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10;
And so on...
Having the indexes in place reduces server side index scanning when you would otherwise use a query OFFSET coupled with a LIMIT. The query time gets longer and the drives seek harder the higher the offset goes. Using this method eliminates that.
Using this method is advised if you plan on joining data later but only need a limited set of data per request. Join against a SUBSELECT as described above to reduce memory overhead for large tables.
