wp-admin and wp-login.php - 404 error for those who do not administrator (wordpress + htaccess) - wordpress

I try to hide the traces as wordpress on my website for security reasons. Does anyone know how to create a rule using htaccess, according to which a third party user (with a different ip) redirected to on /404.php if he visits the wp-admin and wp-login.php ... I've seen third-party plug-ins (?) To address this problem, but I do not want to create an extra load on the CMS.

you can use simple redirect in .htaccess like this
Redirect 301/wp-admin/ http://www.yourwebsite.com/404.php
But if you're trying to completely hide wordpress it requires a little bit of technical work...what I did in mine, is search every files in the wp-include and wp-content folder as well as the root folder that contained the wp-login.php and /wp-admin/somefolder words, and change everything to a file or folder to a name of your choice that no-one can guess. Although you have to be very careful as not to change an important code there...


Reach wordpress admin page with another website on

I worked on a Website using HTML, CSS, and javascript, and the later is working on the web.
What I seek to do is working on a new version of the website using Wordpress with a template I purchased but at the same time, the old one stays on the time I finish the new one.
How can I access the /wp-admin page with this path on FileZilla?
The wp-admin is folder and in WordPress the same is accessible after authentication by the wp-login.php file in a browser.
In FTP you should access the wp-admin folder and check the index.php file or another file depending on what exactly is your purpose.
If I have understand your question wrong, please provide more information on the same, so I can review it once again.

Wordpress - Moving website admin section

I have successfully moved a wordpress site from /test directory to the root, so now the website url looks like www.example.com. Fine.
However the admin section (wp-admin) still points to /test directory and so the url looks like www.example.com/test/wp-admin/...
How can I make it like www.example.com/wp-admin/...?
Please notice that I'm not interested in a simple redirection (now the customer is able to access the admin section with www.example.com/wp-admin, but then he's redirected to www.example.com/test/wp-admin/..., and it's not what he wants.
Thanks in advance
Everything is documented in http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress
You may need to change many URLs in post/page content; if so, see https://github.com/interconnectit/Search-Replace-DB as suggested in the above Docs.
There is no need to create a new Wordpress install.
Also see http://codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory#Using_a_pre-existing_subdirectory_install if you want to keep core Wordpress files and folders in a subfolder, but have the site appear to be at root for the end user.
You should not move wordpress this way. Here is what you do:
Install Clean Wordpress Installation on the new domain.
Use a plugin* to make back-up on your test domain.
Install plugin* on the new domain, and restore back-up from test
domain. (www.orignal.com)
Update your style.css, header.php, index.php & footer.php if it
contains hard written links to your test domain.
You cannot simply move a wordpress installation - as most entries, links etc. are stored in the database. If you move folders in your ftp they will still point to the old database. This is why you have to duplicate your site, where the database entries will be automatically updated to your new site domain. Hard written links in any theme php files will have to be updated.
Although your problem depends on how your pointers/sites are set-up in c-panel. If you have to change pointers for your directory, you might have to back-up your website and upload it to a different domain so your new site can access the restoration back-up file via http request.
*Plugins such as wp clone, duplicator.

Only a wordpress group of user can access to a folder using .htaccess

I don't know a lot about .htaccess.
I have a web with Wordpress and I made a part private only for subscribers. I have installed a couple of Wordpress plugins to control the access to that page. The problem is that the "private" page links to a folder where I have a lot of .html pages. That is the folder I want to protect. I have used the http_refered in the .htaccess but I know it is very easy to hack it.
Is there any way to write in the .htaccess file a command that check the Wordpress user file and see if the user belongs to the "suscriber" group?
I suggest to protect the private page with password (this is common feature in Wordpress) and do not mess with the .htaccess file.
Anyhow, the is no way to tell the Apache (because the .htaccess is applied from it) that this or that user is registered or approved user. This can be done on different level - PHP and/or Wordpress logic.

Editing .htaccess without FTP access through Wordpress

I have no access to my FTP but I'm able to edit the web through Wordpress. Is there any way I could perhaps generate the .htaccess file through the admin framework? I know there might be a plugin to do that, but bear in mind I have no FTP access and the plugins require it to be installed.
I need the .htaccess file to redirect the user to another site.
I know this might strike you as weird and stupid, but this is due to the company's central decision to keep the site hosted by, I guess, a "friendly" hosting company. There's no way of recovering the login/password for FTP, so this might be the only solution.
Please, try posting constructive comments only, no "contact the hosting company". If I could, I would.
If your hosting company has set up wordpress correctly, then there is no way to do this, because unix permissions should make .htaccess read-only to the owner of the web server.
If the company has not done this, and if you have a way to change the templates, you might have success by creating a template that contains php code to open and write the .htaccess file.
Sample code to be put at the top of the header.php:
echo 'Current dir: ',getcwd(),"<br>\n";
if ($handle=opendir('.')) {
while (($file=readdir($handle))!==false) {
$ok=(is_writable($file) ? "ok" : "can't write");
echo "file '$file': $ok<br>\n";
This is to test you're in the root directory of your wordpress installation. It should give you the current directory, a list of all files in that directory (expect .htaccess, index.php, and various wp-* files), and their writability.
Once you've checked everything is correct, add
file_put_contents('.test', "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteRule ^(.*)$ site.com$1 [R=301,QSA,L]\n");
echo("<code><pre>-------- included file starts here\n");
echo("-------- included file ends here</pre></code>\n");
to the php code. This writes to a test file and includes it so you can check if everything is ok. When you've checked the file contents, replace .test with .htaccess.
WARNING: You should be VERY sure about the content of .htaccess. file_put_contents doesn't append the new string, it overwrites the whole file. Once you've written a bad .htaccess file, you might not be able to ever change it again, because the web server will redirect you to the new site instead of executing the script on the old site.
I am sorry for your situation. What is the hosting company (will keep this in mind if I ever use them). To try to help:
Do you have access to CPanel? Most hosting providers give it out of the box. Cpanel has a file manager.
Research Wordpress file managers (http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-filemanager/)
How to edit wordpress .htaccess file from hosting Cpanel: If you are currently unable to login in your wordpress dashboard, or facing 500 internal server error. There is 90% possibility that you were editing your .htaccess file from your wordpress dashboard. In this situation you can only fix your wordpress .htaccess file by editing it from cpanel. Editing .htaccess file from wordpress dashboard is little risky with .htaccess editor plugins. If you will implement any wrong code then you might face 500 internal server error and your site might crush. So first you should take a backup of your existing .htaccess file before editing it. If you have a backup of your wordpress .htaccess file then you can upload it through your hosting cpanel also.

remove /blog sub from wordpress permalinks

Any idea? Im using wordpress as a CMS (not a blog) and I would like to change the default "blog" subdirectory in something like "news".
WP Version 3
This probably means you've installed workpress in the yoursite.com/blog directory - for example, if you ftp into your site, you'll see the / folder listed, which is the base directory of your site. Anything in this folder will be served as yoursite.com/somefile.html. However, installing wordpress in the /blog directory means everything served from wordpress will look like yoursite.com/blog/wp-admin, for example.
If you change the name of that subdirectory to news, that would solve your problem. Keep in mind, however, that some things inside wordpress will be configured to use that blog directory as the home directory, and simply renaming it might cause unexpected problems.
Hope this helps.
PS - if you actually point us at your site, or give a little bit more technical information about your directory structure, we might be able to help more specifically.
Find a way to rename the "blog" directory, where you installed WordPress to.
a. One way could be an FTP client you're using.
b. Another way could be the File Manager in your web host's control panel.
Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
Go to "Settings > General" in the left set of options.
Change "WordPress address (URL)" from "http://yourdomain/blog" to "http://yourdomain/news"
(Don't hit "Save Changes" yet...)
Make a similar change to "Site address (URL)"
Click "Save Changes"
Go rename the "blog" directory to "news"
Now visit your site and see what happens.
If you have already added posts with images and such, there will be links in your posts that contain the old "/blog/" part of your path. You will need to update those posts.
Good luck.
There is a plugin named "Custom Taxonomies". You can use it.
You can do it from .htaccess adding this:
RewriteRule ^index\.php/blog/(.+)$ http://www.example.com/index.php/news/$1 [R=301,L]
