WordPress page child - wordpress

I would like to display an image based on the page ID.
The issue I am having is with child pages. I would like to have a method for identifying if the current page is a child of a certian page no matter how many levels deep.
Home -> Programs -> Baseball
If Programs or Baseball or anything below baseball, display image X
Image Y

Take a look at the parent/child functions available in the Wordpress Codex such as : http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_post_ancestors
get_post_ancestors seems like your best bet, from there you can impart what ever logic you may need to select and (dis)quality results in your script.
There are other selection tools in the codex that might do better.

if ($post->post_parent == '100') { // if current page is child of page with page ID 100
// show image X
} else {
// show image y
$anc = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID );
if (in_array("100", $anc )) {
// show image X
} else {
// show image y


How to Change logo on the specific page of website in wordpress?

I m working on a website in wordpress.
I searched for a problem that i want a different logo in one page of my site using any plugin but i didn't find a satisfactory solution.
Kindly someone tell me how can i do this that main logo should be appear on the whole site but secondary logo should appear on one page of my site
if you know wordpress developement, you can use conditional tags. ref
You can use the is_page() method to check which page you are in and change the logo accordingly.
So, in the header or where ever your logo is displayed, you will do it like this:
//Returns true when the Pages displayed is either post ID = 42, or post_name is "about-me", or post_title is "About Me And Joe".
if(is_page( array( 42, 'about-me', 'About Me And Joe' ) ) )
//display the secondary logo
//display the main logo
Of course I'm assuming here that the page you want it to be different is a WordPress page
If it's a listing page or a single post page then you can use different methods of checking. All of which are described here.
Please insert this code to your header.php file.
$ss = $wp_query->post->post_title;
if($ss == 'your page name'){
echo '<img src="/your-new-logo.png" />';
echo '<img src="/your-current-logo.png" />';

Selecting child pages with a specific parent page doesn't work

I need to add a specific function when child pages of a specific parent page are visualized.
My parent page has ID= 115 and it hase a 7 child pages. I used the following code
global $post; // load details about this page
if(is_page()&&($post->post_parent== '115)) {
echo ' This is a subpage';
else {
echo 'This is not a subpage';
Though it should work, the output echo, when I visualize one of the child pages, is "This is not a subpage" -> it means that it doesn't recognize it as a child page.
What is wrong? Thank you very much
Want to detect whether a specific Page on a WordPress has children or not?
This function comes in handy, just add it to your functions.php:
function has_subpage() {
global $post;
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->post_parent."&echo=0");
} else {
$children = wp_list_pages("title_li=&child_of=".$post->ID."&echo=0");
} if ($children) {
echo ' This is a subpage';
} else {
echo ' This is a not subpage';
You can achieve the desired result by taking the following steps listed below...
Within your child theme, on your page.php first check if your are on a sub page via $post->post_parent.
Then within that, you can return an array of ancestors via get_post_ancestors
Then setup a condition to get the ID of the top level parent page
Once you have the ID, you can easily target the parent page by name. I recommend this so that when your theme travels for your development environment to our live environment, or if you had to manually create pages in any of these environments, the names will be the same.
Finally, enter your code for the sub page that targets its specific parent page location.
if (is_page() && $post->post_parent) :
$parents = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
$id = ($parents) ? $parents[count($parents) - 1] : $post->ID;
$parent = get_post($id);
$parent_slug = $parent->post_name;
if ($parent_slug == "slug-of-your-specific-parent-page") {
echo "this is custom text displaying on my sub page for a specific parent page";

Conditional tag for wordpress archive first page only

I’m trying to place a widget only on the first page of a category archive using Widget Logic with Wordpress. I am able to place the widget in the category archive using is_archive(‘category1’) but this places it on all the archive pages, I just want my widget to appear of the first archive page. How do I do this?
There is a query_var you can access, 'paged', which is not set if there is only one page or contains the number of the current page
I cannot test this right now, but I assume it should work:
//Get the current page number, default is 1
$current_page = get_query_var('paged', 1);
if ($current_page == 1){
//Your code
There is a conditional for first page of archive:
if ( !is_paged() ) :
the_archive_description( '<div class="archive-description">', '</div>' );

Can I change different logo for different pages in drupal

I want to change different logo for each different pages in drupal and I also want to hide logo for some pages too.How can I do that?I've already search possible answers and I didn't find any.
As was stated by MilanG, logo is rendered in your page template (default page.tpl.php or theme suggestion) using $logo variable. This variable is set in template_preprocess_page(), and the best way to change it is to use the same preprocess function in your theme:
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
$logo_path = '/' . drupal_get_path('theme', 'mytheme') . '/logos/';
// Alter logo under some conditions
if ($first_condition) {
$variables['logo'] = $logo_path . 'logo1.png';
} elseif ($second_condition) {
$variables['logo'] = $logo_path . 'logo2.png';
} elseif ($third_condition) {
// Hide logo. Your page.tpl.php must contain
// something like <?php if ($logo): ?>
$variables['logo'] = null;
// etc.
The "standard" way for printing logo is printing $logo variable from page.tpl.php template. But you don't have to do it that way at all.
I.e. you can add your php code which will alter logo html code the way you like.
Or, you can place logo html inside static blocks and set for every block on what pages should it appear (in block settings). And of course create "logo" region for your theme.

How do I exclude some code on posts and pages in wordpress?

I have a feature box on my header.php file, because of this the feature box gets displayed in every page and post page as well. What code do I need to keep this feature box only in the homepage and no place else?
You're looking for the is_front_page() function:
if ( is_front_page() ) {
// Show the feature box
} else {
// Do something else
