Can't center 3 adjacent photos using CSS - css

I am building a photo gallery viewer using javascript and css, but i cant center the elements. I have a back arrow photo, the photo itself, and the next arrow. these 3 photos are one next to each other, and I need to center all three of them.
Any help is appreciated, and also, I am kind of new to css/javascript/html, so dont be so hard on me.
Thank you,
Guy Z.
(you can go to, enter any gallery and click on a photo to see what I mean, and what I am trying to center)

This style should help:
#viewer {
text-align: center;
white-space: nowrap;
Also, use a DOCTYPE.

Just looked at your site. Try adding the CSS below to the styles for your Viewer div
margin: auto;
That 'should' center the div on screen. Assuming there is enough space in the browser window.

You need to give
<div id="viewer"></div>
a fixed width and set it's left and right margins to auto.
The CSS looks like this:
To prevent the arrows from wrapping around you need to resize your photos to fit within the width of the viewer minus the width of the arrows and any padding, margins, or borders on them.


How to center menu items

I need to center the block (the one with red background) that contains all menu items inside the screen.
To better understand, please take a look at this fiddle:
The css instruction:
Seems not working.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!
Try this way then, and tell us if it's what you wanted :)
ul.main-menu {
display: table;
margin: auto;
I have a problem with this menu
Once this menu is displayed on resolution higher than 979px it look centered, than if I shrink the browser window an I click on a menu item, when I enlarge again the menu, it looses the alignment at center and it goes aligned left.
How is this possible?
I have tried to use the instruction:
You can see an example here:

Css float resizing layout

I have problem with CSS on my school project blog. I have two columns, left and right in container with max-width to aim automatic resizing.
However it´s not working correctly.
On some specific width the left column with articles jumps under the right column and it starts resizing only when it come to the edge of text.
My aim is to resize it to preserve the left column next to right.
As you are not able to view my blog without login here I created fiddle for deomnstration and this is the important part of css.
margin:0 auto;}
Thank you
Try giving them both a css float to the left.
Using fixed pixel size's and adding a clearfix - explained here
Remove the float on the left-column.

CSS Help Responsive Theme

I'm having a big issue with something so "small" I can't figure it out and I'm reaching out to everyone here. The issue I'm having is this:
I have photos which are roughly 512px or 800px wide I want to fit, CENTERED, in a circle display area and keep my hover effects. I also need to size them the photos so the centered part shows a decent amount of the photo.
The current code I'm working with will make them perfect circles IF the photos are perfect squares. The problem is when the photo is a rectangle, it turns into an oval.
I had created a div like below using overflow:hidden and the css but it conflicted with the current CSS. Any help would be appreciated immensely!
.thumby {
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
height: 200px;
border-radius: 100% 100% 100% 100%;
img.absolutely {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -256px;
top: 50%;
margin-top: -200px;
Here's the link to my dev pages.
have you thought about setting the image as the background of the div? This way you keep all the effects you already use and there are ways to manipulate the background position without affecting the outside div. Other possible solution to have perfect round divs, is to use the ::after pseudo-class, like in this gallery tutorial:
Sorry if I misunderstood you, hope it helps.
PS.: Beautiful test page by the way.
Well first, you'd only need to set the border radius to 50% to make something a circle, and if each corner is the same value, then you can just enter it once like so:
As far as these images being rectangles goes, you could set your images as the background of a span, give it a height and a width that forms as square and use display block. This would keep the photos proportional, but allow you to make them square.
This however, could create a bit of a markup mess if you have a lot of images to display. Another solution, which means more work, but I would personaly do it, is to just crop your images into squares for their thumbnail with photoshop or some other image editing tool.
Above all of that, I don't see a width or height actually declared on the pages you linked. Are you sure you've placed them on the correct class? I see the border radius declared, but I'm only seeing a max-width: 100%; not width: 200px or height:200px
I re-thought the problem with the suggestion of using the images as backgrounds of an element as madaaah did above.
What I ended up doing was wrapping a DIV around my A tag like this:
then, I set the background of the A like this: style="background:url(PHOTO URL HERE) no-repeat;background-position:center;">
lastly, I made a square image (800 x 800) to go inside the A tag so it would keep the round shape and made it completely transparent so the background image is visible, while growing and shrinking in a "responsive" manner.

css extra space in div

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the my pictures div show in the right place
here is a fiddle which looks worse the my page bust will give you an idea of what i"m trying to do
here is how it really looks a the of the page and at the `!
as you can see the div "pictures" has space above the pictures inside it and they pictures are pushed out at the bottom making my gradient incorrect.
I can't figure out where the extra space is coming from
there is additional space on the right that grows while you expand the browser window until the next picture can fit then it shrinks. how can I make it so it stays at like 10px until the next picture fits
The problem you're having is that the div.spacer at the top of your pictures DIV is clearing the floated a.home (the sidebar, if I'm not mistaken). A possible solution would be to put overflow:hidden on the pictures DIV.
(Basically, you can control the "scope" of CSS clear by using overflow to create what is called a "block formatting context". If you apply overflow:hidden to the pictures DIV, then clear:both elements inside of that DIV cannot clear floats outside of that DIV.)
You have top: 200px; in the CSS of your pictures div
Hard to tell with the JSFiddle but: {
background: rgba(255,255,238, 0.25)
Looks like that top:200px; rule is adding significant space.
try putting a <br style="clear:both;" /> at the end of the div!
Set top in the to 0px;. However, it's difficult to tell if this is the result you want using Fiddle.

Getting div to run to the right side of the screen

Basically i'm trying to get a divider to run to the right edge of the screen (without overflow).
If you look here: and scroll down to the twitter section you will see i've set the twitter panel to run off to the left edge of the screen (no matter the size).
Now i want to do exactly the same on the right side. If you notice the grey divider between the blog posts id like this to run to the right edge of the screen (no matter the size) without it adding a horizontal scroller.
I've tried setting the css for the divider exactly opposite as i did for the titter panel:
.widget_gomy_news .divider{
margin:30px -10000px 30px 0;
padding:0 10000px 0 0;
But it adds a horizontal scroller. So i did try adding overflow:hidden; to the body. Which removes the scroller but i can still scroll everything left and right with the mouse.
Anyone got any ideas how i can achieve what i'm after? or will i need to use some js to make this work?
Thanks in advance.
Just remove the -10000px right margin and the 10000px right padding and it works. What do you need that for?
Use overflow-x: hidden on the body element. This will prevent the horizontal scroll but may trip you up in older versions of IE - Tested in IE8 and Chrome.
You could also write some jQuery to grab the Window viewport height/width like: $(window).height();, and size your entire page's "container" div accordingly. This will allow you to know what numbers you're working with for setting the negative/position margins in your "divider" hack.
I think i've sorted it. I wrapped all the page content inside a div and added overflow hidden to that (rather than body). This worked in everything except IE7, but i can do a simple work around for IE7. Thanks for all the replies, Jeff sent me down the right path thanks.
