solrj reload request - reload

Can you please help me with this:
How can I reload the updated schema.xml using SolrJ?
Here is the link that says it is possible. But how to send this request?
Thanks in advance.

Have a look at this answer. This should be the code you're looking for:
CoreAdminRequest adminRequest = new CoreAdminRequest();
CoreAdminResponse adminResponse = adminRequest.process(new CommonsHttpSolrServer(solrUrl));
NamedList<NamedList<Object>> coreStatus = adminResponse.getCoreStatus();

Have you tried using
org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer.reload(String coreName)
where coreName is the name of the SolrCore to reload.


Can't get event fired (arrayChange)

Can't get Sortable+arrayChange to work at all,
An exact example for Sortable+arrayChangethere:
Could you please help me to find out why?
BorisMoore, Thanks for your great efforts..
You need to listen to arrayChanges on the array, model.items not on the model.
$([model.items]).on("arrayChange", changeHandler);

Plone - How can I check if User is on /folder_contents view action

Because I use (1.8.0) and wildcard.foldercontents (1.3.2), I have to disable pa.widgets-Javascript only for /folder_contents tab.
Multiupload does not work with pa.widgets enabled
().fileUpload is not a function
But how can I determine that?
What I've tried:
and a few more
I had a similar issue with wildcard.foldercontents and collective.z3cform.widgets..both have a related js code that goes in conflict.
i check that condition like this:
self.request.steps[-1] != "folder_contents"
In folder_contents tab, last step in the request is always "folder_contents".
I don't know if it's the best solution, but it works
Sorry, just so simple
open for a better solution :-)
You could try the following code:
mt = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
member = mt.getMemberById(username)
if member == 'Anonymous':
And you can handle when is Anonymou or logged member.

Spring MVC - RequestMapping - Execute only if a parameter is not present

I'm making a test and I'm not able to answer correctly the following question:
Modify the Spring MVC handler method to only run if the parameter Bill is not present:
#RequestMapping(value="/getQuote", [...])
The correct answer should be the following (negating the parametert Bill):
params = "!Bill"
and the complete annotation should be the following:
#RequestMapping(value="/getQuote", params = "!Bill")
But this doesn't result the correct answer.
Where Am I wrong?
Can you help me?
Thanks and Regards,
#RequestMapping(value="/getQuote", params = "!Bill")
This looks fine to me.
I assume you're doing some kind of online test/exam which may not handle whitespaces correctly. Try it without spaces between params and ="!Bill".

Add # in the end of the url

I need add #produc to my url. It must lokoks loke How i can do it in my controller? I can't understand where i must add it...
I read it, but it don't help me. This not exacly what i need
$this->get('router')->generate('store', array('#' => $product->getSlug(), true),
Maybe someone faced with it? Please, help me to solved this problem
You have your answer in the link you provided. Fabien Potencier (Symfony2's creator) said that you need to append the anchor to the URL manually.
There is no need to that. Just append it after generating the URL.
Like so:
$url = $this->get('router')->generate('store') . '#' . $product->getSlug();

Stackmob fetchExtended not working

I have started to use Stackmob as a backend for a simple app I am building.
In stackmob I have set a relationship between two schema's and want to use '.fetchExpanded' to grab all of the data from stackmob, see this fiddle (will need to view the console to see the output):
The same code works using the '.fetch' instead of '.fetchExpanded'.
Has anyone come across this before?
Would really appreciate any help.
Ok, I found a work around for this.
Instead of using '.fetchExtended(1);' I will just use '.fetch();' and when I am defining the model I will change the following:
var Bike = StackMob.Model.extend({
schemaName: "bikes"
var Bike = StackMob.Model.extend({
schemaName: "bikes?_expand=1"
This seems to remove the need for '.fetchExtended(1);'
Hope this helps someone else.
