Wordpress white screen but plugins all deactivated - wordpress

I had a problem with a fatal error message appearing after updating Total w3 Cache plugin which caused my site, tarumatu.com, to go down. I reinstalled Wordpress, now i get a white screen. I can log into the admin site, all the content etc is intact, but every page is white. All the plugins are deactivated. What can i do now?

Try to reinstall Total w3 Cache , disable it from Total w3 Settings page and then uninstall it again.
Also visit your permalinks page to flush them just in case.

Set WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php file and look for any error messages that could point to the problem.

It might be that your theme is making a call to a function from a plugin. Since you deactivated that plugin, the function no longer exists, causing a fatal error, making your site to display a white screen.
Log into your site's backend using ftp, and delete your theme via ftp. You should now be able to log in to your site as wordpress defaults to one of the default themes. You must first reactivate the plugin that your theme is making a direct call to, then you can uplaod and activate your theme again


Elementor page content screen keeps going blank when i try to edit

When i try to edit with elementor on my site, the page content is visible for about 3 seconds and then disappears. Elementor buttons dont work as well and updates dont reflect on main site.
I have cleared cache, increased wp memory limit and tried upgrading elementor.
Depending on the cache plugins you're using check if css and js files are being mimified/combined, sometimes it can create conflicts.
Also check elementor system requirements here:
What are Elementor’s system requirements?
You can go to Elementor > System info in your dashboard to see if all the requirements are met.
If trying all the above didn't solve the issue, I'd recommend disabling all plugins except Elementor and see if now the issue is resolved.
If it is resolved then it's a plugin causing the conflict, reactivate the plugins one by one to find the one causing the issue.
If disabling all plugins didn't solve the issue you could try switching to a different theme and see if that solves it.
If anything of these solutions resolved the issue you could enable debug log on your wordpress and see what pops up in the debug log file: Debugging in WordPress
Depending on the error shown you could look it up to find a solution or contact your hosting provider's support.

Unable to access wordpress plugin settings

I installed the plugin but I am unable to edit the settings of the plugin, I activate it. But the plugin is not showing on the menu bar and if I try to access the setting from the installed plugins page, the setting is still not showing. What to do?
Which plugin is it? first you should check if the plugin is compatible with the version of WordPress and the theme you are using.
in any case the reasons can be numerous.
Sometimes it happens that it is a server setting problem, especially the memory limit. Other times it can be a user permissions issue.

wordpress wp-admin showing white screen with no error

I know I have posted same questions but all same question will not solve my issue.
Suddenly my wordpress site wp-admin stop working. When I will try to access wp-admin it will display white screen. I have deactivated all plugin by rename plugin folder , also uploaded fresh wp-admin and wp-include folder but same problem.
I have also replace wp-config file with fresh file but no luck.
When I will try to access with wp-login.php it will work but showing:
ERROR: Cookies are blocked due to unexpected output
Even my browser cookie is already enabled.
It will be greatful if any one help me to solve this issue.
Most of the time when you're seeing a white screen in wordpress, it's something you added to your functions.php file or a custom plugin that acts as an alternative to the functions.php file. If you've made any adjustments to these, go back and remove those adjustments and it should return to normal. There's most likely an error in something you added.

Wordpress chosen theme doesn't load

I have developed a wordpress theme and have uploaded and chosen that at http://www.digitalmanager.pk/ The problem is, when I am logged in my wordpress acccount on this sight, it shows the correct theme i.e. the one that I have chosen. But as soon as I logout of my wordpress account, it shows the default 2014 theme. Below is the screenshot, when I am logged in:
And the other one you can check for yourself by visiting the site at http://www.digitalmanager.pk/
P.S. I have removed the cache and tested but nothing changed.
It may be due to WP Super Cache Plugin. Just deactivate the WP Super Cache plugin from the Installed Plugins. Then upload upload your theme again.

Wordpress Theme Compatibility Issue

I'm developing a WP theme for a client and have run into some trouble.
When my theme is activated:
I edit post or page (or several other areas), click UPDATE, PUBLISH, etc - and I get a blank white page.
When I go back, the post has been updated - so the system is working, it just isn't redirecting me back to the edit page.
Everything works fine when the default template is activated.
To trace the error set the WP_DEBUG as true
Refer : http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-easily-enabledisable-debug-mode-in-wordpress
Change WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php file located in the WordPress root folder, and then you will be able to see the errors that are coming up. Fixing those errors will resolve your problem.
