Filezilla opens new aptana process - aptana

My problem is basically the same than this one but on windows 7:
How to open files of Filezilla in current open Aptana Studio 3
Every file that opened from Filezilla launch a new Aptana3 process, which crashes because the workspace is already used in the other instance.
I had the same issue before but can't remember how I solved it.
I have another computer with Windows7 where it works fine, I compared Filezilla and Aptana settings and they are all the same.
In Filezilla settings I have:
File Editing:
Use custom editor: [aptana path]
Always use custom editor
Filetype associations:
Inherit system filtype associations
Custom filetype associations is empty
Again, that works fine with the same settings on another computer...
Any ideas?

It is a bug in the program - Bug Discussion. Apparently there is a fix but to get to it you have to register at Aptana to view the workaround. Too many hoops and bugs for me so am going to uninstall Aptana and use Netbeans from now on.


Configuring context-sensitive menu

I'm using the vertex theme from However, I'm seeing several applications in the context-sensitive menu which I don't even have installed, and want to remove them. For example, AVAHI SSH Session, IntelliJ IDEA, and urxvt (tabbed). When I select any of these items nothing happens. If I install IntelliJ through my package manager (pacman on my arch system) then I get a second entry for IntelliJ and that one actually launches the program. Also it's annoying that Visual Studio Code is in the Accessories submenu. I want it in the Development submenu.
I finally figured it out by accident. I was just researching how to configure VLC media player skins, and on their website, they describe where to place the skins. Under $HOME/.local/share/applications I found a directory called jetbrains-idea-ce.desktop. I simply moved the "applications" folder to $HOME and restarted awesome wm. Now the old and icon-less IntelliJ entry in the context-sensitve menu is gone. Answering my own question for posterity in case someone finds it useful.

Bar code font error with crystal report on web server

I am using a bar code font to display bar code in my crystal report. It's working fine but in one condition
It needs restart of machine after installing bar code font. So it's working good because after installing bar code font I simply restart the machine and it start's work.
But when I uploaded my project on web server the same condition occurs. My service provider installed bar code font on server but, it requires restart of server to take effects which is not possible.
So what is the solution ?
I know that this is a old post.
But i had a issue with using a windows 10 computer with the font not registering even after i restarted the computer.
I found that the issue is that the font didnt get installed into the windows/fonts folder.
I tried dragging it into the correct folder but it still installed in C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts
I found the a solution is to right click on the font and click install for all users.
That was only way that it installed it in the right folder.
Found in
I know that this is a different issue i just wanted to have the information available for anyone else that comes up with a similar issue.
Although many applications can detect the fonts installed using Drag-n-Drop or Copy-Paste to the Windows\Fonts folder, but Crystal Reports needs the fonts to be registered.
Drag-n-Drop or a copy-paste of font in the Windows\Fonts will not be registered until the system is restarted.
You'll have to ask your service provider to delete the copy/pasted or drag/dropped file from the Windows\Fonts folder and then do a proper install of the font, it will register it without restarting the system.
Typically a font can be installed/registered in the system as follows:
Control Panel > Fonts > File Menu > Install New Font > Select Drive of new font file > Select Folder of new font file > Select New Font File > Select Copy Fonts To Fonts Folder CheckBox > OK
Some options may vary depending on Windows version but procedure will be same. After installing/registering the font just close and re-open your Crystal Reports without restarting the system.
For official Microsoft reference of installing and removing fonts in common windows versions you may see How to install or remove a font in Windows

Aptana freezing regularly in Windows 7

Seems to be since updating Aptana 3.4 ( to be precise) that it regularly freezes up - greys out and displays "Not responding".
It doesn't freeze up straight away, usually after editing and saving for a few minutes. Generally seems to freeze while editing code, usually PHP.
My log file did report issues with the Subversion plugin, but I've since removed this entirely and still face the same issues.
My OS is Windows 7 32-bit.
Any suggestions on how to remedy such problems in Aptana would be greatly appreciated as this renders it pretty useless :(.
Deleting the log file seems to work for me.
Its full of pretty useless stuff for a regular user anyway and when it gets too big - boom: not responding.
Try deleting the log file ( /[yourworkspace]/.metadata/.log ),
emptying your windows temp folder (C:\Users[your user name]\AppData\Local\Temp) and run aptana as an administrator (you can make this default behaviour by editing the properties of the task bar / start menu icon for Aptana)
Maybe a new version will come out with a fix for this OR the option to turn off logging completely. Its the log file causing this issue for sure.
Do you use a git repository? Mine is freezing, too, but when I rename the .git directory to something else, the freezing stops. I'm on Aptana Studio 3, build: It's very annoying because I do use git. I haven't been able to track down exactly what about the git integration is causing this.
So I have been having the same problem with Aptana Studio 3. I have followed this set of instructions found here:
Or here are the instructions if you do not want a video to watch...
Goto and download the newest Java Runtime Environment
Open up C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Aptana Studio 3\AptanaStudio3.ini with anything but notepad (Open with WordPad or Notepad++)
BEFORE the -vmargs line add:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
... then SAVE and CLOSE
4 . Finally open Aptana Studio 3. Now your problem should be solved and Aptana should be pointing to the newest version of JAVA.
I hope that this fix helps you as much as it has helped me!
Deleting the log file didn't work for me, but when viewing the log file, it talked about
The workspace exited with unsaved changes in the previous session; refreshing workspace to recover changes.
So I deleted the workspace file (/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/workbench.xml) which just stores what files you had open when you closed the application and the problem was installed solved (with seeminly no unexpected side-effects)
I still have this problem. It seems more often than not it hangs on startup. Win 7 64bit. One time I deleted the .metadata folder, then recreated a blank one it it worked. but it no longer works. One time I rebooted the system and it worked. The fix that works 1 time doesn't the next.
Adding the lines:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\*javaversion*\bin\
to the .ini file:
C:\Users\*youruser*\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\AptanaStudio3.ini
solved the freezing issue for me.

Does aptana save my files on every keypress?

I've just downloaded Aptana to do some web-development. I've downloaded the JsTestDriver plugin (javascript testing framework) which works fantastic, however there is one thing bugging me... In my run configuration of JsTestDriver i set it to run everytime i save my project. The funny thing is that the my run configuration is executed everytime i press a key... Does this mean that aptana saves my project everytime i make a single change to it? If so, how do I disable it? Running all my unit tests everytime i press a single key is kinda taxing on my system :P
Found it! Disable "Build Automatically" in Eclipse -> Workspace settings

Aptana 3 automatic download/upload

I'm trying to switch from Dreamweaver to a real IDE and trying Aptana as a likely candidate, however i'm stuck on how to get it's FTP to behave the way it did in DW.
Basically when I open a file in a project, it needs to automatically download from the FTP connection, before opening it.
The Deployment Settings > Automatically Sync in Both Direction doesn't seem to work, the only option of those 3 that works is "Sync from my machine to remote", which basically uploads the file on save - which is great, but I also need it to download when I open the file as well.
Am I missing something?
Currently Aptana Studio does not run file synchronization on it's opening, only on save.
There is a ticket for this feature which you could vote for.
Alternatively, you should be able to open, edit and save files directly from FTP connection.
