Clear QML anchor - qt

I have a MouseArea that I want to start off centered and then have an absolute position once the up/down/left/right keys are pressed. My problem is that I don't know how to clear the anchor on the MouseArea so that I can specify an absolute position:
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
Window {
id: screen
width: 360
height: 360
visible: true
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
states: [
State {
name: "moved"
AnchorChanges {
target: mouseArea
anchors.bottom: undefined
anchors.left: undefined
anchors.right: undefined undefined
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 250
height: 250
focus: true
onClicked: console.log("clicked!")
onPositionChanged: console.log("position changed!")
function moveMouseArea(x, y) {
mouseArea.x += x;
mouseArea.y += y;
mouseArea.state = "moved";
mouseAreaPosText.text = 'Mouse area was moved... new pos: '
+ mouseArea.x + ', ' + mouseArea.y;
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Up)
moveMouseArea(0, -1);
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Down)
moveMouseArea(0, 1);
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Left)
moveMouseArea(-1, 0);
if (event.key === Qt.Key_Right)
moveMouseArea(1, 0);
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
border.width: 2
border.color: "black"
color: "transparent"
Text {
id: mouseAreaPosText
anchors.centerIn: parent
At first I just tried setting mouseArea.anchors to undefined but got an error about anchors being a read-only property. I then discovered AnchorChanges, but I can't find a way to remove/clear the anchor; setting anchors.bottom etc. to undefined doesn't work.

According to docs, setting an anchor attribute to undefined should work. I don't quite get why AnchorChanges did not allow to set anchors.centerIn, but you can workaround it in your moveMouseArea function:
function moveMouseArea(x, y) {
mouseArea.anchors.centerIn = undefined; // <-- reset anchor before state change
mouseArea.pos.x += x;
mouseArea.pos.y += y;
mouseArea.state = "moved";
mouseAreaPosText.text = 'Mouse area was moved... new pos: '
+ mouseArea.pos.x + ', ' + mouseArea.pos.y;

Thanks for your help guys. I have found that setting undefined within a state works (if by works you mean only that it doesn't give errors), however once the element moves to yet another state, the anchors magically (and very frustratingly) return. This happens EVEN if you set all anchors undefined in the final state. As mentioned above however, setting undefined in the function before changing state works great. In my case, I set it in my mouseArea in onPressed.
onPressed: {
plotWindow04Frame.anchors.bottom = undefined
plotWindow04Frame.anchors.left = undefined
plotWindow04Frame.state = "inDrag"
I found it was not necessary to mention the anchor in the onReleased, just the next state.
onReleased: {
plotWindow04Frame.state = "dropped"
Also, I should mention, that the final "dropped" state does not mention anchors either, just opacity.
states: [
State {
name: "inDrag"
PropertyChanges {
target: plotWindow04Frame
opacity: .5
State {
name: "dropped"
PropertyChanges {
target: plotWindow04Frame
opacity: 1
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "opacity"; duration:200 }
(The idea here was that these plot windows would become translucent (opacity: 0.5) while dragging, but return to opaque (opacity: 1) when the user drops them)
What is nice is that the plotwindow "rectangles" are initially anchored to the bottom of the GUI, but once the user picks them up, they can put them where ever they like.


How to make an Item draggable without flicker when parent's position changes during drag

I'm trying to make an item that can be resized by its edges.
For showing a minimal testcase of the problem it is enough to have its left edge draggable, so here it is:
Rectangle {
id: root
border.width: 1
border.color: 'black'
color: 'red'
// save original position and size at drag start
property real origX: 0
property real origWidth: 0
// drag this item:
Item {
id: dragDummy
x: 0
onXChanged: {
root.x = root.origX + x
root.width = root.origWidth - x
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: root dragDummy
drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
drag.onActiveChanged: {
// onDragStarted -> Cannot assign to non-existent property "onDragStarted" ???
if(!active) return
root.origX = root.x
root.origWidth = root.width
the problem seems to be that if drag causes parent position to change, that triggers another drag event, causing this flicker:
I'm guessing MouseArea can't help here? Then low level mouse events should be used like in "old-school" apps (i.e. capturing events at root Item, manually compute offset with respect to initial mouse down position, etc...)?
(or I have to move the MouseArea to an ancestor that won't move during drag, which is almost the same...)
There is a nice QML Item type called DragHandler which people often overlook, but I find that it works very well.
This solution is a little more idiomatic than other suggestions in that it uses a declarative style rather than imperative:
import QtQuick 2.15
Item {
id: root
width: 500
height: 100
Item {
height: 100
width: handle.x + handle.width / 2
Rectangle {
x: handle.x + handle.width / 2
width: root.width - (handle.x - handle.width/2)
height: 100
width: 1
color: 'black'
color: 'red'
Item {
id: handle
x: -width / 2
width: 50
height: 100
DragHandler {
yAxis.enabled: false
minimum: -handle.width
maximum: root.width
The solution I come up with consists of having two MouseAreas:
a MouseArea moves with the item to drag, that is used only for hit-testing, so its onPressed handler is something like this:
onPressed: (mouse) => {
mouse.accepted = false
root.container.myDragTarget = root
onReleased: root.container.myDragTarget = null
another MouseArea, stacked below the others and not moving, handles the mouse position change and the dragging:
onPressed: _start = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)
onPositionChanged: {
if(myDragTarget) {
var delta = Qt.point(mouseX - _start.x, mouseY - _start.y)
// do any rounding/snapping of delta here...
_start.x += delta.x
_start.y += delta.y
myDragTarget.x += delta.x
myDragTarget.y += delta.y
This is able to drag the item reliably.
This is also what I wanted to avoid, because it reinvents mouse drag, but in absence of a better solution it is what I am going to use.
I won't accept this answer as I'm curious to see other ways to approach this problem.
You can workaround the movement and new positioning of the dragged Item by mapping the coordinates with the mapToItem functions.
In my solution, I've not used the drag functionality of the MouseArea as it needs a I've used the pressed and position changed signals to implement drag behavior. The only downside is the background Item which is needed for the mapToItem function as it doesn't accept the Window due to it not being an Item.
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Window
import QtQuick.Shapes
Window {
id: root
visible: true
width: 400
height: 400
Item {
id: background
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
id: rectangle
property int rightX
x: 50
y: 50
width: 200
height: 80
border.width: 1
border.color: "black"
color: "red"
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: 10
color: mouseArea.containsMouse || mouseArea.pressed ? "#ff808080" : "#aa808080"
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onPressed: rectangle.rightX = rectangle.x + rectangle.width
onPositionChanged: function(mouse) {
if (mouseArea.pressed) {
var tmp = mouseArea.mapToItem(background, mouse.x, 0)
if (tmp.x <= rectangle.rightX)
rectangle.x = tmp.x
rectangle.x = rectangle.rightX
rectangle.width = rectangle.rightX - rectangle.x

QML SplitView auto collapse on handlebar mouse release

I have a QML Controls 2 SplitView and a redefined handle, which works well, but I want detect mouse release event on the handler, so I could collapse the SplitView under a certain threshold of width. Adding a MouseArea on top of the existing handle will absorb drag events, so I'm unable to move the handlebar. Any idea how could I gather the mouse release event, or any other solution which solves this problem?
Alright, I have created an example application. As you can see in this example, my MouseArea is marked with yellow and collapses the right view programmatically when double clicked, which is nice, but I also want to drag the handlebar and upon mouse release under a certain width threshold I want to collapse the view as well. The black part of the handlebar where my MouseArea is not covering the handlebar, responds to drag, but since there is no signal I can gather from it, the width threshold already set shouldCollapse boolean property, so the view won't update. Probably I could solve this issue with a timer, but I need a more sophisticated solution.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
Window {
width: 800
height: 400
visible: true
SplitView {
id: splitView
anchors.fill: parent
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
function toggleCollapse() { collapsibleRect.shouldCollapse = !collapsibleRect.shouldCollapse }
handle: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: 20
implicitHeight: 20
color: "black"
MouseArea {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: parent.width
height: parent.height / 2
onDoubleClicked: splitView.toggleCollapse()
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "yellow"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Double click to collapse"
rotation: 90
Rectangle {
id: mainRect
color: "green"
SplitView.fillWidth: true
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 24
text: "Main scene"
Rectangle {
id: collapsibleRect
property bool shouldCollapse: false
SplitView.preferredWidth: shouldCollapse ? 0 : 300
color: "purple"
clip: true
onWidthChanged: {
if(width < 200) shouldCollapse = true
else shouldCollapse = false
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
rotation: parent.shouldCollapse ? 90 : 0
font.pixelSize: 24
text: parent.shouldCollapse ? "SHOULD BE COLLAPSED" : "NOT COLLAPSED"
Behavior on rotation { NumberAnimation { duration: 100 } }
I had a similar problem and was able to solve it thanks to the hint of #Ponzifex that the SplitView's resizing property will be set to true as soon as the handle is clicked. Using a Timer I managed to detect whether the handle was quickly pressed twice in a row.
SplitView {
id: view
handle: Rectangle {
// double click behavior
Timer {
id: doubleClickTimer
interval: 300 // number of ms between clicks that should be considered a double click
property bool doubleClicked: false
// `resizing` will be set to true even if the handle is just pressed
onResizingChanged: {
if (view.resizing) {
if (!doubleClickTimer.running) {
view.doubleClicked = true;
} else {
if (view.doubleClicked) {
// do any manual resizing in here
view.doubleClicked = false;
It is important to note, however, that it is only possible to resize the contents of a SplitView when resizing is false. That's why I need to have the doubleClicked helper property.
Add this to MouseArea:
onPressed: {
mouse.accepted = (mouse.flags & Qt.MouseEventCreatedDoubleClick);
propagateComposedEvents: true
cursorShape: Qt.SplitHCursor

QML: Bind loop detected without double assignment

As far as I know the bind loop happens when I try to assign two properties each other. Example:
CheckBox {
checked: Settings.someSetting
onCheckedChanged: {
Settings.someSetting = checked;
but in my scenario I can't see such a "double assignment". I report here the full code:
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Window 2.3
Window {
visible: true;
width: 500
height: 500
Rectangle {
id: main
anchors.fill: parent
color: "black"
property bool spinning: true
property bool stopping: false
Rectangle {
x: 0.5 * parent.width
y: 0.5 * parent.height
width: 10
height: 200
radius: 5
color: 'red'
transformOrigin: Item.Top
rotation: {
if (main.stopping)
main.spinning = false;
main.stopping = false;
return timer.angle
Timer {
id: timer
interval: 5
repeat: true
running: true
onTriggered: {
if (main.spinning) angle += 1;
property real angle
MouseArea {
id: control
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
main.stopping = true;
When you click with the mouse you will get the warning:
qrc:/main.qml:17:9: QML Rectangle: Binding loop detected for property "rotation"
I don't see my mistake. I'm using flags (bool variables) to control the execution of my code. I know in this case I can just stopping the timer directly, but the actual program is more complex than this example.
The binding is in the following lines:
rotation: {
if (main.stopping)
main.spinning = false;
main.stopping = false;
return timer.angle
The change of rotation is triggered by the change of main.stopping: let's say that change main.stopping is given by the mouseArea, then it will be called a rotation, but inside this there is an if, and in this you are changing back to main.stopping , where he will call rotation back.
If a property in QML changes all the elements that depend on it will change

QML: How to move an object from a previous set postion using states

I have an object that I want to move from it's previously set position every time that particular state is set. I've tried making a separate property called xPos to get around the binding loop error which is set by the object's new position of x after the state is set, then entering a default state just to be able to switch back to that specific state again since calling the same state does nothing but it doesn't seem to work.
Here is a snippet of my code:
property int xPos: 0
states: [
State {
name: "nextStep"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: -1*(progressBar_Id.step.width) + xPos
State {
name: "previousStep"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: progressBar_Id.step.width + xPos
State {
name: "default"
PropertyChanges {
target: progressBar_Id
x: xPos
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "*"
to: "nextStep"
NumberAnimation {properties: "x"; easing.type: Easing.Linear; duration: 1000}
onRunningChanged: {
if(!running) {
xPos = progressBar_Id.x;"xPos = " + xPos);
state = "default";
Transition {
from: "*"
to: "previousStep"
NumberAnimation {properties: "x"; easing.type: Easing.Linear; duration: 1000}
onRunningChanged: {
if(!running) {
xPos = progressBar_Id.x;"xPos = " + xPos);
state = "default";
xPos seems to get set the first time from the console output but never applies the new xCoord to the object.
Explicitly specify the id of the item on which you wish to set the state, e.g:
idOfComponent.state = "default"
All QML Items and derivatives have a property called state, so the code needs to be more specific.
Actually came up with a much better alternative using a ListView.
ListView {
id: listView_Id
width: contentWidth
height: bubbleSize
anchors.centerIn: parent
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
spacing: 0
delegate: Item {
width: bubbleSize
height: width
ProgressBubble {
stateText: stateNumber
currentState: state
model: ListModel { id: progressModel_Id }
Another qml file:
progressModel.insert(0, {stateNumber: number++, state: "current"});
But I ran into another problem, is there anyway to change a state within a delegate after it's been added to the ListView?
I've already tried progressModel.set and progressModel.setProperty but doesn't seem to work.
state is a property for qml types, so when you are assigning "state" to "currentState" for "ProgressBubble", its taking the value of state in which " ProgressBubble" is currently present.
Rename "state" to something else like "presentState" and then try.
Moreover id of ListView model(progressModel_Id) and the one used to insert model elements(progressModel) in different file are different, both of them must refer to same id.
After these changes, you can try set property of model. Sample code snippet:
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: root
width: 360
height: 360
property int number: 1
ListView {
id: listView_Id
width: 100 //contentWidth // this creates property binding issue
height: 100 // bubbleSize // I was not sure about this value
anchors.centerIn: parent
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
spacing: 0
delegate: Item {
width: 100 // bubbleSize // I was not sure about this value
height: width
ProgressBubble {
state: "default"
stateText: stateNumber
currentState: presentState
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
progressModel_Id.set(index,{stateNumber: stateNumber, presentState: "not current"})
model: ListModel { id: progressModel_Id }
progressModel_Id.insert(0, {stateNumber: number++, presentState: "current"});

How to limit the size of drop-down of a ComboBox in QML

I am using a ComboBox in QML and when populated with a lot of data it exceeds my main windows bottom boarder. From googling I have learned that the drop-down list of a ComboBox is put on top of the current application window and therefore it does not respect its boundaries.
Ideally I would want the ComboBox to never exceed the main applications boundary, but I can not find any property in the documentation.
A different approach would be to limit the number of visible items of the drop-down list so that it do not exceed the window limits for a given window geometry. I was not able to find this in the documentation either and I have run out of ideas.
Take a look to the ComboBox source code, the popup is of a Menu type and it doesn't have any property to limit its size. Moreover, the z property of the Menu is infinite, i.e. it's always on top.
If you Find no way but to use the ComboBox of Qt you can create two models one for visual purpose, I will call it visual model, you will show it in your ComboBox and the complete one , it will be the reference model. Items count in your VisualModel wil be equal to some int property maximumComboBoxItemsCount that you declare . you'll need o find a way that onHovered find the index under the mouse in the visualmodel if it's === to maximumComboBoxIemsCount you do visualModel.remove(0) et visualModel.add(referenceModel.get(maximum.. + 1) and you'll need another property minimumComboBoxIemsCount, same logic but for Scroll Up , I dont know if it will work. but it's an idea
I think there is no solution using the built-in component and you should create your own comboBox. You can start from the following code.
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: comboBox
property string initialText
property int maxHeight
property int selectedItem:0
property variant listModel
signal expanded
signal closed
// signal sgnSelectedChoice(var choice)
width: 100
height: 40
ComboBoxButton {
id: comboBoxButton
width: comboBox.width
height: 40
borderColor: "#fff"
radius: 10
margin: 5
borderWidth: 2
text: initialText
textSize: 12
onClicked: {
if (listView.height == 0)
listView.height = Math.min(maxHeight, listModel.count*comboBoxButton.height)
source = "qrc:/Images/iconUp.png"
listView.height = 0
source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component {
id: comboBoxDelegate
Rectangle {
id: delegateRectangle
width: comboBoxButton.width
height: comboBoxButton.height
color: "#00000000"
radius: comboBoxButton.radius
border.width: comboBoxButton.borderWidth
border.color: comboBoxButton.borderColor
Text {
color: index == listView.currentIndex ? "#ffff00" : "#ffffff"
anchors.centerIn: parent
anchors.margins: 3
font.pixelSize: 12
text: value
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
listView.height = 0
listView.currentIndex = index
comboBox.selectedItem = index
comboBoxButton.text = value
ListView {
id: listView comboBoxButton.bottom
anchors.left: comboBoxButton.left
width: parent.width
height: 0
clip: true
model: listModel
delegate: comboBoxDelegate
currentIndex: selectedItem
onClosed: comboBoxButton.source = "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
Component.onCompleted: {
var cacheChoice = tools.getPersistence(5);
listView.currentIndex = tools.toInt(cacheChoice)
selectedItem = listView.currentIndex
comboBoxButton.text = cacheModel.get(selectedItem).value
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
id: container
signal clicked
property string text
property alias source : iconDownUp.source
property string color: "#ffffff"
property int textSize: 12
property string borderColor: "#00000000"
property int borderWidth: 0
property int radius: 0
property int margin: 0
Rectangle {
id: buttonRectangle
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#00000000"
radius: container.radius
border.width: container.borderWidth
border.color: container.borderColor
Image {
id: image
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:/Images/buttonBackground.png"
Image {
id: iconDownUp
source: "qrc:/Images/iconDown.png"
sourceSize.width: 20
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
Text {
color: container.color
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 10
text: container.text
font.bold: true
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea;
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
buttonRectangle.state = "pressed"
interval: 200
running: false;
repeat: false
onTriggered: buttonRectangle.state = ""
states: State {
name: "pressed"
when: mouseArea.pressed
PropertyChanges { target: image; scale: 0.7 }
PropertyChanges { target: label; scale: 0.7 }
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "scale"; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
I've used it in some software of mine, hence it is possible that It could not work "out of the box". I use it like this:
initialText: "None"
anchors.topMargin: 2
anchors.right: baseContainer.right
maxHeight: 500
listModel: cacheModel
onExpanded: {
cacheChoice.height = 500
onClosed: {
cacheChoice.height = 20
In case you are working with ComboBox from Qt Quick Controls 2, here's the source code for it:
Based on that, this override of the behavior works to limit the height to something reasonable:
myComboBox.popup.contentItem.implicitHeight = Qt.binding(function () {
return Math.min(250, myComboBox.popup.contentItem.contentHeight);
It is possible to access the hidden MenuStyle within the ComboBoxStyle component. There you can use all the things and hidden things you have within a MenuStyle, including its maximum height.
The thing looks roughly like this.
Not pretty but it works well enough.
import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
ComboBox {
id: comboBox
style: ComboBoxStyle {
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: 400
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
As it came up resonantly in our team, here is a updated version of the idea shown above. The new version restricts the size automatically to the size of your application.
ComboBox {
id: root
style: ComboBoxStyle {
id: comboBoxStyle
// drop-down customization here
property Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle {
__maxPopupHeight: Math.max(55, //min value to keep it to a functional size even if it would not look nice
//limit the max size so the menu is inside the application bounds
- mapFromItem(comboBoxStyle.control, 0,0).y
- comboBoxStyle.control.height))
__menuItemType: "comboboxitem" //not 100% sure if this is needed
} //Component __dropDownStyle: MenuStyle
} //style: ComboBoxStyle
} //ComboBox
