How to insert data into fusion table using php - google-maps-api-3

I am using fusion tables to generate pins over the map. now I want to insert more coordinates data into the table using php but couldn't get any exact idea how to do it?
Can anyone help me for that?
Thanks in advance

I would like to respectfully suggest that answers that simply refer posters to the Fusion Table PHP Library may not be helpful to many and can be outright discouraging to some. The PHP Library is a tremendously impressive, interconnected set of scripts. It is also massive, mostly uncommented, and requiring many nested 'includes' and 'requires.' The whole thing must be over 2000 lines long and it is hard to even decipher which parts you need.
For the poster the starting point needs to be the Developer's Guide and the OAuth2 Guide. These are at:

See the Fusion Table PHP Library


Is it possible to have a NPC offer items only to characters with a certain achievement?

Im looking for a way to add an NPC which sells items based on the achievements a character has. Because of my lack of other coding skills, if at all possible i would like to achieve it with SQL commands, hence modifying the db. I was looking through the conditions page on the wiki but have no idea how to use the provided information.
Also i was backtracing the db regarding the NPC Charles Worth who happens to teach tailors recipes based on achievements they have. I intended to copy this toons conditions, but couldnt find what entries to use.
Any help, clarifying db entries, or pointing to the right direction in another way, is much appreciated.
Please follow this link for the documentation:
You can use the source type: "SOURCE_TYPE_NPC_VENDOR" and the condition type: "CONDITION_ACHIEVEMENT" for what you need, how to implement this, you can find that in the link above.
Also, one way to make this easier is to use the tool developer by the azerothcore team, Keira3.
This is a very visual Database Editor and can help you understand what each column do as almost each cell is documented and you have links to the full documentation as well.
Keira3 link:

How to generate an 11x11 QR-Code

Does anyone know how to generate an 11x11 module QR-code? Alternatively, it could also be a 13x13 code, but preferably 11x11.
I know the codes exist, but I can't figure out how to go about generating my own.
The code doesn't have to store much information. It would be nice with a tiny image, but it wouldn't need more than a simple text message.
I have used online code generators in the past, but most of them requires a paid subscription to customize and make codes, and as my project isn't sponsored, I don't have the budget to pay for the code.
Thanks in advance for all answers

Ada dependency graph

I need to create a dependency graph for a software suite that I am working on. In the past the company I work for has always done this manually, but I am guessing that there is a tool somewhere that will do what we need.
The software I am working with is Ada95, and has about 200 code modules/files, with about 40 packages. I need to create a map that will trace every output, individually, back to each input or constant that will have an impact on the output. Does anybody know of a tool that would accomplish this? Or even just partially accomplish it?
AdaCore's GPS (available from comes with a command line tool named gnatinspect. You can use this tool to load all cross-reference information generated by the compiler (assuming you are compiling with GNAT). This creates a sqlite database (gnatinspect.db) which contains all information you need. gnatinspect itself provides a number of pre-made queries that might get you at least partially to where you want to go.
You could also look at ASIS, as a way to do this kind of queries directly on the code. I am told this is not so easy to use the first time around though.
There is also an older tool provided with gnat (gnatxref) which does something similar, although it is being superceded by gnatinspect.
Finally, you could look at gnat2xml as an alternative to ASIS if you are more comfortable parsing XML files.

Can I do data visualization with Drupal?

Basically i want it to import data from a SQL database and Display it as graphs. Having said that i also want it to be dynamic,responsive as in the users should have filtering options. Any leads would be definitely helpful.
Please note that i am just a beginner with drupal.
Yes, But I recommend you to work on your own framework. Or even you can use some data visualization framework
Maybe this one is useful for you if you want to do it on your own:
Why do you need Drupal for that?
I would make some PHP script which would read SQL and generate image out of that data, by using GD or ImageMagic lib. I guess you know that PHP can shoot out image file header and dynamically generate image, on fly. That PHP script could also read filter parameters to have influence on generated image.

MapBox sqlite layer from OSM

New to MapBox.
I have read the tuto on how to create a layer from OSM which relies on a PostGIS connection. Tried it. So far, so good.
Nonetheless, given the very limited magnitude of the project i'm working on (single user...), i'd really rather avoid having to have a pgsql instance running just for that. sqlite comes across as an option of course!
Can someone help with the following questions:
Any reason why sqlite would not do the job ? The data set i'm pulling from OSM is about 30MB
Any recommandable and tried script to convert OSM .xml or .pbf to .sqlite ? There is a bunch of osm2sqlite out there on github and where-else, but can't see any reference to them that let me think they will still be maintained in a foreseeable future...
How straightforward will it be to link such sqlite output to a tile mill layer ? Clearly, I have no idea on the underlying data model and subsequent sql statement to bring it across...
Many thanks
Use mbtiles (this is basically sqlite if you didn't know).
Mbtiles will work perfectly for you. In fact Mapbox uses it for their maps
As you've seen from that link, tilemill can export your project to mbtiles . Personally I would import to postgres using imposm3, it's fairly fast and doesn't use up ask your memory. After importing I'd style the map with tilemill then use it to generate mbtiles.
Seems like you're already comfortable with the first 2 steps of this. The docs cover the exporting step
Never used mbtiles but I can't see why you would have difficulty with them.
Nb In the future you'll be better off asking questions these at
