Reading bar code from smartphone display [closed] - smartphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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is it possible to read a bar code displayed on the display of a smartphone by a laser bar code reader in a grocery store??
I know that it is not possible to read it from gallery wich contains a bar code photo. I tried it.
So, is there any solution, how can it be done?

As far as I know, it's not possible with laser based scanners because they rely on the reflective properties of paper. LCD screens generally reflect too much light, and also emit light, making it hard for the sensor to differentiate the black and white bars.
CMOS and CCD image based scanners, however, should be able to read from mobile phones just fine.


what is the purpose of using caption in css? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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The topic is about system fonts. what is the purpose of setting button {font:caption;}? system-fonts
The question asks what is the purpose of setting button {font:caption;}
The system the user is on (normally a browser like Chrome or Safari together with their device's operating system and related storage) will itself have styles for various different items.
In this case the question is about 'caption' - when used as font:caption as above it is saying to the browser when you see a button element in my HTML please use the same font that you would use to show a button.
This means you can have a website which blends in with the look that the user is used to - buttons (and other things depending on what else you set) will look the same as system ones - in this case at least as far as the font goes.
See for information on what other in-built system formatting can be used.

Screen Readers and Browser Events [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Do any of the commonly used screen readers emit browser events that can be scripted with javascript?
Or, are there current or planned javascript APIs to communicate with screen readers in the same way there are now APIs for working with other OS level systems (cameras, GPS, etc.)?
A similar question from three years ago (Evaluating current state of a screen reader in JavaScript) produced a definitive "NO" answer. Has anything changed since then?
I believe, it's still a No, but the closest to your request is the (drafted) Accessibility Object Model. It does not allow to interact with screen readers directly (it seems), but it does allow to manipulate the accessibility tree in a browser.
Currently supported at least in Chrome Canary via a command-line flag.

Gentle animation on website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My client wants something similar to the action that occurs the first time you load the page (the creation of those corals and the gentle drops once it finishes).
I was thinking of doing it with Canvas, but I wanted to ask if you have any ideas how this could have been done?
Maybe there is a better alternative to making it, because you know, canvas is canvas :duh:
That website (which is cool), uses svg and a javascript library call lazy line painter.

Python 3, tkinter, buttons [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to move my button in tkinter, i am making game chess and want to click first time on figure and on second click move this, someone know how does it possible ?
Thx !
I believe you can use buttons for this although it is uncommon. Make pure black/white frames for the empty squares. Manage the alias of the buttons of the figures individually (maybe you should manage white/black background in the figure subclasses). Use a 8x8 grid in a frame and make them show/hide using grid() and grid_remove() / grid_forget().
You can find a nice reference here and here.

Different way of rendering image in website [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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normally images in a website been rendered from top to bottom. But i found in another website that renders differently like This site. How can i achieve this kind of cool effect to rending image in my website? Thanks.
The images on the website you mentioned are interlaced, which means that instead of initially loading the image at it's highest quality, it will first load the image at a very low quality, and then improve the quality of the image as it continues loading.
Here's a more detailed description of what interlaced photos are and how they work:
In order to achieve this with your own photos, you need to save them as interlaced photos. There should be an option for this in whichever image editor you chose to use.
An excellent article about interlaced photos: Scroll down a little bit for a gif that shows the difference between interlaced photos and photos that are loaded normally.
