Bar code font error with crystal report on web server -

I am using a bar code font to display bar code in my crystal report. It's working fine but in one condition
It needs restart of machine after installing bar code font. So it's working good because after installing bar code font I simply restart the machine and it start's work.
But when I uploaded my project on web server the same condition occurs. My service provider installed bar code font on server but, it requires restart of server to take effects which is not possible.
So what is the solution ?

I know that this is a old post.
But i had a issue with using a windows 10 computer with the font not registering even after i restarted the computer.
I found that the issue is that the font didnt get installed into the windows/fonts folder.
I tried dragging it into the correct folder but it still installed in C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts
I found the a solution is to right click on the font and click install for all users.
That was only way that it installed it in the right folder.
Found in
I know that this is a different issue i just wanted to have the information available for anyone else that comes up with a similar issue.

Although many applications can detect the fonts installed using Drag-n-Drop or Copy-Paste to the Windows\Fonts folder, but Crystal Reports needs the fonts to be registered.
Drag-n-Drop or a copy-paste of font in the Windows\Fonts will not be registered until the system is restarted.
You'll have to ask your service provider to delete the copy/pasted or drag/dropped file from the Windows\Fonts folder and then do a proper install of the font, it will register it without restarting the system.
Typically a font can be installed/registered in the system as follows:
Control Panel > Fonts > File Menu > Install New Font > Select Drive of new font file > Select Folder of new font file > Select New Font File > Select Copy Fonts To Fonts Folder CheckBox > OK
Some options may vary depending on Windows version but procedure will be same. After installing/registering the font just close and re-open your Crystal Reports without restarting the system.
For official Microsoft reference of installing and removing fonts in common windows versions you may see How to install or remove a font in Windows


MAMP icon unresponsive, unable to open

I have just installed MAMP in Windows 10 alongside my class so that we can begin to work with Wordpress. However, the installed icon, and the app itself within my 'start' search function is unresponsive. I always get this popup: "To run this application, you must install .NET Core." The Popup has MAMP.exe in the corner. I did the recommended download at x64, and got confirmation that it was installed, but I got no result. Any time I try to click on the MAMP icon on my desktop, I get that message. I made sure my Skype was off, I checked if I had multiple Apache installations (I saw none except a years-old one in an archived folder) and I restarted my computer but to no avail. I wonder if there is an issue with the path or the browser -- .NET Core was done with Edge, MAMP was done with Chrome. This is mysterious. If anyone has advice on what to try, much appreciated.
I found the answer! Download x86 version of .NET Core and then install it afterward no matter how old your computer is. I did that and it works perfectly now.

CSS files with random number not found under Ubuntu

Recently I set up a PC with Ubuntu 16.04 + LAMP.
In a web application I've found that the frontend was not displayed correctly. So I checked in Chrome browser Developer Tools, and find that most of the css files were missing.
These css files are named with random numbers, for instance, Resources/Public/Css/Basic.1536323070.css.
But actually in the folder Resources/Public/Css/ there exists only a file named Basic.css. Therefore the system could not find the Basic.1536323070.css, and the frontend was not shown properly.
In Contrast, I've checked this in another PC (also with Ubuntu 16.04 + LAMP) of mine. In this PC, the css files like Resources/Public/Css/Basic.1546357210.css can be found by the system (although in the corresponding folder there is only the file Basic.css), so, the frontend is well shown.
On these two PCs I've used the same version of Apache, Mysql, PHP, and done the identical configurations.
Can someone tell me why one PC can find the css files with random numbers, but another can't?

JetBrains Toolbox in Windows to install IDEs to specific folders other than ones within drive C

I want to install PyCharm, PhpStorm, etc. into some folder on drive D.
Though JetBrains Toolbox not having the option to do so in my view.
So the question is that is it possible to customize the installation folder for JetBrains IDEs when installing via Toolbox?
Yes, you can configure the install location for apps in the Toolbox settings. However, this will install ALL apps under the specified directory (and move existing ones there). If you want to define a specific install location for each IDE, then that is not possible... yet.
Also see this support question. The second answer explains how you can manually update the install_location property in .settings.json. This will change the install location for future installations, and your existing apps will not be moved.
[Windows 10] I found a manual location changing option that is not well explained on any forum.
After you install Jetbrains Toolbox, if you cannot change the Tool install location from the app UI, and it goes into "Failing to change location, because application is in use, or something like that" if you are trying to change from there, close the Toolbox application(kill it from Task manager, or close it from the toolbar), and after you go to the default installation location of the Toolbox app(more info about this, here: and open .settings.json file
In the .settings.json file you need to add/update the following code line:
"install_location": "<default_location>",
There, add your desired install location instead of <default_location> if there exists the line in the file. If this line does not exist, add it the begining of the file. Don't forget to add the " , " in the end of the line.
Please help to spread this message to our fellow friends who are using Jetbrains Toolbox and are having this problem.
The location of the setting in the UI seems to change with subsequent Toolbox versions.
Currently it's under Toolbox > cogwheel icon > Toolbox App Setting > Tools > Tools install location.
Toolbox operates under current user permissions, not as administrator and it cannot ask for privileged access yet. In partical term it means if you wan't to install it under "C:\Program Files" you will have create "JetBrains", or whatever root directory you want, manually there, in your preferred file manager, then apply permission settings allowing you current user to write to that directory.
Looks like they invested some time in this. No need to play around with config files anymore:
Open your toolbox application
Open settings.
Open tab "Tools"
Change "tools install location"
Hit "apply changes"
Wait until files are moved

How to reset the default .EXE icons in Windows XP

I have installed Windows XP after using nlite to remove certain unneeded components. I have tried this before, only now I've selected the registry edit which makes Windows show the default executable icon instead of the program's default one.
This is not related to icon cache as it's a single registry edit which simply disallows programs to use their own icons. Other icons such as My Computer, My documents etc. work, this affects only the .exe files.
How do I undo this? I am pretty sure it involves registry editing, I just don't know what key I am supposed to change.
I have found the solution.
First, open regedit.exe and then find this key:
Change the value of (Default) to %1 and refresh the icon cache. Here's how to do it: windows icon cache

Filezilla opens new aptana process

My problem is basically the same than this one but on windows 7:
How to open files of Filezilla in current open Aptana Studio 3
Every file that opened from Filezilla launch a new Aptana3 process, which crashes because the workspace is already used in the other instance.
I had the same issue before but can't remember how I solved it.
I have another computer with Windows7 where it works fine, I compared Filezilla and Aptana settings and they are all the same.
In Filezilla settings I have:
File Editing:
Use custom editor: [aptana path]
Always use custom editor
Filetype associations:
Inherit system filtype associations
Custom filetype associations is empty
Again, that works fine with the same settings on another computer...
Any ideas?
It is a bug in the program - Bug Discussion. Apparently there is a fix but to get to it you have to register at Aptana to view the workaround. Too many hoops and bugs for me so am going to uninstall Aptana and use Netbeans from now on.
