Can't get event fired (arrayChange) - jsviews

Can't get Sortable+arrayChange to work at all,
An exact example for Sortable+arrayChangethere:
Could you please help me to find out why?
BorisMoore, Thanks for your great efforts..

You need to listen to arrayChanges on the array, model.items not on the model.
$([model.items]).on("arrayChange", changeHandler);


Where to find woocommerce hooks original code function?

I know the wc-template-hooks gives us a list of all the hooks but where do I find the original function code to understand what it does in order to alter it?
Thank you in advance.
All the best
You will find the original function code of wc-template-hooks code in below file.

What is the RKUIManager?

I get an error with RKUIManager, or more precisely:
Could not invoke RKUIManager.manageChildren
It appears for example when I'm using firebase with React Native and try to set a reference in the constructor of a component with a prop. For ex:
messagesRef = FBRef.child("Messages").child(this.props.currentMeetingID)
If I change it to the following it works, and yes, I have checked if this.props.currentMeetingID is a legitimate value.
messagesRef = FBRef.child("Messages").child("123456789")
I can't seem to locate the problem nor reproduce it perfectly. I'm just trying to figure out if it's my machine or some kind of bug elsewhere.
Right now I'm just looking for info about what RKUIManager actually is.
If I nullcheck this.props.currentMeetingID I fix it, easy fix but nowhere to be found on the internet so I'll leave it here for anyone passing by. Probably me in a couple of weeks...

Stackmob fetchExtended not working

I have started to use Stackmob as a backend for a simple app I am building.
In stackmob I have set a relationship between two schema's and want to use '.fetchExpanded' to grab all of the data from stackmob, see this fiddle (will need to view the console to see the output):
The same code works using the '.fetch' instead of '.fetchExpanded'.
Has anyone come across this before?
Would really appreciate any help.
Ok, I found a work around for this.
Instead of using '.fetchExtended(1);' I will just use '.fetch();' and when I am defining the model I will change the following:
var Bike = StackMob.Model.extend({
schemaName: "bikes"
var Bike = StackMob.Model.extend({
schemaName: "bikes?_expand=1"
This seems to remove the need for '.fetchExtended(1);'
Hope this helps someone else.

linked in IN.API.Raw

the above search gets me all my connections when it is just suppost to get the ones in retail.
this does the same...
I am glad that I get 'a' result but why aren't params working?
I think it's "keywords" plural. Does that fix things?

looking for the location of next_posts_link() in wordpress?

I am not able to find the location of function next_posts_link(). I am looking for its implementation. Can you please tell in which folder should I look for inorder to be able to see the implementation of this function(). Thanks.
wp-includes/link-template.php. ~Line 1509
References the function above it, get_next_posts_link().
