Run ASP.NET application as Default Web Site on dev machine -

I am trying to run my ASP.NET Web Application Project in my Local IIS Web Server instead of using the Visual Studio Development Server. It seems to only allow me to run my application in a Virtual Directory off of the Default Web Site. However, I would like to run the application in the root of the Default Web Site itself.
I go into the properties of my project, go to the Web tab, click the User Local IIS Web server radio box, and change the Project URL to http://localhost/. However, when I attempt to save, it tells me I need to configure the Virtual Directory, although I am not using a Virtual Directory.
Has anybody made this work before? Thanks!!

It sounds like localhost port 80 is already in use.
IIS creates a default web site that listens on localhost port 80. Have you disabled that before trying to add yours?
Another approach is to have your site listen on a different port, 81 for example.

So far I used a Post-Build event to copy the contents of my project to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ and I set the Start Action's Start URL to http://localhost/. Not very elegant, but it gets the job done. I would love for somebody to include a more elegant solution.


How to configure IIS 7 for localhost website?

I am new in Asp.Net
I have enabled features of IIS 7 on my windows system and able to see IIS manager.
I created an application but build/run application through visual studio it goes to browser and run the application with different port number. When i stop build/run application through visual studio and again i refresh browser application could not run.
I want to run application without visual studio. How to do this.
It gives this : http://localhost:9864/
To configure IIS with a new website follow these instructions:
Open IIS manager, right click Sites (At the right menu) and click Add Website
Give the site a Site Name, The physical path on your machine, and a Host Name
There are some conventions as for what website physical path to choose you can read about it in this SO question
In Windows Explorer go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and Edit the hosts file
Add this line at the end of the file:
And save the file
Thats about it. You can open your browser and browse the Host Name you chosen for your website or in IIS right click your site and click Manage Website - Browse
Important note
If you wish to use the same address as your VS uses (http://localhost:9864/) then on step 2 leave the Host Name textbox blank and instead change the Port textbox to your desired port (9864). In this case you can also ignore step 3.
As a site note:
If you installed IIS on your machine after the VS installation you might get some conflicts. You might be able by this stage to browse to static content as html but not .NET resources like aspx files. If by browsing to .NET files you get a message saying The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration you can solve it with this SO question

Published website ASP.NET with IIS

I have just completed my website and I started working with IIS it works fine when I put all my file without published. I copy the whole website to wwwroot inside my folder as I said It works fine but when I tried to work without code behind page it didn't work I published website from VS. and I copy my published file to the same folder but it doesn't work.
I received this error:
Eval is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
I don't want to put my code behind page. How can I run my published pages?
First, when you publish your web project, their are no code behind pages.
Do this, set a directory and publish your site in it.
Now cmd-> intemgr->
site-> -> add web site->
give site name and select an application pool, then set the physical path to the directory where your application is published, if necessary change the port to something like 50 because 80 is a standard port for http. Hit ok. Your site is ready.
Please check in application pool that your application pool is set to .Net framework version V4.0 (i mean the version compatible to your app ).
just click to browser the site, please do check the uri you can see the port number also

Changing "Project Url" causes ASP.Net Web app to not be debuggable

I have an ASP.NET Web Application project that I am using to host a WCF Data Services (OData) project.
I went and changed the url from:
after I did that I created a Virtual Directory for the new project URL.
Now when I run I get this error:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.
I clicked help but it was no help (was IIS 6 level instructions, I have IIS 7). I did some googling and it was all fairly generic responses.
How can I get this working again? (Aside from revert to my old Url. Reverting works but I changed it for a very good reason.)
Your virtual directory need to point to the same scr directory you were originally debugging against.
Also, make sure the virtual directory is configured for Windows Authentication, which is required for debugging.
I had to go to my website in IIS and add a folder under it called v1. After I did that it all worked perfectly.

Friendly URLs for localhost ASP.NET websites

I Use Visual Studio 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0 and IIS7.
When I open my site, the URL looks like this
I want a friendly URL:
or anything that will help me to get rid of the Port 6549 from URL
I use ASP.NET Development Server which is what Visual Studio use when you run a localhost website
Wait !! Please make distinction between "Properties window" and "Property pages" of the project. I always tried your advices, but using "Property pages", and there is no such property like Use dynamic ports on that page. This property can be found only in the "Properties window"
Assuming it's the ASP.NET development server:
To get rid of the port number you need to do this
- go to properties of the project
- click the web tab
- check the specific port and assign 80
There is also a virtual path setting here which you could set to /
Is your solution configured to use IIS and not the ASP.NET Development Server? There is also a property on the web application where you can specify the port (or allow for a random port to be chosen) - port 80 is the appropriate port - this requires administrator access to the process that is launching the web site.
I was thinking you can use your host file to redirect the user, but I checked and you can't redirect to a port.
If you have IIS7 on the machine, just make the location of your web development folder into a virtual directory on IIS.
Then you can access it by http://localhost/website/

How to hide directory list in ASP.NET 3.5?

I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web site, which is password protected (form authentication). But yesterday I found I was able to browse the list of directories (which is unexpected).
I searched the web, one article said we need to config it in IIS. But I'm a developer and I'm working on my local machine (no IIS installed).
My question is: are there any way to hide them other than IIS configuration? like set web.config?
This must be configured in your webserver - you cannot handle this in the website itself. Since you are working locally it shouldn't matter that the root directory is browsable. If you need to be able to control the site in this way you really ought to set up a webserver.
if you don't have IIS, you're likely working on your local ASP.NET development server (called Cassini possibly?), in which it is only available locally, so no security worries there.
When you deploy your app, you will likely be on an IIS server, so the configuration will be available
Directory browsing in IIS is controlled in the virtual directory/site configuration.
When you deploy your application to a real server you can configure directory browsing there.
Directory browsing on your local machine shouldn't matter, but this may work for you.
In IIS6:
In IIS7:
In IIS - Website properties, Home Directory tab, untick Directory browsing.
In Cassini (the ASP.NET development server) I don't think it can be turned off. But the server only runs while your debugging.
