Integrate user accounts commerce server into wordpress - wordpress

For the moment I have the following construction for my e-commerce platform:
Kentico CMS
Microsoft commerce server
I'm looking to integrate a blog in this concstruction. Altough Kentico CMS has blogging possibilities. Wordpress would fit better with our goals.
However I want to know if there are any possibilites with using the user account defined in commerce server in wordpress for commenting? Users registered on the webshop should be able to comment on a post using the user account registered on the webshop.
Thank you for your effort!

The short answer: NO
The long answer:
No, you cannot.
Two systems use entirely different table sturctures for keeping user info (ID, Username, password, etc). You would need to heavily modify wordpress or kentico in order to sync table structures (which is pointless).
Only possible alternatives I see are:
Write a Migration script which will migrate all the necessary data from kentico DB to WPDB.
Write an iterative script which will create users for Wordpress based on their username and e-mail. That way you can send them their passwords.
Extremely simple (but effective) way would be to make comments FFA and use Disqus or WP native commenting system with Akismet.


Single username/password for MediaWiki+phpBB+WordPress

I am building a web consisting of MediaWiki and phpBB as its subcomponents. Also WordPress may be added in future. My current problem is to choose a single unified authentication method (not to force users to have a special MediaWiki account, a special phpBB account, etc.).
Which approach would you recommend me? The basic limitation is that it is a simple LAMP server (no LDAP database). Possibilities I know about:
Use a decentralized protocol such as OpenID, OAuth 2.0, etc. I would prefer this approach. However, OpenID is not supported by Google any more so OAuth 2.0 would be probably more appropriate.
Use DB of users from phpBB and install some plugin to other subcomponents (MediaWiki extension for phpBB auth.)
Use DB of users from MediaWiki and install some plugin to phpBB.
Use some specialized web application for user credentials management and install plugins both to MediaWiki and phpBB.
I think the main point you already understand: You need one of your new platforms to be the central user store. The problem you know have to find out:
What platform has the plugins to interact with each other? It's possible, that you find plugins, that only works "in one direction", and for mediawiki itself you will find a log of outdated extensions, that maybe won't work anymore with the latest mediawiki versions and updates.
The other point is, that you should think about WordPress now, too. After you selected one central user store you mostly can't change it with a lot of work, so I would check for an integration of WordPress now, too.
Looking at that and a short search i wouldn't prefer MediaWiki to be the central user storage, and i'm not sure, if phpBB is the best solution, too :/
I think one of the best would be to use LDAP, extensions and plugins seems to be supported and working for the latest versions of each software. You yould have a central user store, which could be easily integrated in other applications, too. What is the reason you can't use it, an LAMP stack could handle this, too?
The second solution i would consider to choose is to use Google's user store and access it vi OAuth 2.0. MediaWiki, phpBB and WordPress supports this with plugins and/or extensions.
At the end of the day a login is a login is a login. All the custom fields specific to individual applications can be properly bridged with plug-ins. Make the app that will require the most babysitting your main database and thus login system. In many cases it's the forum, but that really varies by site.
I would caution that many new forum admins eventually want to upgrade from phpBB to something that's more powerful and modern. I was one of those admins. Yes, phpBB is as good as an open-source forum gets, but it just doesn't compete with the commercial forum apps. So keep that in mind if you make phpBB your main database.

Dynamic linking to Wordpress database

I intend to use WP to setup a freelancers website (similar to oDesk) to connect service providers with service seekers in a WEB 2.0 dynamic environment. This site requires multiple forms to enter and retrieve information using database and show them in filtered or non-filtered views in separate pages.
Please advise if there are available plugins to expedite developing this site, or otherwise any guidance would be appreciated. I specifically would like to know how to connect forms to database and then how to retrieve this information from the DB.
You are likely going to have to create your own custom WordPress theme, using various custom PHP pages to connect your web forms to your database. I think your project is well beyond the scope of a simple WP plugin.
If this was my project, I'd ditch WordPress and go for something custom built in Rails. WordPress is a good enough CMS, but it isn't really a good fit for what you are looking to accomplish.

Moodle and Drupal 7 integration

I would like to display a list of available Moodle courses and available places for each of the corses on a Drupal site.
Is there a simple way of integrating Moodle and Drupal so that when a Max enrolled users is set in Moodle, the Drupal enrolment form witll display the number of available places, and disable the ability of users enrolling in to courses which have no places left?
There is authentication plugin available moodle-drupalservices for SSO between both systems
You can read more about it from module document
If you want to fetch detail of moodle courses in drupal then web service is the best way to achieve it, you just need to create web services client in drupal to consume moodle services
use core_course_get_courses web service function don't need to pass any value to it, it will fetch all available courses detail from moodle.
There is a module for moodle integration in drupal - Moodle Connector. There are some other related module to which enhance the integration further like Commerce Moodle, which let you sell the course & you get drupal commerce to handle your selling..great right?
But if you are working in D6, then you will have to check another module Moodleconnect, but it's still in DEV version, so may be you will have to work on it. will allow you to list courses using a Drupal View. This module doesn't (yet) allow you to display the places available, but if you still need this functionality I could probably add it relatively easily.

Combine and secure a dual Wordpress installation

I've been assigned to add some features to an existing newspaper. This newspaper is based on Wordpress. They want to add a subscription feature for subscribed users to receive email with the latest news and some other stuff.
They also want a coupon system, which I'm planning to implement using CouponPress ( which is a separate Wordpress installation for coupons.
They want to keep the subscribers functionality completely separated from the main blog to avoid opening security holes for attackers to gain admin or editor roles and mess with the newspaper.
What do you recommend for this?
If I keep the subscription feature attached to the second blog, is there a plugin or something to automatically email the subscriptors of the second blog with latest entries, a daily or weekly? I want the second blog to look as part of the first one for users. Maybe replicating the user list somehow in the main blog, but avoiding sign in on it.
What do you think?
Thanks for your help
just throwing an idea for the subscription feature, if you do go the path of subscription to the other blog you can write some quick and dirty function to query the new or even an sql trigger to copy new user recordds to the other db (I don't know if mysql allows for inter db copy triggers)
but - I don't really know what'll you'll achieve that way. if the data isn't secure and sanitized someone could try to run an sql injection. and then copying the record to the other db would contaminate it either.
better use on of wordpress good security plugins, harden server access etc

Wordpress - Database

New to Wordpress.
I am aware the default database to Wordpress is MySQL.
Like livejournal, i have a small requirement which allows Admin to post content and registered users on the website are allowed to post contents.
I decided to go with Wordpress, but still have not done much research on allowing registered users to post contents as like admin.
I am wondering, What database would be the best to go with ?
SQL or MySQL ?
Also, whether these contents are stored in the Database or in the form of .doc ?
The database you use doesn't matter as long as Wordpress supports it.
Comment functionality is built into Wordpress. You don't need to do any custom development to make it happen. If you only want registered users to be able to comment, you'll have to make a setting requiring users to be registered and logged in to comment. This setting is under Settings - Discussion. Comments are stored in the database.
Those are a few questions in one, so I'll answer each one of its own and paraphrase:
Can Wordpress use some other database than MySQL?
No, Wordpress only supports MySQL, so there is no choice.
Are the posts or pages/content in Wordpress stored in a database or in a .doc file
The contents of posts in Wordpress, just like in liveJournal, are actually stored in a database.
Is it possible to allow users in Wordpress to submit content that an admin can then review and publish/delete later etc.
Yes. Very much so. I believe it's built into Wordpress, you just need to have a registered user and enable the feature.
