Monitor unlimited files/folders under Mac osx with Qt - qt

I am working on an application targeted to Mac OSX 10.6+ using Qt 4.7.4
I have a folder with as much as 1000 files + and some or many or even all of these files may be renamed or moved or deleted, so I want to report to my application if:
File is renamed (report original and renamed filename)
Folder renamed (report original and renamed folder name)
File/folder is deleted (just report it as deleted)/moved (report the moved location)
PROBLEM: is the underlying system may (its MAY) only allow 256 descriptors to be monitored so at most 256 files! How can I over come this?
Note: used QFileSystemWatcher interface (it has the above stated problem)
ALSO : How to handle in case of version lower than OSX 10.5
Do mention how do i get renamed filename/foldername

From the QFileSystemWatcher docs:
On Mac OS X 10.4 and all BSD variants, for example, an open file descriptor is required for each monitored file. Some system limits the number of open file descriptors to 256 by default. This means that addPath() and addPaths() will fail if your process tries to add more than 256 files or directories to the file system monitor. Also note that your process may have other file descriptors open in addition to the ones for files being monitored, and these other open descriptors also count in the total. Mac OS X 10.5 and up use a different backend and do not suffer from this issue.
So you should not need to worry about this at all in your case.
QFileSystemWatcher doesn't provide the information you requested in your edit. It will emit signals when one of the paths it monitors changes, but in case of a rename, you won't get the new name. It's intended more for things like file manager programs that will just update/reload their current view on receipt of such events.
If you need more information than that, you'll need to use OS specific APIs. You can look at the code Qt uses for different platforms in the Qt source. It's in src/core/io/qfilsystemwatcher_*.[h|cpp].
For Mac OS X 10.5 or greater, the underlying API used is the FSEvents API. You can read in the Technology Overview page:
The important point to take away is that the granularity of notifications is at a directory level. It tells you only that something in the directory has changed, but does not tell you what changed.
So that OS-level API doesn't provide what you want either directly.
For older versions of Mac OS X and FreeBSD, Qt uses the kqueue API, with the EVFILT_VNODE event filter. That API doesn't provide the new name of a renamed file either.
In short, either you'll need to code something yourself based on one of those APIs, find a library that does it (with guarantees that meet your needs), or you'll need to redesign your application. "Watching" a directory in a portable manner is at best very tricky, and generally race- and error-prone. If I were you, I wouldn't be too optimistic especially if your design requires that no "event" be missed.


Programmatically access files in a device showing up in 'This PC'

I am on Windows 10. I want to write a function (in R) to copy the files stored in a camera (actually in the SD of the camera, but I cannot just read the memory card in the PC), to a different storage unit (say, the pc or an external HDD).
The camera is connected to the PC via an USB cable.
The problem I am facing is that, when opening the File Explorer, the camera is showing up as a link under "This PC" with no letter to indicate the drive (e.g., 'G:/').
While I can see the files using the file explorer window, I cannot find a way to get to those file from a cli type of interface (e.g., the command prompt, or the R console).
Googling, I found that 'This PC' is not a folder but rather a link to something in the registry called CLSID for which the identifier should be {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. However this is very confusing to me and I cannot figure out how to use this information.
Is there a way to do it? And if so: how?
Please consider I do not know much of commands from prompt (way better off in R).
A CLSID is just a GUID. My computer is a implementation of IShellFolder.
My Computer is part of the shell namespace. Several entries in the shell namespace are virtual (Control panel, scheduled tasks etc.) and cannot be accessed with low-level file functions nor cmd.exe.
While it would be possible to develop a tool that does something like shellcopy Computer\MyCamera\*.jpg x:\backup, I'm not aware of any existing tools that do this. You might have to code it yourself.
In the old days you would call SHGetDesktopFolder to get the root and then use the returned IShellFolder to navigate but these days it is simpler to use IShellItem instead.
To do this it is crucial to understand how IShellFolder and PIDLs work. See Introduction to the Shell Namespace for more information...

Qt possible malware Variant.Adware.Kazy.795337 in qwebp.dll

today we received info from one of our customer about this malware detection:
It's only inside the qwebp.dll file attached to our project by qtdeploy process.
We're building 32-bit Qt ( from the source and the same issue is reported on the same DLL no matter where it was built. We're using the latest VS 2019.
When I scanned the older version ( everything is ok:
Previous versions seem to be clean:
Also, any debug build and 64-bit builds are clean too.
Any idea what can cause this? Can anyone else please try to scan this file?
TL;DR: It is probably nothing, but notify Qt anyway (and check your own systems).
Are you using the prebuilt Qt binaries or are you compiling the sources yourself?
If you are using the official prebuilt binaries, I'd of course expect that the Qt Devteam scans them and verifies that they don't accidently spread malware, but there is always the miniscule chance of something slipping through.
Same goes for the sources - while their review process should be thorough enough to avoid malicious code being slipped in, there is still the outside chance of either a key account being compromised or (even more unlikely) bad code being added slice-by-slice over a longer time period to avoid detection (along the lines of the underhanded C contest). Still, either case seems to be rather unlikely.
Bottom line: while this does sound like (and probably is) a false positive, you still may want to raise an issue with Qt e.g. on the their Bugtracking site or directly with Qt support (if you have a commercial license) to be sure. Also (if you didn't do that already) verify that the problem is not on your end, e.g. that your computers are clean and that you don't just randomly catch/detect your infection in that file.
A ticket concerning this issue was opened (I assume by Ludek Vodicka) on Qt bugtracker. Opened on Nov 19th and categorized as P1: Critical, but unfortunately no indication that it is actually being worked on (at least of Dec 18th).

Qt - Some downloaded files have 0 byte

I'm currently struggling with a Qt app. I'm trying to download some files from Google Drive using QNetworkManager, QNetworkRequest and QNetworkReply.
First of all, my app works fine on a few computers (4 or 5 people tested it and didn't encounter any error). Each file which must be downloaded is effectively downloaded. (About 280 files are downloaded each time this way, and there is no problem.)
The issue is a member of my work team has only 0-byte files. Every single file which is downloaded over SSL doesn't have any content. The only one download on classic HTTP is correctly donwloaded.
Have you ever seen this bug?
All my "download" code comes from this single tutorial.
Edit : After a few tests, we found that the error was Error creating SSL context ().
Thus, we tried to solve it by installing both needed libraries (ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll) on the computer but it didn't work. Do you know if it needs some other libraries?
It was actually about missing libraries. I had to add to my folder :
The point was, even on 64-bit systems, these libraries had to be for 32-bit systems because I compiled my applications for 32-bit systems...
Moreover, msvcr120.dll was needed for some computers.

obtain data from remote computers using autoit

I have been maintaining a program written in batch. I want to write a replacement program using autoit.
The program is downloaded to the desktop of remote computers and prints out a log of the scan results in notepad on the desktop.
I want it to cover windows XP-vista-7-8-8.1-10. At the moment it does not cover 8-8.1 or 10.
This is the printout:
Results of my test version 001
Windows 7 x86 Service Pack 1 ---- (shows in brackets if service pack is out of date)
(UAC) --- shows if UAC is on or disabled.
Internet Explorer----(shows if out of date)
Antivirus/Firewall Check:
Windows Firewall Enabled!
Panda Free Antivirus
WMI entry may not exist for antivirus; attempting automatic update.
Anti-malware/Other Utilities Check:
Java 8 Update 31 (Java version out of Date!)
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Reader XI
Mozilla Firefox (38.0.5)
Thunderbird (38)
System Health check
Total Fragmentation on Drive C: 2%
````````````````````End of Log``````````````````````
So this is possible. To get versions of files(like java and firefox) I think you can use FileGetVersion
To get if windows filewall is enabled you have to read the registry. This key might be a little bit different depending on your system but the one for me was this one
RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\DomainProfile\", "EnableFirewall")
These two macros should be usefull to determine OS specific information that you request
UAC can also be read from the registry and as with the firewall it might depend on your system but for me this was the registry:
RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "EnableLUA")
Im not quite sure what the Total Fragmentation means so I am not sure how you can get this.
You should be able to compose a txt file with all this information. You should be able to find examples of autoit code that transfers text files just by searching here on stackoverflow or on google.

What artifacts to save for a nightly build?

Assume that I set up an automatic nightly build. What artifacts of the build should I save?
For example:
Input source code
output binaries
Also, how long should I save them, and where?
Do your answers change if I do Continuous Integration?
You shouldn't save anything for the sake of saving it. you should save it because you need it (i.e., QA uses nightly builds to test). At which point, "how long to save it" becomes however long QA wants them.
i wouldn't "save" source code so much as tag/label it. I don't know what source control you're using, but tagging is trivial (performance & disk space) for any quality source control system. Once your build is tagged, unless you need binaries, there really isn't any benefit to just having them around because you can simply re-compile when necessary from source.
Most CI tools let you tag on each successful build. This can become problematic for some systems as you can easily have 100+ tags a day. For such cases I recommend still running a nightly build and only tagging that.
Here are some artifacts/information that I'm used to keep at each build:
The tag name of the snapshot you are building (tag and do a clean checkout before you build)
The build scripts themselfs or their version number (if you treat them as a separate project with its own version control)
The output of the build script: logs and final product
A snapshot of your environment:
compiler version
build tool version
libraries and dll/libs versions
database version (client & server)
ide version
script interpreter version
OS version
source control version (client and server)
versions of other tools used in the process and everything else that might influence the content of your build products. I usually do this with a script that queries all this information and logs it to a text file that should be stored with the other build artifacts.
Ask yourself this question: "if something destroys entirely my build/development environment what information would I need to create a new one so I can redo my build #6547 and end up with the exact same result I got the first time?"
Your answer is what you should keep at each build and it will be a subset or superset of the things I already mentioned.
You can store everything in your SCM (I'd recommend a separate repository), but in this case your question on how long you should keep the items looses sense. Or you should store it to zipped folders or burn a cd/dvd with the build result and artifacts. Whatever you choose, have a backup copy.
You should store them as long as you might need them. How long, will depend on your development team pace and your release cycle.
And no, I don't think it changes if you do continous integration.
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but don't forget to version control the nightly build setup itself. When the project structure changes, you may have to change the build process, which will break older builds from that point on.
In addition to the binaries as everyone else has mentioned I would recomend setting up a symbol server and a source server and making sure you get the correct information out and into those. It will aid in debugging tremendously.
We save the binaries, stripped and unstripped (so we have the exactly same binary, once with and once without debug symbols). Further we build everything twice, once with debug output enabled and once without (again, stripped and unstripped, so every build result in 4 binaries). The build is stored to a directory according to SVN revision number. That way we can always retain the source from the SVN repository by simply checking out this very revision (that way the source is archived as well).
A surprising one I learned about recently: If you're in an environment that might be audited you'll want to save all the output of your build, the script output, the compiler output, etc.
That's the only way you can verify your compiler settings, build steps, etc.
Also, how long to save them for, and where to save them?
Save them until you know that build won't be going to production, iow as long as you have the compiled bits around.
One logical place to save them is your SCM system. Another option is to use a tool that will automatically save them for you, like AnthillPro and its ilk.
We're doing something close to "embedded" development here, and I can tell you what we save:
the SVN revision number and timestamp, as well as the machine it was built on and by whom (also burned into the build binaries)
a full build log, showing whether it was a full/incremental build, any interesting (STDERR) output the data baking tools produced, a list of files compiled and any compiler warnings (this compresses very well, being text)
the actual binaries (for anywhere from 1-8 build configurations)
files produced as a side effect of linking: a linker command file, address map, and a sort of "manifest" file indicating what was burned into the final binaries (CRC and size for each), as well as the debugging database (.pdb equivalent)
We also mail out the result of running some tools over the "side-effect" files to interested users. We don't actually archive these since we can reproduce them later, but these reports include:
total and delta of filesystem size, broken down by file type and/or directory
total and delta of code section sizes (.text, .data, .rodata, .bss, .sinit, etc)
When we have unit tests or functional tests (e.g. smoke tests) running, those results show up in the build log.
We've not thrown out anything yet -- given, our target builds usually end up at ~16 or 32 MiB per configuration, and they're fairly compressible.
We do keep uncompressed copies of the binaries around for 1 week for ease of access; after that we keep only the lightly compressed version. About once a month we have a script that extracts each .zip that the build process produces and 7-zips a whole month of build outputs together (which takes advantage of only having small differences per build).
An average day might have a dozen or two builds per project... The buildserver wakes up about every 5 minutes to check for relevant differences and builds. A full .7z on a large very active project for one month might be 7-10GiB, but it's certainly affordable.
For the most part, we've been able to diagnose everything this way. Occasionally there's a hiccup on the buildsystem and a file isn't actually a the revision it's supposed to be when a build happens, but there's usually enough evidence of this in the logs. Sometimes we have to dig out a tool that understands the debugging database format and feed it a few addresses to diagnose a crash (we have automatic stackdumps built into the product). But usually all the information needed is there.
We haven't had to crack the .7z archives yet, to mention. But we have the info there, and I have some interesting ideas on how to mine bits of useful data from it.
Save what can't be reproduced easily. I work on FPGAs where only the FPGA team have the tools and some cores (libraries) of the design are licensed to compile on only one machine. So we save the output bitstreams. But try to check them over one another rather than with a date/time/version stamp.
Save as in check in to source code control or just on disk? Save nothing to source code control. All derived files should be visible in the file system and available to developers. Don't checkin binaries, code generated from XML files, message digests etc. A separate packaging step will make these end products available. As you have the change number you can always reproduce the build if necessary assuming of course everything you need to do a build is completely in the tree and is available to all builds by syncing.
I would save your built binaries for exactly as long as they have a chance to go into production or be used by some other team (like a QA group). Once something has left production, what you do with it can vary a lot. For a lot of teams, they'll keep just their most recent prior build around (for rollback) and otherwise discard their builds.
Others have regulatory requirements to keep anything that went into production around for as long as seven years (banks). If you are a product company, I'd keep around any binary a customer might have installed in case a tech support guy wants to install the same version.
