Disable mouse wheel scroll on child component - apache-flex

here is the layout:
<s:List id="list1"/>
<s:List id="list2"/>
so, my application should only showing 1 scroll to the right which is the scoller, list1, list2 etc should not showing scroll.
it was working fine for a moment until we found that mouse wheel scroll not working. seem the mouseWheel event captured by the child component (list and thirdparty).
searched through the net to find solution, there is solution to stopImmediatePropagation() of the child mouseWheel event, but seems it is not a good solution. beside the part of ThirdPartyCompoent that doing scroll is a private member, so no way to listen mouseWheel from ThirdPartyCompoent
any idea?
so far, the case solved by listen the mouseWheel event and disable root VGroup mouseChildren there, then on the root VGroup click handler i enable the mouseChildren. but if there is more elegan solution please comment.

Maybe these options could help you
creationComplete = "afterCreation()"
id = "TPComponent">
// You could use initialize or creationComplete to handle MouseWheel Listener
private function afterCreation():void{
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, hoverHandler);
private function hoverHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.cancel = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
But I suggest you to disable MouseWheel in children components with MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, because it covers all area of any child object of the display object container. The buble event should return to false so that the children would have no chance to dispatch any mouse event including the MOUSE_WHEEL.
creationComplete = "afterCreation()"
id = "TPComponent">
private function afterCreation():void{
this.mouseChildren = false;
By setting mouseChildren to false, events on any mouseChildren are given to the parent magically. mouseChildren is not equal to mouseEnabled, so any given return of it will give different impact :)
You could combine Option# 1 & Option# 2 or choose one of them, which is the best for you :)

you can access third party components children via recursion
How to access children of children recursively?
and add mouse wheel block handler to children you need


Hiding a tab in a Spark TabBar

I have a spark TabBar and I want to hide and show some elements of it from an external user input (namely a checkbox check)
I am having trouble changing the tabs visibility. They are currently always shown.
Does anyone have any idea? I have seen a getTabAt on the mx TabBar but the look of the tab is important and the requirement is for it to look like a tab bar rather than a button bar.
My code for the tabs and for hiding and showing is below:
import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.Label;
private function onCreationComplete():void {
var vbox1:VBox = new VBox();
vbox1.label = "Tab 1";
var lbl1:Label = new Label()
lbl1.text = "Panel1";
var vbox2:VBox = new VBox();
vbox2.label = "Tab 2";
var lbl2:Label = new Label()
lbl2.text = "Panel 2";
private function showTab(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function hideTab(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function makeVisible(vis:Boolean):void {
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).visible = vis;
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).enabled = vis;
VBox(dp.getChildAt(0)).includeInLayout = vis;
<s:TabBar id="tabNavigator" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{dp}"/>
<mx:ViewStack width="100%" height="100%" id="dp" borderStyle="solid"/>
<s:Button click="showTab(event)" label="show Tab"/>
<s:Button click="hideTab(event)" label="hide Tab"/>
Any advice greatly received
Yea, it's really nasty to not be documented such a trivial task. I come upon this post but i'm on Flex builder 4.6 and targeting mobile application (flex mobile). There is Spark TabbedViewNavigatorApplication which has TabbedViewNavigator as its child. The adobe forums and help show only how to hide the entire tabBar, which is really obvious, but not how to hide distinct options inside the tabBar.
Some places i visited suggested to remove items from the TabbedViewNavigator when you want to hide them, and then put them back again with removeItemAt, addItemAt combination ... but you really don't want to do that.
The first reason is that with removing items from tabBar you are removing ViewNavigators which form the View stack of certain section.
With removing one of the navigators, you are messing with this stack, and if your application tends to be on the complex side, or tends to grow that way, you will find yourself in trouble writing code that manages all those removal and adding processes, keeping in mind that your indexes in the navigators Vector in TabbedViewNavigator don't get messed.
Furthermore, if you do some caching, or custom handle navigator properties, restoring them to the state where they been in the moment you removed them from the tab stack will give you a lot of headache.
Following the solution from the original post, and with little experimenting the solution is quite simple:
// let say that the instance of Tabbed view navigator look like this:
// appRef is reference to TabbedViewNavigatorApplication (if you are in the main mxml, just put "this" as reference)
var myTabbedViewNavigator : TabbedViewNavigator = appRef.tabbedNavigator;
var index : int = 0; // we take item at index 0 for example (1st option in tabBar)
var dg : DataGroup = myTabbedViewNavigator.tabBar.dataGroup;
dg.getElementAt(index).visible = false;
dg.getElementAt(index).includeInLayout = false;
To show the tab again put true, and that's it, your navigators will still be there inside your TabbedViewNavigator but their visual representation in the tabBar will be invisible.
This function will hide a tab at a particular index. If you do not have the includeInLayout then the tab disappears and leaves a hole.
private function setTabEnabled(index:int, enabled:Boolean):void {
var theTab:UIComponent = tabNavigator.dataGroup.getElementAt(index) as UIComponent;
if (theTab)
theTab.visible = enabled;
theTab.includeInLayout = enabled;

SpriteVisualElement doesn't take mouse input

I'm trying to use one great example of using SpriteVisualElement for item renderers from here:
The issue i have is it's impossible to detect the mouse click event when click points to the area of the renderer which doesn't have any child components. For example: if I click on the textfield, then it works and i see the mouse even dispatched. If I click on an empty spot on the renderer then no mouse event is dispatched. I've tried mouseEnabled=true (which is true by default any way) with no luck. I see from the Flex doc:
the click event is inherited from InteractiveObject. So maybe this has something to do with the focus (see the tread at the and of the page). Looking for an explanation why InteractiveObject behaves that way. Thanks!
What is happening is that you do not have anything in the renderer to click on so click will fall through your renderer, by adding and image or graphic you are creating a clickable area.
The best thing to do is to tell the render that it does not have any mouseChildren which will then make it respond to any click on it.
change this method
public function TweetRenderer()
this.mouseChildren = false;
percentWidth = 100;
I think is getting a bit clear now. The mouseChildren is a property on DisplayObjectContainer. And as the following example shows DisplayObjectContainer doesn't dispatch any mouse click events, when click occur on the area which is not taken by any of it's children. This is unintuitive because DisplayObjectContainer has a click event inherited from InteractiveObject, so one (a newbe like me) would expect it to dispatch an event if i click on the container. Setting mouseChildren=false kind of flattens the DisplayObjectContainer, so the click event on any of the children will be dispatched having target as a container. But!!! This still assumes that you click on the child, not on the empty area. There is no way to dispatch it when click is done inside the area which is not taken by the child. This example shows this: If you click on either TextField or on fill, then even is dispatched with SpriteVisualElement as target. If you click elsewhere the event is not dispatched. I'm still unclear on why this is an intended behavior, taking into account the presence of click event on the DisplayObjectContainer. Maybe because containers don't meant to detect the mouse clicks at all, but rather their children are? This is a bit unintuitive to me.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
creationComplete="creationCompleteHandler(event)" >
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void {
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "I'm inside SpriteVisualElement!";
tf.background = true;
tf.backgroundColor = 0xff0000;
tf.alpha = 0.75;
tf.selectable = false;
tf.width = 150;
tf.height = 25;
uic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
uic.mouseChildren = false;
uic.mouseEnabled = true;
uic.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xFF0000);
uic.graphics.drawRect(12, 12, 178, 28);
protected function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
trace("click detected, target:",e.target);
<s:SpriteVisualElement id="uic" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" width="200" height="50" />

Drag and Drop - How to get the DragSource on the DragStart event

When I start a drag operation I would like to be able to highlight the possible valid Drop objects. For this I need to know when the drag operation starts and which items are being dragged. I am trying to do this using the dragStart, but the event.dragSource is null on this event.
I have this list:
itemRenderer="views.productListed" />
And I have the listener as:
public function dragStartHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
var itemsVector:Vector.<Object> = event.dragSource.dataForFormat('itemsByIndex') as Vector.<Object>;
//Verify Items
//Highlight appropriated dropZones
Anyone have a good sugestion how to overcome this?
The problem here is that your dragStartHandler is taking higher precedence than the List components internal dragStartHandler - which is where the drag operation is started and the dragSource property created.
Suggestion, manually add your dragStartHandler with a lower precedence than the List components dragStartHandler method - looking at the code this needs to be less than -50.
MXML Code:
<s:List width="100%" height="100%"
AS Code:
protected function productsListing_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
// Needs to be handled AFTER the List component has handled the event and attached the dragSource data, hence priority is -51
this.productsListing.addEventListener(DragEvent.DRAG_START, productsListing_dragStartHandler, false, -51, true);
protected function productsListing_dragStartHandler(event:DragEvent):void
// Your code here...
I hope you find that useful.
This is the in built solution for drag drop in flex
we can implement the Object Handles for all component
it is easy to drag, drop and resize.
refer this http://code.google.com/p/flex-object-handles/

view sitching how to?

I have a mxml flex application where I have to launch a VideoPlayer on button click event. Any idea what solutions I can use to open a new "frame" or "view" (I'm not sure what the right terminology is) with the VideoPlayer playing a media clip so that it wouldn't interfere with the original "view"?
What I would do is create a component (like a TitleWindow, Group, Panel, etc.) that has your VideoPlayer added to it and then use the PopUpManager to display it on screen when your button is clicked. Make sure you add a method to close the pop up when you're done with it.
Some links on the PopUpManager to get you started:
A (really) rough example:
private var myVideoPlayerComponent:VideoPlayer;
protected function btnHistory_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
myVideoPlayerComponent = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, VideoPlayer, false);
<s:Button label="Play" id="myButton" click="myButton_clickHandler(event)" />

How to show hand cursor when mouse is over List component?

I am aware that the follow will show a hand cursor:
component.mouseChildren = true;
component.useHandCursor = true;
component.buttonMode = true;
When I do the above on a List component, the hand button is shown and the whole component loses it's interactivity (Hand cursor is shown even on scrollbars).
So how can I show the hand cursor only when rolling over the list items?
Missread your full test, below is just how to show hand cursor on any Flex control.
I would suggest that you make an custom itemRenderer and for each renderer you use these controls, that will make it show only when you are over the itemRenderer and it will not be applicable for the whole List control...
Check out this blog post I wrote about showing hand cursors on any Flex control.
Showing hand cursor on any Flex Control
Sometimes useHandCursor=true buttonMode=true is enough, but for some controls you have to use mouseChildren=false
<mx:Button label="Button" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" />
<mx:Label text="Label" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true" mouseChildren="false"/>
I had the same issue with getting a hand cursor over a datagrid. I assume the solution will be the same for lists.
The way I found to get a hand cursor while also having interactivity with items in my datagrid was to use the itemRollOver and itemRollOut events of DataGrid (List has them too):
private var handCursor:Class;
protected function grid_itemRollOver():void {
protected function grid_itemRollOut():void {
function meOver(evt:Event):void{
evt.target.useHandCursor = true;
myList.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, meOver);
