how to use apc in symfony2 - symfony

I'v just install and configured a clean copy of Symfony2 framework and included in php.ini the extension
restart apache and run the url "http://localhost/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/"
it was all fine until refreshing the page and getting an error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method
in E:\phpWorkspace\www\Symfony\app\autoload.php on line 10.
I'v allready read this chapter about performance
but maybe I didn't use it well
I'm a novice with symfony so I will be very happy to get astep by step tutorial

You need to install Apc in php
Install apc link1
Install apc link2

I would guess from the file you are using (php_apc_319_php54_vc9_win7-2008.dll) that this dll purports to provide APC 3.1.9 for use with PHP 5.4. Support for PHP 5.4 wasn't added to APC until 3.1.10, and even now is only officially in beta.
At time of writing, the latest version is 3.1.13. I would install that before investigating anything else.


Symfony deployment problem on hostinger, impossible to download dependencies

I have been trying for several days to deploy a Symfony site. All the files are well in the public folder with the .htaccess, I only need the dependencies for the site to be functional. The problem is that when I run the command
php composer.phar update
I get several error messages concerning my version of PHP.
The host is hostinger. I know the problem comes from the composer.json file and the version of the bundles but I don't know how to solve the problem.
you need php version 8.1 as the message says. Normally, for a deployment you should not launch a composer update. It would rather be a composer install.
I contacted hostinger, and the problem is that the server was in PHP7 after changing to PHP8 it worked. Thank you all for your responses

How to adapt my composer.lock version for a lower php version?

I made a symfony project on php 7.4, however it seems like OVH php version is 7.3.16.
Which folder are not necessary for deployment and how can I adapt my composer for a different php version ?
Here's the error I get while accessing to my website :
Fatal Error: composer.lock was created for PHP version 7.4 or higher but the current PHP version is 7.3.16.
OVH offer a way to change the PHP version used by your domain.
Check Details of the .ovhconfig file for more information about it. You should also have an option in the control panel about it.

Error Installing Silverstripe 4.0.1

Trying a fresh install of Silverstripe 4.0.1 but only gets this far -
Installing SilverStripe...
I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)
If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/index.php
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/mysite/_config.php
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/mysite/_config/theme.yml
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/.env
Setting up /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/.htaccess
Building database schema...
ERROR [Emergency]: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem::toIterable() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\Filesystem\iterable, array returned IN POST /install.php Line 729 in /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/vendor/symfony/filesystem/Filesystem.php Source ====== 720: } 721: 722
And the error goes on and on. I tried refresh, but same error.
If I try a dev/build instead then it always dies at the point of -
Index File_Versions.OwnerID: created as index ("OwnerID")
Website Error
There has been an error
The website server has not been able to respond to your request
Trying to setup on Ubuntu 16 on local dev machine running Apache virtual host.
Never had this problem before and setup fine with ss4.0.
Any ideas?
I ran into the same issue, and after checking in the official SilverStripe Community's slack channel, they mentioned this is because I was not running PHP 7.1.
Apparently, the official SilverStripe tarball offered in their website was built with PHP 7.1, so Composer added newer Symfony dependencies. They mentioned this would be fixed in newer releases.
Therefore, there are 2 ways you can fix this issue:
Download SilverStripe with Composer:
$ curl -sS | php
$ ./composer.phar create-project silverstripe/installer /var/www/duonsdev/public_html/
Update your PHP version to 7.1.
After doing any of those steps, you will be able to access the web wizard for installing SilverStripe.
NOTE: If you're on a shared hosting, you will need to download SilverStripe on your local machine (ensuring the PHP version matches, at least in the major version, e.g. 7.0), and upload the files that were generated to your public_html directory.
Make sure the module php version of apache in the same version as the cli php version.
Looks like the error was to do with the php version.
I was installing silverstripe through the cli using composer, but running a different version of php in apache.
So in the cli the php version was php 7.1
But in apache the php version was php 7.0.
After changing the apache php to match the cli (because silverstripe was installed using composer in the cli) it worked!

FOS/user-bundle ProxyManager\Configuration error

After installation of friendsofsymfony/user-bundle I getting this error
FatalThrowableError in Configuration.php line 124:
Type error: Return value of ProxyManager\Configuration::setGeneratorStrategy() must be an instance of ProxyManager\void, none returned
Using Symfony3.2 and PHP 7.1
Maybe have ideas why?
I used This tut
And choose "Doctrine ORM User class" for user entity
This is because you are using the incorrect php version.
This might happen either because you updated your php version recently or your OS updated it.
Like #Ɓukasz D. Tulikowski mentioned void is a php7.1 keywork.
If you check in your cli php -v you will get probably the correct php version php7.1
Most likely if you add in your code phpinfo(); you will see that the php version is 7.0. This means that the php7.0 mod is still enabled and you need to deactivate that with sudo a2dismod php7.0 (and eventually enable 7.1 - sudo a2enmod php7.1 - but this is probably not the case.)
This mean maybe you are using php version 7.0, I had the same problem, I fix it removing php previous versions and then reinstall php 7.2 following this

Symfony2 and HHVM Declaration of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::prepare() must be compatible

i am trying to set up a symfony2 project on a HHVM machine,
The HHVM is running on FastCGI as explained in the hhvm tutorial, thus running behind an apache2 server on Debian.
I have created everything but when i try to run my application i am getting the following error:
ContextErrorException: 16777217: Declaration of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection::prepare() must be compatible with that of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection::prepare() in /LOCATION/shared/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php line 30
I am thinking this has something to do with PDO in HHVM but i tested it using the class_exists('PDO') and that says that PDO is enabled
This is an issue that was fixed via a pull request to the master branch of doctrine/dbal about 2 months ago. However, depending on the branch of Symfony 2 you are using, that doctrine/dbal fix may not be included.
If it is possible to use a version of Symfony 2 that includes this latest doctrine/dbal fix, I think you will see that issue go away.
I've had the same issue and upgrading doctrine/orm and doctrine/dbal to latest versions (listed below) fixed my problems.
doctrine/orm : 2.5.#dev
doctrine/dbal: 2.5.#dev
To safely upgrade, open your composer.json file, find and change the versions like so:
"require": {
// ... other package requirements
"doctrine/orm": "~2.5.*#dev",
"doctrine/dbal: "~2.5.*#dev",
// .. more packages
Then run composer update doctrine/* which will remove the old versions of doctrine and update all doctrine packages.
The declaration of
must be compatible with
PDO::query(string $query, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed ...$fetchModeArgs)
I had the same problem, but the solution was to just change the PHP version from version 8 to 7.3.
Login to your Cpanel with your credentials, search for MultiPHP Manager.
Select the domain or subdomain that you would like to change the PHP version of.
Select from the dropdown menu and chose the appropriate PHP version. (For me, 7.3 worked like a charm.)
Everything worked like it supposed to.
