How to handle exceptions in a multi-layered ASP.NET Web Application -

I have an ASP.NET Web Forms application with UI, Service layer and Repository layer.
Some of the methods in my Service Layer communicates with a Web Service, therefore I would like to wrap all the calls to the Web Methods in a Try-Catch-Finally construct.
Suppose I have the following methods in my Service Layer:
public RegistrationDetails GetRegistrationDetails(int userId)
public bool RegisterUser(UserData myUserData)
Where RegistrationDetails and myUserData are object types (classes).
My concern is the following: if I create a Try-Catch-Finally to wrap the call to the Web Service within the implementation of the methods listed above, in case there is an exception how can I return the message string if the return types are RegistrationDetails and bool?
I was thinking about adding a property to every return object but I do not know if that is a good solution. For instance instead of using bool:
public class RegisterResponse
public bool isRegistered { get; set; }
public string ExceptionMessage { get; set; }
public RegisterResponse RegisterUser(UserData myUserData)
And then check if ExceptionMessage is null or String.Empty. Is it a good approach? Thanks

1) As mentioned by IrishChieftain, bubbling the exception down to the forms is good, you will be able to respond to the exception better
2) You can also have a reference parameter as array which stores exception messages generated from the method
public bool RegisterUser(UserData myUserData, optional ref ArrayList<string> errors)
errors.Add("This error occured")
3) For Instance Object, you could have an Instance variable of ArrayList for errors and have that returned in a property
public class MyClass
private ArrayList<string> errors = new ArrayList<string>
public ArrayList<string> ExceptionMessages()
return errors;
public RegistrationDetails GetRegistrationDetails(int userId) { }
//Used like this:
MyClass c = new MyClass();
if(c.ExceptionMessages > 0)
//output errors
But I would prefer the first approach - for flexibility like output formatting

Passing raw exceptions on to your client (web forms layer) from a service could be risky. If it's a database exception, it might expose details of your database. A malicious user might call your service layer methods from their own application.
You can expect two types of exceptions on the client level:
Communication Exception (problems connecting to the service)
Server-side error (database problem, username not unique, password invalid... other business rule exceptions)
The first type should be caught in try-catch-finally in your web forms layer, but the second kind should be caught in the service layer, logged, then wrapped up in the RegisterResponse object, as you suggest. But, instead of sending Exception.Message, you might consider using an enum of expected errors (with a ServerError member to cover anything else.) You could also add an EventId to the response and log entry so that you can investigate errors.
public enum RegisterResponseError { NoError = 0, SystemError = 1,
UserNameNotUnique, PasswordInvalid, etc. }
public class RegisterResponse
public bool isRegistered { get; set; }
public RegisterResponseError ErrorCode { get; set; }
Then in your client code,
if(myRegisterResponse.ErrorCode == RegisterResponseError.NoError)
// everything was fine
// show a suitable error message for ErrorCode and display EventId (if logging)
You could return an error string from your service, but it's probably better to manage any content in your web forms layer, in case you need to localize the content or use a CMS later on.


TelemetryProcessor - Multiple instances overwrite Custom Properties

I have a very basic http-POST triggered api which creates a TelemetryClient. I needed to provide a custom property in this telemetry for each individual request, so I implemented a TelemtryProcessor.
However, when subsequent POST requests are handled and a new TelemetryClient is created that seems to interfere with the first request. I end up seeing maybe a dozen or so entries in App Insights containing the first customPropertyId, and close to 500 for the second, when in reality the number should be split evenly. It seems as though the creation of the 2nd TelemetryClient somehow interferes with the first.
Basic code is below, if anyone has any insight (no pun intended) as to why this might occur, I would greatly appreciate it.
ApiController which handles the POST request:
public class TestApiController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]RequestInput request)
Task.Run(() => ProcessRequest(request));
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
catch (Exception)
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, Constants.GenericErrorMessage);
private async void ProcessRequest(RequestInput request)
string customPropertyId = request.customPropertyId;
//trace handler creates the TelemetryClient for custom property
CustomTelemetryProcessor handler = new CustomTelemetryProcessor(customPropertyId);
CustomTelemetryProcessor which creates the TelemetryClient:
public class CustomTelemetryProcessor
private readonly string _customPropertyId;
private readonly TelemetryClient _telemetryClient;
public CustomTelemetryProcessor(string customPropertyId)
_customPropertyId = customPropertyId;
var builder = TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder;
builder.Use((next) => new TelemetryProcessor(next, _customPropertyId));
_telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient();
public class TelemetryProcessor : ITelemetryProcessor
private string CustomPropertyId { get; }
private ITelemetryProcessor Next { get; set; }
// Link processors to each other in a chain.
public TelemetryProcessor(ITelemetryProcessor next, string customPropertyId)
CustomPropertyId = customPropertyId;
Next = next;
public void Process(ITelemetry item)
if (!item.Context.Properties.ContainsKey("CustomPropertyId"))
item.Context.Properties.Add("CustomPropertyId", CustomPropertyId);
item.Context.Properties["CustomPropertyId"] = CustomPropertyId;
It's better to avoid creating Telemetry Client per each request, isntead re-use single static Telemetry Client instance. Telemetry Processors and/or Telemetry Initializers should also typically be registered only once for the telemetry pipeline and not for every request. TelemetryConfiguration.Active is static and by adding new Processor with each request the queue of processor only grows.
The appropriate setup would be to add Telemetry Initializer (Telemetry Processors are typically used for filtering and Initializers for data enrichment) once into the telemetry pipeline, e.g. though adding an entry to ApplicationInsights.config file (if present) or via code on TelemetryConfiguration.Active somewhere in global.asax, e.g. Application_Start:
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new MyTelemetryInitializer());
Initializers are executed in the same context/thread where Track..(..) was called / telemetry was created, so they will have access to the thread local storage and or local objects to read parameters/values from.

Xamarin forms - Realm accessed from incorrect thread

Maybe I'm missing something really simple out here but gonna ask anyways.....
I am using Xamarin forms (.NET Standard project), MVVMLight, Realm DB and ZXing Barcode Scanner.
I have a realmobject like so...
public class Participant : RealmObject
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
public string Email {get; set;}
public string RegistrationCode {get; set;}
//More properties skipped out for brevity
I have the corresponding viewmodel as follows:
public class ParticipantViewModel
Realm RealmInstance
public ParticipantViewModel()
RealmInstance = Realms.Realm.GetInstance();
private async Task RefreshParticipants()
//I have code here that GETS the list of Participants from an API and saves to the device.
//I am using the above-defined RealmInstance to save to IQueryable<Participant> Participants
All the above works fine and I have no issues with this. In the same viewmodel, I am also able to fire up the ZXing Scanner and scan a bar code representing a RegistrationCode.
This, in turn, populates the below property (also in the viewmodel) once scanned...
private ZXing.Result result;
public ZXing.Result Result
get { return result; }
set { Set(() => Result, ref result, value); }
and calls the below method (wired up via the ScanResultCommand) to fetch the participant bearing the scanned RegistrationCode.
private async Task ScanResults()
if (Result != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Result.Text))
string regCode = Result.Text;
await CloseScanner();
SelectedParticipant = Participants.FirstOrDefault(p => p.RegistrationCode.Equals(regCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (SelectedParticipant != null)
//Show details for the scanned Participant with regCode
//Display not found message
I keep getting the below error....
System.Exception: Realm accessed from incorrect thread.
generated by the line below....
SelectedParticipant = Participants.FirstOrDefault(p => p.RegistrationCode.Equals(regCode, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
I'm not sure how this is an incorrect thread but any ideas on how I can get around to fetching the scanned participant either from the already populated IQueryable or from the Realm representation directly would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you're getting a realm instance in the constructor, and then using it from an async task (or thread). You can only access a realm from the thread in which you obtained the reference. Since you're only using a default instance, you should be able to simply obtain a local reference within the function (or thread) where you use it. Try using
Realm LocalInstance = Realms.Realm.GetInstance();
at the top of the function and use that. You'll need to recreate the Participants query to use the same instance as its source too. This will be the case wherever you use async tasks (threads), so either change all to get hold of the default instance on entry or reduce the number of threads that access the realm.
Incidentally I'm surprised you don't get a similar access error from within
RefreshParticipants() - maybe you're not actually accessing data via RealmInstance from there.

What are the recomendation for developing .net core 2.2 web api for following bulleted points? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am developing a new WebApi using .NetCore2.2, Autofac4, Dapper. There are few very basic questions because this is my first WebApi project. As part of this project I have to write both unit-test and integration-test.
My questions are as follows (Sample Code is give below):
What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable >"?
Recommended object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Do I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
What are the flaws if I follow this design?
Is there any better way to design this API?
As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Doman Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
Domain Layer:
public class Movie
public int ID {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public interface ICommandRepository<T> where T : class
Task CreateAsync(T entity);
Task UpdateAsync(T entity);
Task DeleteAsync(T entity);
public interface IQueryRepository<T> where T : class
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllMoviesAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title);
Task<T> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id);
Infrastructure Layer:
public class MovieCommandContext : DbContext
public MovieCommandContext(DbContextOptions<MovieCommandContext> options)
: base(options)
public DbSet<Movie> Movies { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public class MovieQueryContext : IDisposable
private readonly IDbConnection connection;
public MovieQueryContext(string connectionString)
connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMovies()
// Use Dapper->QueryAsync
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
if (connection?.State == ConnectionState.Open)
public class MovieCommandRepository : ICommandRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieCommandContext context;
public MovieCommandRepository(MovieCommandContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task CreateAsync(Movie movie)
await context.AddAsync<Movie>(movie);
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task UpdateAsync(Movie movie)
var entity = context.Attach<Movie>(movie);
context.Entry<Movie>(movie).State = EntityState.Modified;
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public async Task DeleteAsync(Movie movie)
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
public class MovieQueryRepository : IQueryRepository<Movie>
private readonly MovieQueryContext context;
public MovieQueryRepository(MovieQueryContext dbContext)
context = dbContext;
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetAllMoviesAsync()
return await context.GetAllMovies();
public async Task<IEnumerable<Movie>> GetMoviesByTitleAsync(string title)
return await context.GetMovieByName(title);
public async Task<Movie> GetMovieByIDAsync(int id)
return await context.GetMovieByID(id);
API Layer:
public class SampleController : ControllerBase
private readonly ICommandRepository<Movie> movieCommand;
private readonly IQueryRepository<Movie> movieQuery;
public SampleController(ICommandRepository<Movie> command, IQueryRepository<Movie> query)
movieCommand = command;
movieQuery = query;
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesAsync()
var movies = await movieQuery.GetAllMoviesAsync();
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMoviesByTitle(string movieTitle)
var movies = await movieQuery.GetMoviesByTitleAsync(movieTitle);
return Ok(movies);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> GetMovieByID(int movieID)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(movieID);
return Ok(movie);
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
var movie = await movieQuery.GetMovieByIDAsync(id);
if (movie == null)
return BadRequest();
await movieCommand.DeleteAsync(movie);
return Ok();
// TODO: Logging
return BadRequest();
private void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MovieCommandContext>()
.WithParameter("options", contextOptions);
Point 1:
You should return an IActionResult to return a propper Http response, instead of returning the Task<IEnumerable<Movie>>. That way you guarantee the S and the I of SOLID principles
Point 2 & 3:
see here: Entity Framework Core service default lifetime
Point 4:
IQueryRepository as some bad methods names. The names are tight coupled with domain concepts and they should not.
You are failing the Separation of concerns ( the S of SOLID).
ICommandRepository as an Add method that is being expose to some controller and not being used ( same as Update) here you are failing on the Interface segregation.
MovieQueryContext does not implement IDisposable pattern correctly please see here!
MovieQueryContext is different from MovieCommandContext on the way it initializes. Why? You should try to be coherent the way you design you types because it will give you reusability and apply the DRY principle.
Consider the effort you will need to to if the access to the database change to mongodb. Or if the access to the database changes to a remote service How many changes, and where do you do does changes to support that?
If Movie is a Domain Type it should not have attributes to any specific database access. keep it POCO as possible.
Point 5:
To design your API consider this post. The way you inject your dependencies should consider the lifetime of those objects. Keep in mind that in aspnet.core ApiControllers lifetime is per request. The way you manage your resources to access database should take that into consideration.
If you are considering CQRS, the controllers should be diferent. Keeping in mind the Separation of concerns regarding those responsabilities. One controller would have the responsability to expose some query API, and the other to process commands. There are good frameworks to support CQRS see this scott hanselman post.
Constraints exists on Route attribute not on Verbs.
Logging and Exception handling should be done on an ActionAttribute or on some Especific Middleware, because they are considered to be cross cutting concerns.
Delete Action does not comply to the Http protocol. please consider http rfc:
GetMoviesByTitle Action does not have the name parameter.
Point 6:
Unit tests should test business logic, mocking all the external dependencies with values relevant to the test in place. TDD methodology considers 3 main steps ( here for more details):
the first step consists on implementing the unit tests so it fails
Iterate on implementation of the method being test until it passes with success
Improve the implementation of the method being test
If you want to test your ApiController as being used with all the middleware integrated you need to have that environment put in place without using an actual server that open ports. To do that please consider the usage of TestServer ( see here and here )
1. What is recommended return type between "Task< IActionResult >" and "Task< IEnumerable < Movie > >"?
Even though the API allows you yo use the interface IActionResult, I wouldn't use it at all. Why? Semantics, the only way to know what the true return is, is to see the implementation. It's clearer if the returns is Task< IEnumerable< Movie>>.
If you need to throw a BadRequest or other http code, use the pipeline to handle this for you. See Notes below.
When using whatever tool to generate some sort of documentation of this API it won't help hiding the real result.
2. object Scope of the dependencies in startup class for my project?
Avoid sharing state between calls, to avoid future issues with synchronization just stick to scope dependencies per request. This may be a performance issue if you have a lot of requests, you can always change this later on. If it's an issue at all.
3. I really need UnitOfWork for this given project structure?
4. What are the flaws if I follow this design?
5. Is there any better way to design this API?
In hope of answering the above 3 questions. The problem I see is extending the functionality around Movie model. e.g. add a fourth action on ICommandRepository.
It seams it will grow vertically. It will only be a problem if multiple classes implement this interface, because they will all need to change. (Interface Segregation Principle)
A way to solve this is to use the Mediator pattern. Your controller will receive the mediator and the mediator will deliver the message to whoever handles it. With this type of solution you could have a class per operation and therefore your system can grow horizontally as new classes are added to the system. (Open Close Principle)
In time, you'll see that a lot of functionality can be reused and adding features is just a matter of configuration.
6. As TDD do I need write test cases for API layer(Controller) and Infrastructure layer only or Domain Layer (it doesn't have any logic) as well?
The idea of Testing in general is to test behavior, when TDDing that should be your mindset. In my experience I found that testing the whole behavior is better than multiple parts of the same behavior.
In this case, the API Layer is part of the infrastructure as is the persistence layer. They should have their own tests, the business rules (Application layer) should have their own tests. The application layer is what you want to last forever. The Api will change as technologies appear (windows forms, web forms, web apis, etc.) Regarding databases as well, you don't know if you want to stick with EF forever.
If the domain layer doesn't provide any behavior then there is nothing to test.
7. What are the scenario I must include in my controller unit test?
I would test using TestHost:
Test the if routing is correct, test failing scenarios and successful scenarios.
Some notes:
An exception in the Controller does not mean a BadRequest.
Logging is a cross cutting concern, don't just do it everywhere.
Either use the pipeline or just move this concern to
application layer.
It appears that MovieQueryRepository does nothing, so you don't need it.
This is just some remarks about your questions, there is much more to it. Just remember to keep things simple and organized.
Hope it helped, let me know!

synchronously invoke client side method with SignalR

SignalR does not have the ability to have client methods which returns a value. So I am trying to create a helper class to make this possible.
So this is what I am trying to do:
Server side: Call client method and provide unique request id Client(clientId).GetValue(requestId)
Server side: Save requestId and wait for answer using ManualResetEvent
Client side: Inside void GetValue(Guid requestId) call server method hubProxy.Invoke("GetValueFinished", requestId, 10)
Server side: find waiting method by requestId => set return value => set signal
Server side: Method not longer waiting vor ManualResetEvent and returns retrieved value.
I am able to get it work unfortunately. Here is my code:
public static class MethodHandler
private static ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, ReturnWaiter> runningMethodWaiters = new ConcurrentDictionary<Guid,ReturnWaiter>();
public static TResult GetValue<TResult>(Action<Guid> requestValue)
Guid key = Guid.NewGuid();
ReturnWaiter returnWaiter = new ReturnWaiter(key);
runningMethodWaiters.TryAdd(key, returnWaiter);
return (TResult)returnWaiter.Value;
public static void GetValueResult(Guid key, object value)
ReturnWaiter waiter;
if (runningMethodWaiters.TryRemove(key, out waiter))
waiter.Value = value;
internal class ReturnWaiter
private ManualResetEvent _signal = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public ManualResetEvent Signal { get { return _signal; } }
public Guid Key {get; private set;}
public ReturnWaiter(Guid key)
Key = key;
private object _value;
public object Value
get { return _value; }
_value = value;
Using this MethodHandler class I need to have two method server side:
public int GetValue(string clientId)
return MethodHandler.GetValue<int>(key => Clients(clientId).Client.GetValue(key));
public void GetValueResult(Guid key, object value)
MethodHandler.GetValueResult(key, value);
Client side implementation is like this:
// Method registration
_hubProxy.On("GetValue", new Action<Guid>(GetValue));
public void GetValue(Guid requestId)
int result = 10;
_hubConnection.Invoke("GetValueResult", requestId, result);
if I call server side GetValue("clientid"). The client method will not be invoked. If I comment out returnWaiter.Signal.WaitOne();, client side GetValue is called and server side GetValueResult is called. But of course this time the method has already returned.
I thought is has to do with the ManualResetEvent but even using while(!returnWaiter.HasValue) Thread.Sleep(100); will not fix this issue.
Any ideas how to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!
First, I think that, rather than asking for help in how to make it synchronous, it would be best if you just told us what it is you're trying to do so we could suggest a proper approach to do it.
You don't show your MethodHandler::Retrieve method, but I can guess pretty much what it looks like and it's not even the real problem. I have to tell you in the nicest possible way that this is a really bad idea. It will simply never scale. This would only work with a single SignalR server instance because you're relying on machine specific resources (e.g. kernel objects behind the ManualResetEvent) to provide the blocking. Maybe you don't need to scale beyond one server to meet your requirements, but this still a terrible waste of resources even on a single server.
You're actually on the right track with the client calling back with the requestId as a correlating identifier. Why can't you use that correlation to resume logical execution of whatever process you are in the middle of on the server side? That way no resources are held around while waiting for the message to be delivered to the client, processed and then the follow up message, GetValueResult in your sample, to be sent back a the server instance.
Problem solved:
The problem only occured in Hub.OnConnected and Hub.OnDisconnected. I don't have an exact explanation why, but probably these methods must be able to finish before it will handle your method call to the client.
So I changed code:
public override Task OnConnected()
Debug.Print(MethodHandler.GetValue<int>(key => Clients(Context.ConnectionId).Client.GetValue(key)));
new Thread(() => Debug.Print(MethodHandler.GetValue<int>(key => Clients(Context.ConnectionId).Client.GetValue(key)))).Start();
return base.OnConnected();

How can I use a standard ASP.NET session object within ServiceStack service implementation

I'm just getting started with ServiceStack and, as a test case, I am looking to rework an existing service which is built using standard ASP.Net handlers. I've managed to get it all working as I want it but have certain aspects which make use of the ASP.Net Session object.
I've tried adding IRequiresSessionState into the service interface:
public class SessionTestService : RestServiceBase<SessionTest>, IRequiresSessionState {
public override object OnPost(SessionTest request) {
// Here I want to use System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session
The trouble is I can't seem to get it to work as the Session object is always null.
I've done a lot of Googling and have puzzled over and similar but I can't find any example code which does this (which surprises me). Can anyone explain why the above doesn't work and advise what I need to do to get it working?
Note: Ultimately I'll probably look to replace this with Redis or will try to remove any serverside session requirement, but I figured that I'd use the ASP.Net implementation for the time being, to get things working and to avoid reworking it more than is necessary at this point.
Using ServiceStack ISession
ServiceStack has a new ISession interface backed by ICacheClient that lets you share same ISession between MVC Controllers, ASP.NET base pages and ServiceStack's Web Services which share the same Cookie Id allowing you to freely share data between these web frameworks.
Note: ISession is a clean implementation that completely by-passes the existing ASP.NET session with ServiceStack's own components as described in ServiceStack's MVC PowerPack and explained in detail in the Sessions wiki page.
To easily make use of ServiceStack's Session (Cache & JSON Serializer) have your Controllers inherit from ServiceStackController (in MVC) or PageBase (in ASP.NET)
There is also new Authentication / Validation functionality added in ServiceStack which you can read about on the wiki:
Authentication and authorization
Using ASP.NET Session
Essentially ServiceStack is just a set of lightweight IHttpHandler's running on either an ASP.NET or HttpListener host. If hosted in IIS/ASP.NET (most common) it works like a normal ASP.NET request.
Nothing in ServiceStack accesses or affects the configured Caching and Session providers in the underlying ASP.NET application. If you want to enable it you would need to configure it as per normal in ASP.NET (i.e. outside of ServiceStack) see:
Once configured you can access the ASP.NET session inside a ServiceStack web service via the singleton:
Or alternatively via the underlying ASP.NET HttpRequest with:
var req = (HttpRequest)base.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>().OriginalRequest;
var session = req.RequestContext.HttpContext.Session;
Although because of the mandatory reliance on XML config and degraded performance by default, I prefer to shun the use of ASP.NET's Session, instead opting to use the cleaner Cache Clients included with ServiceStack.
Basically the way Sessions work (ASP.NET included) is a cookie containing a unique id is added to the Response uniquely identifying the browser session. This id points to a matching Dictionary/Collection on the server which represents the browsers' Session.
The IRequiresSession interface you link to doesn't do anything by default, it simply is a way to signal to either a Custom Request Filter or base web service that this request needs to be authenticated (i.e. two places where you should put validation/authentication logic in ServiceStack).
Here's a Basic Auth implementation that looks to see if a web service is Secure and if so make sure they have authenticated.
Here's another authentication implementation that instead validates all services marked with an [Authenticate] attribute, and how to enable Authentication for your service by adding the Attribute on your Request DTO.
New Authentication Model in ServiceStack
The above implementation is apart of the multi-auth provider model included in the next version of ServiceStack. Here's the reference example showing how to register and configure the new Auth model in your application.
Authentication Strategies
The new Auth model is entirely an opt-in convenience as you can simply not use it and implement similar behaviour yourself using Request Filters or in base classes (by overriding OnBeforeExecute). In fact the new Auth services are not actually built-into ServiceStack per-se. The entire implementation lives in the optional ServiceStack.ServiceInterfaces project and implemented using Custom Request Filters.
Here are different Authentication strategies I've used over the years:
Mark services that need authentication with an [Attribute]. Likely the most idiomatic C# way, ideal when the session-id is passed via a Cookie.
Especially outside of a Web Context, sometimes using a more explicit IRequiresAuthentication interface is better as it provides strong-typed access to the User and SessionId required for Authentication.
You can just have a 1-liner to authenticate on each service that needs it - on an adhoc basis. A suitable approach when you have very few services requiring authentication.
That's a great and comprehensive answer by #mythz. However, when trying to access the ASP.NET session by HttpContext.Current.Session within a ServiceStack web service, it always returns null for me. That's because none of the HttpHandlers within ServiceStack are adorned with the IRequiresSessionState interface, so the .NET Framework does not provide us with the session object.
To get around this, I've implemented two new classes, both of which use the decorator pattern to provide us with what we need.
Firstly, a new IHttpHandler which requires session state. It wraps the IHttpHandler provided by ServiceStack and passes calls through to it...
public class SessionHandlerDecorator : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState {
private IHttpHandler Handler { get; set; }
internal SessionHandlerDecorator(IHttpHandler handler) {
this.Handler = handler;
public bool IsReusable {
get { return Handler.IsReusable; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
Next, a new IHttpHandlerFactory which delegates the responsibility for generating the IHttpHandler to ServiceStack, before wrapping the returned handler in our new SessionHandlerDecorator...
public class SessionHttpHandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory {
private readonly static ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory factory = new ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory();
public IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, string url, string pathTranslated) {
var handler = factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, url, pathTranslated);
return handler == null ? null : new SessionHandlerDecorator(handler);
public void ReleaseHandler(IHttpHandler handler) {
Then, it's just a matter of changing the type attributes in the handlers in Web.config to SessionHttpHandlerFactory instead of ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory, ServiceStack, and your web services should now have the ASP.NET session avaialble to them.
Despite the above, I fully endorse the new ISession implementation provided by ServiceStack. However, in some cases, on a mature product, it just seems too big a job to replace all uses of the ASP.NET session with the new implementation, hence this workaround!
Thanks #Richard for your answer above. I am running a new version of service stack and they have removed the ServiceStackHttpFactory with HttpFactory. Instead of having
private readonly static ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory factory = new ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory();
You need to have
private static readonly HttpHandlerFactory Factory = new HttpHandlerFactory();
Here is updated code for this service
using ServiceStack;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
namespace MaryKay.eCommerce.Mappers.AMR.Host
public class SessionHttpHandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory
private static readonly HttpHandlerFactory Factory = new HttpHandlerFactory();
public IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, string url, string pathTranslated)
var handler = Factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, url, pathTranslated);
return handler == null ? null : new SessionHandlerDecorator(handler);
public void ReleaseHandler(IHttpHandler handler)
public class SessionHandlerDecorator : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState
private IHttpHandler Handler { get; set; }
internal SessionHandlerDecorator(IHttpHandler handler)
Handler = handler;
public bool IsReusable
get { return Handler.IsReusable; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
As of ServiceStack 4.5+ the HttpHandler can also support Async. Like so:
namespace FboOne.Services.Host
public class SessionHttpHandlerFactory : IHttpHandlerFactory
private static readonly HttpHandlerFactory Factory = new HttpHandlerFactory();
public IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext context, string requestType, string url, string pathTranslated)
var handler = Factory.GetHandler(context, requestType, url, pathTranslated);
return handler == null ? null : new SessionHandlerDecorator((IHttpAsyncHandler)handler);
public void ReleaseHandler(IHttpHandler handler)
public class SessionHandlerDecorator : IHttpAsyncHandler, IRequiresSessionState
private IHttpAsyncHandler Handler { get; set; }
internal SessionHandlerDecorator(IHttpAsyncHandler handler)
Handler = handler;
public bool IsReusable
get { return Handler.IsReusable; }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
public IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, object extraData)
return Handler.BeginProcessRequest(context, cb, extraData);
public void EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result)
