Checking get_global_id in OpenCL Kernel Necessary? - opencl

I have noticed a number of kernel sources that look like this (found randomly by Googling):
__kernel void fill(__global float* array, unsigned int arrayLength, float val)
if(get_global_id(0) < arrayLength)
array[get_global_id(0)] = val;
My question is if that if-statement is actually necessary (assuming that "arrayLength" in this example is the same as the global work size).
In some of the more "professional" kernels I have seen, it is not present. It also seems to me that the hardware would do well to not assign kernels to nonsense coordinates.
However, I also know that processors work in groups. Hence, I can imagine that some processors of a group must do nothing (for example if you have 1 group of size 16, and a work size of 41, then the group would process the first 16 work items, then then next 16, then the next 9, with 7 processors not doing anything--do they get dummy kernels?).
I checked the spec., and the only relevant mention of "get_global_id" is the same as the online documentation, which reads:
The global work-item ID specifies the work-item ID based on the number of global work-items specified to execute the kernel.
. . . based how?
So what is it? Is it safe to omit iff the array's size is a multiple of the work group size? What?

You have the right answer already, I think. If the global size of your kernel execution is the same as the array length, then this if statement is useless.
In general, that type of check is only needed for cases where you've partitioned your data in such a way that you know you might execute extra work items relative to your array size. In my experience, you can almost always avoid such cases.


Using vector types to improve OpenCL kernel performance

I have the following OpenCL kernel, which copies values from one buffer to another, optionally inverting the value (the 'invert' arg can be 1 or -1):-
__kernel void extraction(__global const short* src_buff, __global short* dest_buff, const int record_len, const int invert)
int i = get_global_id(0); // Index of record in buffer
int j = get_global_id(1); // Index of value in record
dest_buff[(i* record_len) + j] = src_buff[(i * record_len) + j] * invert;
The source buffer contains one or more "records", each containing N (record_len) short values. All records in the buffer are of equal length, and record_len is always a multiple of 32.
The global size is 2D (number of records in the buffer, record length), and I chose this as it seemed to make best use of the GPU parallel processing, with each thread being responsible for copying just one value in one record in the buffer.
(The local work size is set to NULL by the way, allowing OpenCL to determine the value itself).
After reading about vectors recently, I was wondering if I could use these to improve on the performance? I understand the concept of vectors but I'm not sure how to use them in practice, partly due to lack of good examples.
I'm sure the kernel's performance is pretty reasonable already, so this is mainly out of curiosity to see what difference it would make using vectors (or other more suitable approaches).
At the risk of being a bit naive here, could I simply change the two buffer arg types to short16, and change the second value in the 2-D global size from "record length" to "record length / 16"? Would this result in each kernel thread copying a block of 16 short values between the buffers?
Your naive assumption is basically correct, though you may want to add a hint to the compiler that this kernel is optimized for the vector type (Section 6.7.2 of spec), in your case, you would add
above your kernel function. So in your example, you would have
__kernel void extraction(__global const short16* src_buff, __global short16* dest_buff, const int record_len, const int invert)
int i = get_global_id(0); // Index of record in buffer
int j = get_global_id(1); // Index of value in record
dest_buff[(i* record_len) + j] = src_buff[(i * record_len) + j] * invert;
You are correct in that your 2nd global dimension should be divided by 16, and your record_len should also be divided by 16. Also, if you were to specify the local size instead of giving it NULL, you would also want to divide that by 16.
There are some other things to consider though.
You might think choosing the largest vector size should provide the best performance, especially with such a simple kernel. But in my experience, that rarely is the most optimal size. You may try asking clGetDeviceInfo for CL_DEVICE_PREFERRED_VECTOR_WIDTH_SHORT, but for me this rarely is accurate (also, it may give you 1, meaning the compiler will try auto-vectorization or the device doesn't have vector hardware). It is best to try different vector sizes and see which is fastest.
If your device supports auto-vectorization, and you want to give it a go, it may help to remove your record_len parameter and replace it with get_global_size(1) so the compiler/driver can take care of dividing record_len by whatever vector size it picks. I would recommend doing this anyway, assuming record_len is equal to the global size you gave that dimension.
Also, you gave NULL to the local size argument so that the implementation picks a size automatically. It is guaranteed to pick a size that works, but it will not necessarily pick the most optimal size.
Lastly, for general OpenCL optimizations, you may want to take a look at the NVIDIA OpenCL Best Practices Guide for NVidia hardware, or the AMD APP SDK OpenCL User Guide for AMD GPU hardware. The NVidia one is from 2009, and I'm not sure how much their hardware has changed since. Notice though that it actually says:
The CUDA architecture is a scalar architecture. Therefore, there is no performance
benefit from using vector types and instructions. These should only be used for
Older AMD hardware (pre-GCN) benefited from using vector types, but AMD suggests not using them on GCN devices (see mogu's comment). Also if you are targeting a CPU, it will use AVX hardware if available.

How to add extra work items in order to make global work size a multiple of the local work size

I'm writing an OpenCL program, however my global work size is not a multiple of my local work size. In OpenCL global work size must be divisible by local work size, so a solution I read was to add a few extra work items that do nothing to round up the size of the global work size and make it divisible by the chosen local work size.
For example, say local work size is 4 and global work size is 62 (you have 62 elements that need operations done on them by the kernel)
The idea here would be to add 2 more work-items that simply idle, in order to make global work size 64. Thus, as 64 is divisible by 4, all is well.
Any ideas on how exactly to implement idle work-items like this? If I simply increase global work size to 64, I have two extra executions of my kernel that changes the result of the computation the program is doing, ultimately producing a mistaken result.
It is a standard approach to round-up the global work size to a multiple of local work size. In this case, we have to add bound checks inside the kernel to make sure only those work items perform computation which fall inside the valid data range. It can be done by specifying the actual data size as a kernel parameter and comparing it with the global index of work item. An example kernel will look like this:
__kernel void example_kernel(__global int* input, __global int* output, int dataSize)
int index = get_global_id(0);
if (index < dataSize)
rest of the kernel...
OpenCL 2.0 onward, it's no longer required to have global work sizes multiple of local work sizes.
It is better to leave local work sizes NULL unless there is real performance benefit.
You can round down gws and do extra processing in edge work iters
gws = (old_gws/lws) * lws;
leftover = old_gws - gws;
In kernel
if(get_global_id(0) == (get_global_size(0)-1))
// do computation for rest of the work-items (leftover)

Method to do final sum with reduction

I take up the continuation of my first issue explained on this link.
I remind you that I would like to apply a method which is able to do multiple sum reductions with OpenCL (my GPU device only supports OpenCL 1.2). I need to compute the sum reduction of an array to check the convergence criterion for each iteration of the main loop,
Currently, I did a version for only one sum reduction (i.e one iteration
). In this version, and for simplicity, I have used a sequential CPU loop to compute the sum of each partial sum and get the final value of sum.
From your advices in my precedent, my issue is that I don't know how to perform the final sum by calling a second time the NDRangeKernel function (i.e executing a second time the kernel code).
Indeed, with a second call, I will always face to the same problem for getting the sum of partial sums (itself computed from first call of NDRangeKernel) : it seems to be a recursive issue.
Let's take an example from the above figure : if input array size is 10240000 and WorkGroup size is 16, we get 10000*2^10/2^4 = 10000*2^6 = 640000 WorkGroups.
So after the first call, I get 640000 partial sums : how to deal with the final sumation of all these partial sums ? If I call another time the kernel code with, for example, WorkGroup size = 16 and global size = 640000, I will get nWorkGroups = 640000/16 = 40000 partial sums, so I have to call kernel code one more time and repeat this process till nWorkGroups < WorkGroup size.
Maybe I didn't understand very well the second stage, mostly this part of kernel code from "two-stage reduction" ( on this link, I think this is the case of searching for minimum into input array )
void reduce(__global float* buffer,
__local float* scratch,
__const int length,
__global float* result) {
int global_index = get_global_id(0);
float accumulator = INFINITY;
// Loop sequentially over chunks of input vector
while (global_index < length) {
float element = buffer[global_index];
accumulator = (accumulator < element) ? accumulator : element;
global_index += get_global_size(0);
// Perform parallel reduction
If someone could explain what this above code snippet of kernel code does.
Is there a relation with the second stage of reduction, i.e the final sumation ?
Feel free to ask me more details if you have not understood my issue.
As mentioned in the comment: The statement
if input array size is 10240000 and WorkGroup size is 16, we get 10000*2^10/2^4 = 10000*2^6 = 640000 WorkGroups.
is not correct. You can choose an "arbitrary" work group size, and an "arbitrary" number of work groups. The numbers to choose here may be tailored for the target device. For example, the device may have a certain local memory size. This can be queried with clDeviceGetInfo:
cl_ulong localMemSize = 0;
clDeviceGetInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &localMemSize, nullptr);
This may be used to compute the size of a local work group, considering the fact that each work group will require
sizeof(cl_float) * workGroupSize
bytes of local memory.
Similarly, the number of work groups may be derived from other device specific parameters.
The key point regarding the reduction itself is that the work group size does not limit the size of the array that can be processed. I also had some difficulties with understanding the algorithm as a whole, so I tried to explain it here, hoping that a few images may be worth a thousand words:
As you can see, the number of work groups and the work group size are fixed and independent of the input array length: Even though I'm using 3 work groups with a size of 8 in the example (giving a global size of 24), an array of length 64 can be processed. This is mainly due to the first loop, which just walks through the input array, with a "step size" that is equal to the global work size (24 here). The result will be one accumulated value for each of the 24 threads. These are then reduced in parallel.

Iterating results back into an OpenCL kernel

I have written an openCL kernel that takes 25million points and checks them relative to two lines, (A & B). It then outputs two lists; i.e. set A of all of the points found to be beyond line A, and vice versa.
I'd like to run the kernel repeatedly, updating the input points with each of the line results sets in turn (and also updating the checking line). I'm guessing that reading the two result sets out of the kernel, forming them into arrays and then passing them back in one at a time as inputs is quite a slow solution.
As an alternative, I've tested keeping a global index in the kernel that logs which points relate to which line. This is updated at each line checking cycle. During each iteration, the index for each point in the overall set is switched to 0 (no line), A or B or so forth (i.e. the related line id). In subsequent iterations only points with an index that matches the 'live' set being checked in that cycle (i.e. tagged with A for set A) are tested further.
The problem is that, in each iteration, the kernels still have to check through the full index (i.e. all 25m points) to discover wether or not they are in the 'live' set. As a result, the speed of each cycle does not significantly improve as the size of the results set decrease over time. Again, this seems a slow solution; whilst avoiding passing too much information between GPU and CPU it instead means that a large number of the work items aren't doing very much work at all.
Is there an alternative solution to what I am trying to do here?
You could use atomics to sort the outputs into two arrays. Ie if we're in A then get my position by incrementing the A counter and put me into A, and do the same for B
Using global atomics on everything might be horribly slow (fast on amd, slow on nvidia, no idea about other devices) - instead you can use a local atomic_inc in a 0'd local integer to do exactly the same thing (but for only the local set of x work-items), and then at the end do an atomic_add to both global counters based on your local counters
To put this more clearly in code (my explanation is not great)
int id;
id = atomic_inc(&local_a);
id = atomic_inc(&local_b);
__local int a_base, b_base;
int lid = get_local_id(0);
if(lid == 0)
a_base = atomic_add(a_counter, local_a);
b_base = atomic_add(b_counter, local_b);
a_buffer[id + a_base] = data;
b_buffer[id + b_base] = data;
This involves faffing around with atomics which are inherently slow, but depending on how quickly your dataset reduces it might be much faster. Additionally if B data is not considered live, you can omit getting the b ids and all the atomics involving b, as well as the write back

opencl atomic operation doesn't work when total work-items is large

I've working with openCL lately. I create a kernel that basically take one global variable
shared by all the work-items in a kernel. The kernel can't be simpler, each work-item increment the value of result, which is the global variable. The code is shown.
__kernel void accumulate(__global int* result) {
*result = 0;
atomic_add(result, 1);
Every thing goes fine when the total number of work-items are small. On my MAC pro retina, the result is correct when the work-item is around 400.
However, as I increase the global size, such as, 10000. Instead of getting 10000 when getting
back the number stored in result, the value is around 900, which means more than one work-item might access the global at the same time.
I wonder what could be the possible solution for this types of problem? Thanks for the help!
*result = 0; looks like the problem. For small global sizes, every work items does this then atomically increments, leaving you with the correct count. However, when the global size becomes larger than the number that can run at the same time (which means they run in batches) then the subsequent batches reset the result back to 0. That is why you're not getting the full count. Solution: Initialize the buffer from the host side instead and you should be good. Alternatively, to do initialization on the device you can initialize it only from global_id == 0, do a barrier, then your atomic increment.
