remove /blog sub from wordpress permalinks - wordpress

Any idea? Im using wordpress as a CMS (not a blog) and I would like to change the default "blog" subdirectory in something like "news".
WP Version 3

This probably means you've installed workpress in the directory - for example, if you ftp into your site, you'll see the / folder listed, which is the base directory of your site. Anything in this folder will be served as However, installing wordpress in the /blog directory means everything served from wordpress will look like, for example.
If you change the name of that subdirectory to news, that would solve your problem. Keep in mind, however, that some things inside wordpress will be configured to use that blog directory as the home directory, and simply renaming it might cause unexpected problems.
Hope this helps.
PS - if you actually point us at your site, or give a little bit more technical information about your directory structure, we might be able to help more specifically.

Find a way to rename the "blog" directory, where you installed WordPress to.
a. One way could be an FTP client you're using.
b. Another way could be the File Manager in your web host's control panel.
Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.
Go to "Settings > General" in the left set of options.
Change "WordPress address (URL)" from "http://yourdomain/blog" to "http://yourdomain/news"
(Don't hit "Save Changes" yet...)
Make a similar change to "Site address (URL)"
Click "Save Changes"
Go rename the "blog" directory to "news"
Now visit your site and see what happens.
If you have already added posts with images and such, there will be links in your posts that contain the old "/blog/" part of your path. You will need to update those posts.
Good luck.

There is a plugin named "Custom Taxonomies". You can use it.

You can do it from .htaccess adding this:
RewriteRule ^index\.php/blog/(.+)$$1 [R=301,L]


Putting a custom directory inside wordpress

I have a simple HTML microsite, which I want to put inside my wordpress website. For example: Wordpress website is:
I want to put my microsite inside this wordpress site. So URL becomes:
But, wordpress treats any url as its own. How can put "" urls to Wordpress Ignore list. So that any pages inside microsite folder executes independently.
just put you folder 'microsite' in root(Where you find wp-admin,wp-content and wp-include folder). and
you are able to access the folder
" by this url
If you are still having issues with accessing the subfolder, try renaming the .htaccess to .htaccess-bak in order for WordPress to regenerate the file again. Understand that your website might temporarily go down.
I've found this solution to help in some cases, but I don't know exactly why, ergo I am not sure it will work. And if you feel uncomfortable editing the .htaccess file I suggest you learn more about it (as should I). It is a very powerful file and WordPress uses it a good deal.
P.S. The file is located in the same folder, WordPress' root folder where you find /wp-admin/, /wp-content/, etc. It is hidden by some hosting providers, but I've always been able to find them through FTP with the hosting companies I've used before.

wordpress theme doesn't appear

I'm having a very basic problem: I'm trying to create a new theme for a wordpress installation locally on my computer.
I've created a styles.css and index.php file and put it in a folder in wp-content/themes. But it doesn't appear in the Wordpress themes page.
As a test, I made a change to the description of one of the existing themes (Twenty-Ten) in its style.css, and refresh the Wordpress themes page, but the old description continues to be shown. This suggests to me that I'm simply using the wrong folder, but that's not possible! Any ideas on this problem much appreciated.
UPDATE: In fact, even when I delete Twenty Ten from the Themes folder, it's still available as an option in the Wordpress backend, and I can activate it... Very strange...
I agree with your diagnosis. You are either looking at the wrong folder or in fact the wrong computer. There's no other way that you could change the theme to one that has been deleted.
I suggest that you confirm you are in the same universe you think you are in. Create a simple file localserver.txt in your WordPress directory and then confirm that you can access that file.
If you can't, you have your answer. You are somehow accessing a different location.
If you can access that text file, you need to go further and look to see if something like the site url setting is redirecting you to the live site, without you realizing it, when you access wp-admin.
Beyond that, I'd need to know more about your setup. Something like having in your /etc/host file and not can cause similar confusion...
Are you using Wordpress Multisite?
In that case you have to 'enable' that theme in the Network admin manager

wp-admin and wp-login.php - 404 error for those who do not administrator (wordpress + htaccess)

I try to hide the traces as wordpress on my website for security reasons. Does anyone know how to create a rule using htaccess, according to which a third party user (with a different ip) redirected to on /404.php if he visits the wp-admin and wp-login.php ... I've seen third-party plug-ins (?) To address this problem, but I do not want to create an extra load on the CMS.
you can use simple redirect in .htaccess like this
Redirect 301/wp-admin/
But if you're trying to completely hide wordpress it requires a little bit of technical work...what I did in mine, is search every files in the wp-include and wp-content folder as well as the root folder that contained the wp-login.php and /wp-admin/somefolder words, and change everything to a file or folder to a name of your choice that no-one can guess. Although you have to be very careful as not to change an important code there...

How to have wordpress point to a different directory

wordpress installation is at:
but I want people to access this via
How can I accomplish this ?
Redirect your users from your index.php file to the path where you want them to go.
using header("Location:YOUR_PATH");
You need to do two things (3 if you have fancy URLs).
First. Go to the settings panel in WordPress. Make the "Site Address" Leave the "WordPress Address" alone -- it should remain
Second. Copy index.php from mainpage/ and place the copy in your root directory for Change:
If you're using pretty URLs you may have to copy .htaccess as well -- Wordpress usually can do this for you when you change the Site Address.

is site cloaking possible with a .htaccess file

i have created a wordpress site within a folder on a site and am having trouble moving the database so was looking in to ways of cloaking the sites url on every page with a .htaccess file. at the moment the site is a beta at I wanted to look into removing the ugly URLS with page-id etc....
Does anyone know if this is possible. or if the .htaccess file is not the way to go
much appreciated
You can use the build in wordpress features, have a look at Permalinks
If your trying to change from
Just navigate to your admin control panel, click on Configuration on the left menu, and then on Permalinks.
Fill the 'Custom' field with /%postname% and the links should appear as your expect.
