Passing Arguments to an ASP .NET Page -

So I've recently started working with ASP .NET but I am very familiar with other .NET frameworks. The application I'm working on needs to take in an string index as a command line-style argument. Right now in my Page class I have a const string that I'm using as a placeholder. So the question I have is a two parter:
1- How do I set up my applications innerts to recieve an argument that is passed in when the page is opened?
2- How do I pass that argument in to the page (especially while I'm working in VS 2010)?
Much Thanks!

You pass arguments to web pages with request variables (ever hear of POST or GET?). The simplest way is to append the variables to the end of the url like this:
In your codebehind, you can access the request variables with Request.QueryString.

For #2: In your project config on VS2010, to to the 'Web' tab and set the option to specific page with the desired URL: http://localhost/Default.aspx?varname=varvalue&othervarname=othervarvalue


NLog Web - AspNet-User-Identity without domain

I'm currently using the NLog.Web package for writing my .Net logs in my application.
After reading the NLog.Web I've noticed that unlike the ${windows-identity} layout renderer, the ${aspnet-user-identity} layout renderer got no domain parameter for it.
For example, if I want to log the current running windows identity, it logs out: domain\user, but when specifying domain=false, it logs only user.
How do I implement this kind of ability with the ${aspnet-user-identity}? Because when I configured ${aspnet-user-identity:domain=false} it didn't work.
The WindowsIdentity.Name, used in NLog, will always give the full name, including domain.
The logon name is in the form DOMAIN\USERNAME.
I think you need a custom layout renderer, and split it by-hand on the /.
Something like this: (maybe also add soms checks for outOfIndex)
using NLog.LayoutRenderers;
//register ${my-aspnet-user-identity}
(logEvent) => HttpContext.Current?.User?.Identity?.Name?.Split('/')[1]);
Register it as soon as possible.
I found a different way to solve this issue #Julian
in the NLog.config file, i created a variable:
<variable name="aspnetIdentity" value="${replace:searchFor=^\\w+\\\\:replaceWith=:regex=true:inner=${aspnet-user-identity}}" />
As defined in the variable, the regex searches for at least one word (at the start) and finally searching for a backslash.
the other backslashes are written to escape special characters and also double backslashing. Finally, what was found (it's the domain name) will be replaced with an empty string and therefore I got only the username and not the Domain\Username
Thanks for the help #Julian

Does Kentico allow query strings with question mark?

I'm trying to migrate my ASPX site to Kentico, and as part of my task I'm migrating URLs. I need to preserve my URL structure, so I need to keep URLs which look like : "".
I checked page's "URLs" property tried to use wildcards, some patterns like /bar/{pageid}- /bar/{?pageid?}-, etc but Kentico always replaces question marks.
Is there a way to achieve that via the admin interface?
You don't need to do anything in order to use "" url.
Create a page under the root and call it bar, so you'll get a page # Kentico and/or .net does not care what you add to a url after question mark, so will work as well as, or
You may (or may not) implement some functionality based on query string (e.g. paging), so it will parse query string and act in appropriate way.
By default Kentico UI does not handle adding URL aliases with URL parameters like you show. There is an article on the DevNet for a URL Redirection module which has code you can import into your site to allow you to perform these redirects within the Kentico UI. I'd suggest using this approach.
Unfortunately, I can't share a code sample since it's an article but it also has a link to download the code too. This appears to only be coded for Kentico 8.2 right now but I'm guessing you could do some work to make it work for other versions if you needed.
I think there are few concepts that you are clubbing here. I will start with your line code here
/bar/{pageid} - {pageid} is a positional parameter in Kentico's language if you choose to use dynamic URLS based on patterns. SO if you have a code that relies on pageid parameter to fetch some data then Kentico will pass that value. E.g in case of /bar/420, it will pass pageid as 420 different web parts on your template
/bar/{?pageid?} - This will search for query string parameter "pageid" on the request URL and replace its value here. So if you passed, the resulting URL will be /bar/366
The #1 is positional parameter and #2 is the way in which Kentico resolves query string macros.
I hope this clarifies.

Send query string parameter from a non-web application

Ok, I've been bugging with this for too long.
I need to call my website from a rough app. Then only thing I need is to attach a query string parameter to the calling url, so I can distinguish the pages to be shown to different VB app users.
So I want to click a button and launch that website, giving this parameter.
First I was bugging with adding the system.web libraries. Now I can't use Request/Response.QueryString as well.
I tried getting some example help from this post. but as I said before - I cannot make use of Request.QueryString as I cannot import it.
I am stuck here:
I need to attach a query string parameter to the url and then open the website with that url.
Can someone just give me a sample code for my problem.
Query parameters are parsed by the web server/http handler off the URL you use to call the page. They consist of key and value pairs that come at the end of the URL. Your code is nearly there. Say you needed to pass through the parameters:
ID = 1234
Page = 2
Display = Portrait
Then you'd turn them into a URL like this:
Therefore in your code you'd have:

Pass value WinForm =>(page.html?query123)=> HTML =>(page.aspx?query123)=> //esle?

The problem here is the middle of the line (HTML).
The chain:
I have WinForm program that uses awesomium (alternative to native webBrowser) to view Html page that has a part of page in it's iframe.
The problem:
The problem is that I need to pass value to page, it is easily achieved without middle of the chain (Html iframe) by sending hashed and crypted querystring.
How it works:
WinForm do some thing, then use few-step-crypt to code all the needed values into 1 string.
Then it should send this string to page through the iframe (and that's the problem, it is easy to receive query string in page, but firstly I need to receive it in Html and send to
Acceptable answers:
1) Probably the most easily one - using JavaScript. I have heard it is possible to be done in that way.
How I imagine this - I send query string from WinForm to Html page as http:\\HtmlPage.html?AspNet.aspx?CryptedString
Then Html receive it with JavaScript and put querystring "AspNet.aspx?CryptedString" into iframe's "src=http:\\" resulting in "src=http:\\AspNet.aspx?CryptedString"
And then I easily get it in page.
2) Somehow create >>>VIRTUAL<<<(NOTE: Virtual, I don't want querystring to be saved on the HDD, even don't suggest) or html page with iframe source taken directly from WinForm string.
Probably that is possible with awesomium, but I'm new to it and don't know how to (if it is possible ofc).
3) Some web service with which I can communicate between and WinForm through the existing HTML iframe.
4) Another way that replace one of 3 previous, that doesn't save "values" in querystring/else on HDD nor is visible for the user, doesn't use page's server to create iframe-page on it. On HTML page's server HTML is only allowed, PhP isn't.
5) If you don't know any of 4 above - suggest free PhP hosting without ads (if such exists, what I highly doubt).
The best one would be #3, then #2, then #1, then #5 (#4 is excluded as it is unknown).
And in the end:
Thanks in advance for your help.
P.S.Currently at work, so I'll check/try all answers later on and will report tomorrow if any suits my needs. Thanks again.
Answering my own question. I have found 2 ways that can do what I did want.
The first one:
Creating a RAM file System.IO.MemoryStream or another method (google c# create a file in ram).
The second one:
Creating a hidden+encrypted+system+custom-readable-only-by-program-crypt file somewhere in the far away folder via File.SetAttributes Method and System.IO.StreamWriter/Reader or System.IO.FileStream or System.IO.TextWriter, etc. depending on what it should be.
Once this file was used for needs delete it + delete on exit + delete on start using
if (File.Exists(path)
(Need more reputation to post few links -_-, and I don't want to post only part of them, either all or no at all, so use google if you'll need anything from here).
If you'll need to store "Small temp file" and not for a long time use first one, if "Heavy" use second one, unless you badly need to use RAM for it.

Page.GetRouteURL in WebForms outputs "length" querystring param

I'm working in a webforms app that uses routing in .net 4. I've defined a very basic route in global.asax as follows:
RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("myRouteName", "MyRoutePath", "~/RouteHandlers/MyHandler.aspx");
In the codebehind of one of my pages I'm using GetRouteUrl to generate a the URL for this named route as follows:
This doesn't produce the expected result of http://sitename/MyRoutePath. Instead it produces http://sitename/MyRoutePath?length=15
The length parameter doesn't seem to hurt but I've spent a lot of time making the URLs look nice so I don't want to see an extra parameter there. Any idea how to disable it?
I encountered this very same issue with just one of my routes using Web Forms this morning and I've got around it by providing a 2nd argument to the GetRouteUrl method, passing in null (as this particular route didn't require any route parameters).
For example:
GetRouteUrl("name-of-my-route", null)
My Url is now clean and is not appended with ?length=15.
Hopefully this might help your situation too.
