Drupal - form or content type and general how to do it? - drupal

(I know there is a module, but I'm trying to learn on my own)
I basically want some kind of form or page where I create a form for an administrator.
So, the administrator can fill in the question and can add more than one right answer. Sorta like a multiple choice question with more than one answer.
The user will go ahead and answer the question.
Do, I create a content type? Do I use form api instead. Not sure at this moment how to go about it.

The Quiz module provides tools for authoring and administering quizzes through Drupal. A quiz is given as a series of questions, with only one question appearing per page. Scores are then stored in the database.

From what I get, you can create a custom drupal module and use form api for creating Multipage forms and add pragmatically add validaters for adding you correct result before moving to the next page/form.
Writing a simple. Hope this helps and contact if you need help.


Add content from within another content type in Drupal 7

I'm pretty new to Drupal and I can't figure out how to do the following:
In Drupal 7, I have a custom content type called 'Opening' and I want users to be able to apply to an opening.
So I created another content type ('Application') and I'd like the Opening content type to have a static field of some sort (ideally a button but could live with a basic link for now) that creates a new Application content (i.e. points to mysite/node/add/application). Besides, the Application should be somehow prepopulated with the Opening it "came from" (hope this makes sense).
I thought this would be straightforward but I've been searching around and I couldn't find a way to implement this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would check out the workflow module.
That module seems like it has the functionality that your looking for. In that, you can create steps that users/multiple users must take to process information. In your case, you may want to make just one content type (say, Opening), and make the steps via workflow to match the cycle you need.
Additionally, if you looking to just make a form, you could use the Webform module to create the application form. You could specify that users who have filled out the form are granted permissions to use the opening content type.
Good Luck!

How to make usernames as vocabulary in Drupal 7?

I am making a website using Drupal 7, in which a user may assign tasks to another user while editing a content node. I was thinking of doing this by making the Username list appear as a tag list with autocomplete. But I am unable to find any modules or methods to do it the Drupal way. Please help
I am not quite sure what exactly would you like to achieve, anyway, there is a module which allows to add a user/node reference fields:
I hope I helped a bit. If not, please, try to add more details, thanks.

Drupal comments per fields

I have been looking all over for this, but so far without any luck. Is there a way to have comments per field instead of per node in drupal? If there are no modules available for this, do you think it would be hard to implement?
I thought I could make a "pseudo-content-type" with views that's nothing more than several content types displayed one on top of the other, so you could comment any of them. But then I don't know a way of making the user create all those content types at once.
The built-in comment module is not going to do comments per field on a node. I've been drupaling for almost three years and I don't know of any module that allows comments per field.
It is possible to do, but it would take a custom module and plenty of slick programming to get it to work. As far as difficulty I think an intermediate PHP developer with some knowledge of Drupal should be able to whip this out.
A kind of quick solution would be using panel module; form all your commentable content in nodes ad put them together all into a panel. This is kind a quick and static solution, possibly with views one can make it more custom.

Daily question in my drupal website

I am new to drupal so may be my question will be very dumb.
I want to show daily questions on my website which is build using drupal. The question is of multiple choice and the options should be displayed by default. The visitor will simply click on the ans and press submit to ans. It seems to be like a poll but i dont want to show the summary on submission instead i want to show the correct ans.
Thanks in advance :)
The Quiz module provides, well, quizzes and supports multi-choice questions. After a quiz has been fully answered, it provides various display option. It may suits your need if you use single-question quizzes.
For the quiz to be daily, you may have to add some code or use additional module to handle automatic creation, publication and de-publication of your daily quizzes.
I don't know of any module that will do this out of the box, but the built-in, core module "poll" will do something terribly close.
To get the exact functionality you desire, you could simply override the template files for poll to make it so that it does not display the results upon submission. Then you could make a comment on the poll that contains the correct answer. (You can do this without allowing others the ability to comment.) This would effectively meet the given requirements.
Anyway I know its not a perfect solution, but it would give you the described requirements without too much work.

Drupal. Two question from newbie

Could somebody give an answers for my question?
How to count clicks on outside URL to another webpage.
I have content type that can have one category (taxonomy). In node view I want to add block below with listing of links to nodes from current node category. How can I accomplish this?
You can use javascript along with Google analytics. You need to add a click handler to the external links that stores the click. This can be done pretty simple with regex and jquery.
You should be able to do this with the views module. It allow you to build list display of content pretty easily with an interface. It can be a bit tricky with taxonomy since it's a one to many relationship. It might be easier for you to build the block yourself in a custom module. It depends how well you know views, Drupal/PHP.
