I have a widget that sits within a stacked widget and is used to display a database in a table. At the moment the database is populated and displayed within the constructor which is wrong as it only happens the once so never updates. So I am guessing there has to be a function that should be called for database updating.
So I am hoping there are functions that can be overridden for when widgets are closed or opened? But I am not sure what these are. I am sure it is something really obvious but I'm not having any luck finding them
So I am hoping there are functions that can be overridden for when
widgets are closed or opened?
showEvent(QShowEvent* event) and hideEvent(QHideEvent* event). There is also a closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event), but that probably isn't applicable for widgets in a stacked widget.
From this post here, in general:
All QObjects will delete their own child objects automatically. (See
docs here.) QWidgets are QObjects. So as long as you establish a
parent/child relationship, you do not need to manually delete your
objects. To do that, simply pass a pointer to the parent object to the
QLabel *label1 = new QLabel; // <<- NEED TO DELETE
QLabel *label2 = new QLabel(some_parent_obj); // Will be deleted when some_parent_obj is deleted
So some questions arises:
Does every widget necessary needed/required a parent? If no, what are the exceptions? If yes, what happens to widgets without parent?
I asked this because from examples in Qt Docs, some example widgets have parents (QLabel example) but some doesn't (QBarChart example, and also QFont, QColor, etc...).
So I'm wondering if there's an exception, or those widgets just don't need any parents, or if I declare them with new for some reason, I have to delete afterward.
And vice versa...
Does a widget without parent guarantee to cause a memory leak (or something similar) when the widget which it stays in (not necessary its parent) is deleted? Or if it's removed from a layout without any deletion happening?
Because from my experience with my code, I've created probably quite a lot (~100) of widgets and other stuffs without neither setting any parent (nor using delete afterward), and the project appears to run fine without any stalls even after a while (the effect might be underlying though, as I haven't run Memcheck), hence this question is here.
Does every widget necessary needed/required a parent?
If you want them to be deleted automatically - yes. But...
If no, what are the exceptions? If yes, what happens to widgets without parent?
You do not need to provide a parent to widget if you attach it to layout using QLayout::addWidget. If you look into source code, you'll see that when you do so, it automatically attaches layout's parent as widget's parent(unless you didn't attach layout to any widget).
But if you leave the widget created with new without parent and do not attach to anything - it is leaking memory. You must delete it either using delete or QObject::deleteLater. The last option is recommended when object has any connections.
Does a widget without parent guarantee to cause a memory leak (or something similar) when the widget which it stays in (not necessary its parent) is deleted? Or if it's removed from a layout without any deletion happening?
As I already mention QLayout::addWidget sets parent for added widget, so the answer is no. Also note, that when you call QLayout::removeWidget, it removes only QLayoutItem from layout, but widget's parent stays the same as it was after calling QLayout::addWidget.
I have a set of QML items distributed all over my UI. They display data from a remote device and their content needs to be updated regularly. The Items are spread on several tabs and hidden in nested ListView instances, so most of them won't be visible to the user all the time.
In order to keep the bandwidth low I want to update only those items that are currently visible to the user.
I am looking for the right hook to get the information which of these Items is currently displayed from within the Item, without relying on information from the parents. If they were all placed in ListView delegates I could use the delegate's Components onCompleted and onDestroyed signals. Since this is not the case I am stuck at finding out how to get this information.
Am I missing something here? Is there an onPaintFinished signal or something similar? My workaround would be to add that logic to the parent containers, but that would be tedious, since there are several kinds of container that can contains these display Items.
Instances that are on delegates of a ListView will not exist until they would be in the visible range or the cache range around the visual area of the list view. If the delegate moves outside of that range, it is destroyed. So, no need to worry about instances hidden there.
Furthermore, items are currently not visible are also not drawn. They are not entered into the scene graph, and hence, not rendered. So, instances of your items appearing on tabs that are currently not current will also not be drawn. However, these items do still exist of course.
Figuring out if an item is effectively visible or not is quite a hard problem though. QML delegates part of that to OpenGL (clipping for instance). There is not feedback on the result of that. You could in theory lift that information out of the renderer, but that would require customizing that and that is very hard. You could take a look at the heuristics that GammaRay uses to warn about items not being visible. Perhaps you can take some inspiration from that.
We are currently testing parts of our application that open in popup windows. These windows are subclasses of TitleWindow. The issue we now run into is that the popups seems to be registered multiple times and that tests are sometimes executed on popups that have already been closed (or so it seems).
I thought this had to do with the way we closed and removed our popups, but I can't really spot any problems there. After looking into the FlexMonkey source code, I saw that there is an explicit check for "TitleWindow" in the ADDED_TO_STAGE handler, after which the popup is added as an application window. But the popup never seems to be removed from the "_windows" collection. As a result, when you open the tree view in FlexMonkey, there are several instances of the same popup window class. This probably also explains why our tests sometimes do not seem to run (visually), but execute and verify correctly, as they are ran on a hidden instance of a popup. I would expect the MonkeyAutomationManager to also listen to REMOVED_FROM_STAGE events and remove the popup when it is closed.
Am I missing something here or is this an (known) issue?
My guess is that it isn't an issue, it's simply that your code isn't properly cleaning the object and removing it from the display list. You also need to remember that garbage collection does not run right after you remove something from the stage. It could be possible that your window, even if it has been removed from the stage is in fact still listening and responding to events.
I would like to know what the established procedure is for initializing the controls within a Qt custom dialog box. In the code I am writing, the dialog would present a QListView containing directories from an object passed (by reference) to the dialog class during construction. When the dialog is displayed, I obviously want the list to display the directories currently configured in the object.
Where should this be done though? Perhaps in the overridden showEvent() method?
Background: I used to do a lot of MFC programming back in the day, and would have done this sort of stuff in the OnCreate method, or some such, once the window object had been created.
Thankfully Qt doesn't require you to do any hooking to find the moment to create things (unless you want to). If you look over the Qt examples for dialogs, most do all the constructing in the constructor:
The tab dialog example--for instance--doesn't do "on-demand" initializing of tabs. Although you could wire something up via the currentChanged signal:
Wizard-style dialogs have initializePage and cleanupPage methods:
But by and large, you can just use the constructor. I guess the main exception would be if find yourself allocating the dialog at a much earlier time from when you actually display it (via exec), and you don't want to bear the performance burden for some part of that until it's actually shown. Such cases should be rare and probably the easiest thing to do is just add your own function that you call (like finalizeCreationBeforeExec).
I would like to display editors for all cells in a row when a user begins editing any cell in a QTableView. I have made several attempts but I cannot obtain the correct behaviour.
The only way to open multiple editors is by QAbstractItemView::openPersistentEditor() - attempts to successively call QAbstractItemView::edit() results in only one editor.
I cannot use signals such as clicked() and doubleClicked() from QAbstractItemView to invoke editing, because then it would not respect the edit triggers of the view.
There appears to be no "editing complete" signal. I would like to connect this signal to a slot that calls closePersistentEditor() for cells in the editing row.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I can't think of any easy way to do what you want. I can think of a couple of options, each more painful than the last:
You could create a delegate that always shows the editors, and when the user changes the selected row, set that delegate for the newly selected row, and the original delegate for the deselected row.
You could try inheriting from the table view, and overriding the behavior for drawing the appropriate items for everything in the given row. I have no idea how hard this would be, but I doubt it would be trivial.
You could create your own view to display the model. I've never done this, and I'd hate to think about all that would be required to "complete" support the models. However, to match with one specific model, you might be able to get away with it.