Use Local IIS Web server for debugging -

So I'm trying to setup a local test domain so I can have a subdomain using this article. My problem is that I can set up the sites fine in IIS and browse to files there. But when trying to setup visual studio to use the site for eg. In Project Url: when I click Create VirtualDriectory I get the following error: Unable to create virtual directory. The URL '' is already mapped to a different folder 'C:\Websites\site'.
If I delete the site from IIS and allow visual studio to try create it, I get the following error: Unable to create the virtual directory. Could not find the server '' on the local machine. Creating a virtual directory is only supported on the local IIS server. But the site poits to, which is my local machine right?
So how do I set up debugging in a scenario like this where I already created the site in IIS?

Instead of using the "Use Local IIS Web Server" setting in visual studio I always check "Use Custom Web Server" and point it at my local url. for your example with the start url above set to
If you still run into problems you can always get into debug mode but doing attach to process instead of F5 and selecting the IIS process.


Routing issues after publish mvc app

I recently developed an mvc application that want to publish online. I used the Publish option on Visual Studio to do that.
Apparently this is a common task and there are several tutorials about that. However my case has a different detail that I believe is not allowing me to run the app successfully.
So the thing is:
I have a Wordpress site successfully running at
I want my application to run at
This is what I have done so far:
Uploaded all my app files to httpdocs/myapp folder on the server;
Configured a virtual directory on httpdocs/myapp folder on the server;
Imported the database from my local computer to the remote server;
Changed the connection strings on web.config to point to the database on the remote server;
After this, when I try to access on the browser to I can see that it redirects me to but shows the 404 error (Page not found) with the layout of my Wordpress site. So it looks like it is running the Wordpress site, instead of the app on that folder.
are you using IIS?
you need to create an application instead of a virtual directory
otherwise it will not treat the sub folder as an application and will follow parent folder’s web.config and other settings

Unable to start debugging on web server, localhost subdomain

I am using VS2013, IIS7, and have set a subdomain in IIS and my hosts file to point to
I've created the secondary website, and have the http binding in IIS pointing to
Things i've tried:
Deleting Site in IIS, Deleting app pools, re-building from scratch
Cleaning/Re-building solution/Restarting Computer/Visual Studio
Creating Virtual Directory through VS, even tried tying to IISExpress to no avail.
Also, i can go directly to the site in a browser just fine using the and traverse through it all, it just fails to load into Visual Studio for debugging. All debug info is set correctly through project properties as well.
There are a bunch of people within my office with the exact same setups that i've sat down with that work fine on their machines, but not on mine. I've exhausted my google and searches at this point, any suggestion would help.
Visual Studio is unable to resolve the domain because it likely hasn't been added to your hosts file.
If you edit the hosts file found at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts to include your subdomain:
# rest of hosts file here api.localhost
Then your debugger should start working again.

Errors after add Virtual Directory in IIS

My web service on IIS can work well w/o a virtual directory (called by http://localhost). However, I want to call it like http://localhost/virtualpath.
So I added a virtual directory in IIS, but when I explorer website, it gives me the following error:
What does this mean and how to solve it? (I'm using IIS 8.5)
It means exactly what the error says - you've tried to set a section in web config beyond application level. I'm assuming that you added the virtual directory under a pre existing website in IIS? What you want is to add a physical directory under the website with your app in and then simply right click and convert that folder to an application.

Deploying WCF webservice to IIS

I'm trying to deploy a wcf web service to IIS 7.5. Is there anything special I need to do in order to make this work. I keep getting 404 error when I try and run the web service. I can't seem to pull up the wsdl file either.
These are the steps I've taken
Right-clicked on web service project and published to local folder
Copied contents of publish to IIS server
Setup a new website that points to folder with webservice files
set binding to match web.config binding (port #)
Is there anything I missed or overlooked. Shouldn't I be able to run that web service from IIS and load up the wsdl file directly on the server. When I test in visual studio, it handles the loading of that host program.
Apparently you have to load the .svc file path which I was not doing.
Just to expand on this a little, since this question got me started but there were a couple of extra steps I had to take:
In VS2012 right click on the web service project and select Publish
Publish to file system by selecting a directory to publish to
Copy the folder contents into a folder on the server
In IIS create a new website, its physical path being where you just copied the published contents to.
Set its app pool appropriately (probably .NET 4.0)
The binding port should be the same as in the web.config as should the name. So if you've been working locally and your web.config reads "http://localhost:12345/MyService" then hostname is "localhost" and the port is 12345
You can then browse to the webservice by right clicking on the website in IIS -> Manage Website -> Browse. Click on your service name.

Run ASP.NET application as Default Web Site on dev machine

I am trying to run my ASP.NET Web Application Project in my Local IIS Web Server instead of using the Visual Studio Development Server. It seems to only allow me to run my application in a Virtual Directory off of the Default Web Site. However, I would like to run the application in the root of the Default Web Site itself.
I go into the properties of my project, go to the Web tab, click the User Local IIS Web server radio box, and change the Project URL to http://localhost/. However, when I attempt to save, it tells me I need to configure the Virtual Directory, although I am not using a Virtual Directory.
Has anybody made this work before? Thanks!!
It sounds like localhost port 80 is already in use.
IIS creates a default web site that listens on localhost port 80. Have you disabled that before trying to add yours?
Another approach is to have your site listen on a different port, 81 for example.
So far I used a Post-Build event to copy the contents of my project to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ and I set the Start Action's Start URL to http://localhost/. Not very elegant, but it gets the job done. I would love for somebody to include a more elegant solution.
