Wordpress Theme Compatibility Issue - wordpress

I'm developing a WP theme for a client and have run into some trouble.
When my theme is activated:
I edit post or page (or several other areas), click UPDATE, PUBLISH, etc - and I get a blank white page.
When I go back, the post has been updated - so the system is working, it just isn't redirecting me back to the edit page.
Everything works fine when the default template is activated.

To trace the error set the WP_DEBUG as true
Refer : http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-easily-enabledisable-debug-mode-in-wordpress

Change WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php file located in the WordPress root folder, and then you will be able to see the errors that are coming up. Fixing those errors will resolve your problem.


Wp-admin page is showing blank. How to get back my wp-admin page?

Wp-admin or wp-login.php is blank. First time I'm having this problem.
I use godaddy basic wp plan. I can't reinstall wordpress
But I have tried by changing the "wp-Sg7k4r-options" folder name.
I renamed the theme and trying to deactivate plugins. But still I have the problem. The "information -scheme" shows some plugins still active.
I don't understand what to do? Can anyone help me?
The answer is simple:
Turn on WP Debug.
There is a good chance that you are seeing the error because of any PHP errors. And once you turn on WP_DEBUG, it will show you all the errors which you can track and fix the error.
How to debug:
Open wp-config.php file in your editor and add the following code to it.
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

My wordpress wp-admin is not opening??Please give your suggestions

Yesterday, I created a blog for my site ayurprakash.com. All I did was
installing another wordpress in the existing one and replacing the
domain with blog.ayurprakash.com. I made changes in the settings for
the site and wordpress url and changed the url to
www.ayurprakash.com/blog. I installed several plugins and altered some
code inside blog folder. But now, when I run the url
www.ayurprakash.com/blog/wp-admin.Nothing appears. I changed the url
to www.ayurprakash.com/blog/wp-login.php. the front panel is opening
asking for username and password. But when I clicked the submit
button, nothing is displayed except the text--"Blocked". What should I
do in this case?
Try to turn WP_DEBUG in wp-config to true (located on line 81) and after trying to log in it will direct to the offending piece of code. Then remove that code.

woocommerce update broke development website?

I can't access admin dashboard or any pages on the frontend.. just blank page and view source is also blank. I've enabled error reporting in php.ini and still a blank page. I renamed both the theme name and deleted the woocommerce plugin and yet still blank pages.
How do i solve this? Can't even view errors? This is caused by updating woocommerce.
Enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG. This will show you errors.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
See debugging in WordPress
This will be important for determine where the error is coming from. 9 times out of 10, if you are having a problem when you upgrade WooCommerce it is because your theme is bundling out of date templates.
Use FTP to rename the wp-content/plugins folder to wp-content/plugins-backup. Renaming the plugins folder effectively deactivates all plugins.
Additionally, rename your current theme folder to anything else. Though I have found this doesn't always reset your site to a default theme.
In the case where this doesn't automatically reset your theme, in PHPmyadmin navigate to your wp_options table and edit the values of 1. current_theme, 2. template, and 3. stylesheet to be twentyfourteen.

Wordpress dreaded white screen while creating or updating a post

I created a wordpress theme and after uploading and activating the scheme to the server everything looks all right... but when I try to use the admin section of wordpress then I am having a problem with a 'white screen' or when creating new posts and when trying to log out... when i try to update a post or create a new page it just stays on post.php and the page is left blank.. Please suggest what should i do?
I have the same theme running on my local xampp server but it working ok.
You should enbale Debug in your wp-config file , there must be an error in the code which is causing this issue.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
I had a similar problem where anytime I added or updated a post I got the white screen. The problem for me was also in the functions.php file. Not sure what it was specifically, but I went back and got an older version of the file. Problem solved.

Wordpress white screen but plugins all deactivated

I had a problem with a fatal error message appearing after updating Total w3 Cache plugin which caused my site, tarumatu.com, to go down. I reinstalled Wordpress, now i get a white screen. I can log into the admin site, all the content etc is intact, but every page is white. All the plugins are deactivated. What can i do now?
Try to reinstall Total w3 Cache , disable it from Total w3 Settings page and then uninstall it again.
Also visit your permalinks page to flush them just in case.
Set WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php file and look for any error messages that could point to the problem.
It might be that your theme is making a call to a function from a plugin. Since you deactivated that plugin, the function no longer exists, causing a fatal error, making your site to display a white screen.
Log into your site's backend using ftp, and delete your theme via ftp. You should now be able to log in to your site as wordpress defaults to one of the default themes. You must first reactivate the plugin that your theme is making a direct call to, then you can uplaod and activate your theme again
